Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 126 I'm an enemy from now on

Chapter 126 I'm an enemy from now on
Chapter 126 I'm an enemy from now on
Lin Su'er's expression also changed suddenly.

"Qin Haishan?" She grabbed Wang Linya's collar in front of her and asked sharply, "You mean Qin Haishan from Qin's Medicine?"

Qin Haishan, she has an impression of this name.

It was the man she saw surrounded by everyone when Gu Cheng took her to the medical academy.

"Yes! It's him!" Wang Linya shouted recklessly, "When your mother was pregnant with you! He came to the door suddenly and told Lin Aotian that your mother had a special constitution and could do a medical experiment. Promise a large sum of money to Lin Aotian! Lin Aotian saw the money! That's why he agreed to let your mother do the experiment!"

Lin Su'er's complexion really changed.

Her mother was actually arrested for experimentation?
She grabbed Wang Linya's collar even harder, and asked sharply, "What experiment!"

"I don't know!" Wang Linya burst into tears, "We have no idea what kind of experiment it was! Your mother never came back after being sent away! After several months, Qin Haitian took her body directly I came back with you who was just born, and said that your mother lost blood to death! But I have seen your mother’s body! It doesn’t look like she lost too much blood at all! There are wounds all over her body, looks like she was beaten alive dead!"

Before Lin Su'er was born, Wang Linya had already worked as a nanny in the Lin family, and at that time, she had already secretly got involved with Lin Aotian, so she can be said to be the clearest about what happened back then.

Lin Su'er's face turned pale when she heard her words.

Of course she would not doubt the truth of Wang Linya's words.

The current situation is so critical, and Wang Linya and the others don't know that she will come to ask about her mother's death, so Wang Linya will never think of a lie in advance.

So all of this is true.

Qin Haishan is from a pharmaceutical company, so of course he can do experiments, but human experiments are obviously not allowed in China.

That's why Qin Haishan was so sneaky and asked Lin Aotian and the others to keep it a secret.

As for Lin Aotian, because he was worried about offending the Qin family, and because he didn't want to admit his shameless behavior of selling his wife for money, he kept silent all these years.

Lin Su'er thought of the proud and hypocritical smile on Qin Haishan's face at the banquet, and suddenly felt a tearing pain in her head
She let go of Wang Linya suddenly, and pressed her painful temple tightly. , that strange yet familiar memory roared again——

The cries of women, the cries of babies, and the mocking sneers of men.

too weird.

She has many memories of the original Lin Su'er in her body, but those memories are like watching a TV series to her. She remembers all the content and process, but she doesn't feel much empathy.

Only this memory, as if she experienced it personally, is unforgettable, and when she thinks about it, she even feels the pain of her heart being torn apart.

What exactly is going on……

Wang Linya didn't notice Lin Su'er's pale face at all, she just crawled over and grabbed Lin Su'er's hand tightly.

"Lin Su'er! I've told you everything you need to know! You must save my daughter!"

Only then did Lin Su'er come back to her senses, she turned her head and saw Lin Rou'er next to her.

I saw that Lin Rou'er had completely passed out at this time, her face was ashen.

Only then did Lin Su'er settle down, walked over, took out a fallen leaf of the medicine spirit jade tree from the space, and let Lin Rou'er hold it in her mouth. At the same time, her subordinates kept sticking needles in Lin Rou'er's body quickly.

She kept her word, since she agreed to Wang Linya, she would not die without help.

Wang Linya and Lin Aotian were stunned when they saw Lin Suer's skillful needle-punching movements.

What's even more amazing is that with Lin Su'er's injection, Lin Rou'er's blood really stopped.

"You guys call an ambulance." Lin Su'er said, with a faint tired voice, and wrote a pharmacy note on the table, "After the first aid is over, she will go grab the medicine and take it according to this. After a year or two of recuperation, she can still have a baby." of."

After saying this, she planned to leave.

And Lin Aotian at the side, when he heard Wang Linya tell what happened back then, he was completely stunned. It was only when he saw Lin Su'er was about to leave that he woke up like a dream.

"Wait Su'er!" He stood up abruptly, rushed to Lin Su'er to stop her, "You...are you going to leave like this?"

Lin Su'er raised her head to look at Lin Aotian, her eyes were filled with disgust like never before, "Otherwise?"

"You really don't care about my company?" Lin Aotian looked in disbelief, "I'm your own father! You can't do nothing like this! You—"

Lin Su'er finally couldn't bear it anymore, and punched Lin Aotian's nose fiercely with her fist.

Lin Aotian was caught off guard by the beating, he fell heavily on the ground, his nose felt warm, when he touched it, he was bleeding from the beating.

"Lin Su'er, how dare you hit me!" He was so angry that he raised his head and wanted to curse, but Lin Su'er walked in front of him.

She just looked at her condescendingly, there was no warmth in those beautiful eyes.

Lin Aotian suddenly felt as if he was falling into an ice cellar, unable to say a word.

The one in front of him was obviously his daughter, but he felt a kind of creepiness and fear that he had never experienced before.

"Lin Aotian, do you have any conscience at all?" Lin Su'er said, every single word seemed to come out of an ice hole, "For money, you gave your wife and children to others for experiments! You even Why not!"

Lin Aotian had never been scolded by someone pointing his nose like this, and he immediately became angry.

"I'm not as good as a beast!?" He jumped up, pointing at Lin Su'er's nose and yelling, "Your mother had a good time with others abroad before she married me! The wedding night is not her first time! I would like to marry such a broken shoe! She just gave her face! Since she entered the gate of our Lin family, she is my own! She gave me her dowry and gave me children. She should do it! I asked her to do the experiment, and she should do it !"

Lin Su'er looked at Lin Aotian with incredible eyes.

She really never thought that there would be someone in this world who could be so shameless.

Just because my wife was in love with other men before marriage, she deserves to be spoiled like this by him?

Damn, this is not a problem of straight male cancer!There is no humanity at all!
She looked at Lin Aotian's face that was taken for granted, and knew in her heart that this kind of person, no matter what you tell him, he will not have a conscience to find out.

Because, the heart of this kind of person is born black.

So she stopped talking nonsense and just grabbed a pair of scissors on the shelf next to her.

Seeing her action, Lin Aotian was startled, and quickly took a step back.

"Lin Su'er, what are you doing! I warn you, don't think that you can mess around with the backing of Mrs. Bo!"

Lin Aotian was scared to death, but Lin Suer ignored her at all, just grabbed her long hair without hesitation——


With the knife up and down, the long hair was cut off.

Under the astonished gazes of Lin Aotian and Wang Linya, Lin Su'er slammed the severed hair on Lin Aotian's face with a cold face.

"People say that the body and skin are the parents." Lin Su'er said coldly, "Today I return the hair and hair to you, even if the father-daughter relationship is completely severed, from now on, you are not my Lin Su'er's father, but Just my enemy!"

Lin Aotian turned pale, but Lin Suer threw the scissors in front of him.

Lin Aotian took a step back in fright, but the scissors still cut his hand.

"From now on, I will see you once and beat you once." Lin Su'er looked at him coldly, "If you are sensible, get out of here, otherwise, if the Sun family can't kill you, I, Lin Su'er, will be the first to kill you !"

Leaving this sentence behind, she stopped looking at Lin Aotian's disgusted face, turned her head and left the Lin family villa without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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