Chapter 203 I Have a Solution
Chapter 203 I Have a Solution
"That...Master." Zhang Song lowered his head, almost wanting to bury his head in the ground, "The company called again to remind us, do you think we should leave?"

Zhang Song really didn't want to disturb his master flirting with Miss Lin, but the people in the company pressed him so hard that he had no choice but to remind his master of the time issue.

When Bo Qingang heard Zhang Song's words, the curvature of the corners of his mouth gradually converged.

"I have something to do today." Bo Qing'ang raised his hand to pinch Lin Su'er's earlobe, because his hand was icy cold, making Lin Su'er's earlobe hotter, "Choose your clothes slowly."

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the low-necked dress that Lin Suer had just picked out, his eyes were a little cold, "But don't wear it if it's revealing."

After saying this, Bo Qingang turned around and left the dressing room through the door behind the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Lin Su'er saw Bo Qing'ang's back disappearing outside the door, when she heard Xia Xiaonan's urging voice from outside the fitting room——

"Su'er, have you changed your clothes? Is the zipper broken? Do you need my help?"

Only then did Lin Su'er regain her senses, and went to push open the door of the dressing room.

Outside the door, Xia Xiaonan had already changed into the clothes carefully selected for her by the shopping guide.

It has to be said that people depend on clothes. After Xia Xiaonan put on this clothes, those small flaws in her figure were quickly covered up, and she looked extraordinarily playful and cute.

"Su'er." Xia Xiaonan looked at her nervously, "Does this dress look good?"

"It looks good." Lin Su'er said honestly, this is the right clothes for Xia Xiaonan, much better than those tight clothes just now.

Xia Xiaonan happily looked at herself in the mirror, but suddenly she thought of something again, and she couldn't help lowering her head, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, "Ke Chengsong doesn't like this."

"Whether he likes it or not is not the most important thing, the key is whether it suits you or not." Lin Su'er pinched her chubby face, "If you lose yourself because of others, then your relationship is meaningless. "

Xia Xiaonan stared blankly at Lin Su'er, and nodded after a long time, "Yes, you're right, I'll just buy this one."

Because of Bo Qingang's great face, Xia Xiaonan finally bought this suit at a very affordable super member discount price.

After the two returned to school, Lin Su'er immediately entered the medicine spirit jade space, and started busy making beauty drinks to be sold at the bazaar.

At the same time, the registration of Lin Suer's beauty drink was also quite successful. With the relationship of Gu's family, within half a week, Lin Suer's beauty drink was successfully registered.

After the beauty drink was registered, the first thing Lin Suer did was to open a Taobao store on the Internet.

She knows that many people in this world will rely on the Internet to buy and sell things, so she will not miss such an opportunity.

But Taobao stores are based on sales and fame. Lin Suer's beauty drink has neither celebrity endorsement nor sufficient sales support, so no one cares about it for several days after opening the store.

But Lin Su'er didn't care too much, she was just busy preparing for the school bazaar.

Before you know it, the day of the charity sale has come.

On the day of the charity sale, the school cleared the entire square and divided it into different areas.

Every student who applied for the bazaar was allocated a small area, where students could set up a table and place the things they wanted to sell.

Lin Su'er got up early and came to the square, set the table, and Xia Xiaonan came over.

"Su'er, you didn't eat breakfast, didn't you? I bought you milk tea." Xia Xiaonan hurriedly passed the milk tea to Lin Su'er, "Hurry up and drink some. If you need help, call me. I'll be a volunteer nearby."

Xia Xiaonan applied to join the student union not long after entering the school. The student union is the organizer of this charity sale, so as a new member of the student union, she needs to change into the uniform uniform issued by the student union to help out as a volunteer.

"Okay, you're busy." Lin Su'er took the milk tea and thanked her, then watched as Xia Xiaonan hurriedly took out the T-shirt she had just issued from the student union from her school bag, and ran to change.

At the same time, there are more and more students who come to buy things for four weeks.

Lin Su'er took out the milk tea she bought for herself, inserted the straw into it and was about to take a few sips, but at this moment, a pair of slender hands suddenly covered her eyes.

At the same time, a young man's clear voice tinged with a smile sounded from his ears——

"Guess who I am?"

When Lin Su'er was blindfolded suddenly, her first reaction was to pull out the golden needle in her pocket and stab the person behind her.

But when she heard the clear and low laughing voice, she couldn't help but let go of the golden needle in her pocket.

"Chi Siang." She was a little speechless, "Are you bored?"

After the words fell, Lin Su'er felt her hands loosen her eyes.

Lin Su'er turned her head, and sure enough, she saw Chi Si'ang standing behind her.

I saw Chi Siang wearing the simplest white T and jeans today, but such a simple outfit is still indescribably beautiful on him.

The young man put one hand on the table of her booth and looked at her with a half-smile, "How do you know it's me?

"You can tell when you hear the voice." Lin Su'er was a little speechless, just about to say something, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

She turned her head, only to realize that everyone around her was looking at them unknowingly.

Because there are many students participating in the charity sale, the distance between each booth is actually quite close.In addition, the charity sale is about to start now, and many students who want to buy things have gathered in the square, so there are actually quite a lot of people around.

At this time, everyone around looked straight at Lin Su'er and Chi Si'ang, covering their mouths and whispering——

"Look, look, this is Lin Su'er, a freshman from the medical school, and the one next to him is Chi Siang from the School of Financial Management, those two people on the forum!"

"So what is said on the forum is true? Is this handsome junior really together with this ugly freshman? Oh my god, the two of them together are even scarier than in the photos!"

"This woman named Lin Su'er is simply ugly and shameless! Such an ugly face dares to seduce Chi Siang, do you know how much she weighs!"

"That's right, if I were her, I would have gone for plastic surgery a long time ago, why would I have the nerve to stand here in front of so many people!"

All the girls around stared at Lin Su'er with resentful eyes.Lin Su'er felt that if these eyes were knives, she would have been stabbed full of holes.

She couldn't help taking a few steps back, away from Chi Siang, "Chi Siang, stay away from me."

Chi Siang frowned slightly, "Why?"

"Didn't you read the post on the Internet?" Lin Su'er was speechless, "Those people on the Internet took pictures of you helping me put on my hat during the military training, and now everyone says I'm posting about you."

Lin Su'er really didn't want to have too much to do with Chi Siang.

It's not that she doesn't like Chi Siang or anything, it's just that she doesn't want to arouse the girls' hostility.

And when Chi Siang saw Lin Su'er anxiously wanting to get rid of him, his eyes turned cold.

"So you're afraid that others will say you're cheating on me?"


Lin Su'er didn't realize that there was nothing wrong with her words, she just nodded in response, but she didn't want to see Chi Siang in front of her suddenly sneer.

"Okay, then I have a way to help you solve this problem."

Lin Su'er was taken aback, and before she had time to ask Chi Siang what he could do, the young man in front of him suddenly bent down, lowered his head and bit the straw of the milk tea in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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