Chapter 204 I took the initiative

Chapter 204 I took the initiative

The moment Chi Siang lowered his head and caught the milk tea straw in Lin Suer's hand, the whole square exploded!
"My god! What is that handsome junior doing! He even drank the milk tea in that ugly monster's hand! Still using the same straw!"

"A straw, isn't that an indirect kiss!"

"Oh my god, so the two of them are really boyfriend and girlfriend and have a relationship!?"

"Hey, heaven has no eyes! Are all handsome guys' eyes so bad!"

All the girls were still doubting the authenticity of the online post. After all, it was just a photo, and there may be problems such as snapping.

But now that they saw that Chi Siang actually shared the same straw with Lin Su'er, they couldn't deny it anymore!
This handsome junior is actually together with this ugly monster!
All of a sudden, the girls around were so shocked that their jaws dropped.

Not to mention the others, even Lin Su'er was completely confused by Chi Siang's operation.

"Chi Siang." She finally came back to her senses, and she couldn't help frowning, "What are you doing?"

Although she just opened this milk tea and she has never used the straw on it, it's not right for Chi Siang to drink her straw like this, right?

Hearing Lin Su'er's question, Chi Siang raised his head.

There was still a little milk tea on the corner of his mouth, he stuck out his tongue and licked it, showing a sly smile towards Lin Su'er.

"Didn't you say that you were afraid that others would say that you were cheating on me?" The young man smiled, "Well, now I took the initiative to drink the milk tea in your hand, so that no one would dare to say that you were cheating on me, right?"

Lin Suer: "???"

So Chi Siang drank her milk tea for this reason?
What kind of flamboyant operation is this!

Lin Su'er looked confused, but after thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that there was nothing wrong with Chi Si'ang's words logically.

The people around were mean to her just now, mainly because she hooked up with Chi Siang.

But now Chi Siang expressed it with the simplest and rude practical actions: it wasn't Lin Su'er who backed him, but he took the initiative towards Lin Su'er.

But that's not the point of the question at all, okay?
This kind of initiative will only make these women around want to kill her even more!

Lin Su'er was made speechless by Chi Siang, but Chi Siang, the culprit, didn't realize what he had done at all, just smiled as harmless as before, straightened up and looked down at the time on the phone,
"I still have some things to do this afternoon." He raised his eyebrows in a familiar tone, "I can't help you with the charity sale. I'll come to you again when I'm free."

Lin Su'er was not angry at all, "No, please don't come to me again."

Seeing Lin Su'er's resentful face, Chi Siang couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh, then turned and left.

Lin Su'er looked at the back of Chi Siang leaving in a cool way, looked down at the milk tea in her hand, threw the milk tea into the trash can without hesitation, turned around and started preparing her own whitening drink.

Using these few days, Lin Su'er has successfully brewed about a hundred bottles of beauty drinks in the medicine spirit jade space.

She also asked Gu Cheng to help her put in a batch of glass bottles. After putting her own whitening drink in the glass bottles, the beauty drink was completely completed.

Lin Suer's beauty drink is milky white, with a small glass bottle placed on the table, it doesn't look like a beauty drink at first glance, but looks like a milk drink.

Although Chi Siang left, the hostile eyes of the girls around him never moved away from Lin Su'er.

The girls watched Lin Su'er put those beauty drinks on the table coldly, and couldn't help but ask eccentrically, "Lin Su'er, what are you trying to sell?"

Lin Su'er was no stranger to their hostility, so she just replied casually: "Beauty drinks."

The girls around were taken aback when they heard Lin Suer's words, but then a burst of wild laughter broke out from the crowd.

"My god, did I hear you right? What did this ugly bastard say that she wanted to sell beauty drinks?"

"That's right, she looks like this and says she wants to sell beauty drinks, who really gave her shame!"

"That's right, if she says she sells ecstasy soup, I still believe it, but I want to know what kind of ecstasy soup she used to seduce Chi Siang!"

Obviously, the people around were the same as Lin Suer's classmates before, they couldn't accept Lin Suer's face, and even said that she wanted to sell beauty drinks.

But Lin Su'er didn't care at all, she just put her drinks on the table neatly.

Unexpectedly, just as she put down the last bottle of drink, there was another burst of excited screams from the crowd in the distance——

"Senior Ouyang! Senior Ouyang is here!"

Hearing this exclamation, Lin Su'er couldn't help being taken aback, raised her head and passed through the crowd, only to see a flamboyant red Lamborghini parked at the school gate.

The Lamborghini door opened, and a slender man stepped out of it.

I saw that the man was slightly shorter than Bo Qingang, and his facial features were very handsome, but this handsomeness was not Bo Qingang's ascetic and cold appearance, nor Chi Siang's kind of manga boy, but a He looks a little frivolously handsome.

With bright peach blossom eyes and the slightly raised corners of the mouth, the man has a playboy air all over his body, and there is a little danger in his handsomeness.

After Ouyang Luo got off the car, he heard the screams of the girls around him.

And he didn't resist, instead he raised his hand cooperatively and blew a kiss to the people around him.

All of a sudden, the screams of the girls in the square became louder.

"Ahhh! My god, it's really senior Ouyang!" The girls in the senior grade seemed to have taken a stimulant at this time, and they didn't even care about the hostility towards Lin Su'er just now, they just jumped like crazy Jumping, "I haven't seen the senior in just a year, but the senior is even more handsome than last year!"

"Senior Ouyang?" The freshmen around were all confused, "Who is he? Is he a very powerful person?"

"Don't you even know Senior Ouyang? He is the most famous graduate of our Huaxia University! Not only does his family belong to the largest medical family in China, he is handsome and has better grades. He has already graduated from a famous foreign university at a young age. Graduated with a doctorate! He is the male god of all the girls in our school!"

"Ah! I remembered! He is Ouyang Luo, right? I seem to have seen him in the news before. Did he have scandals with several female stars?"

"That's right! It's him!"

"Wow, so he graduated from our Huaxia University? But he has already graduated now, what is he doing back at school?"

"You don't know, Ouyang's family is also the biggest sponsor of our Huaxia University School of Medicine. It seems that the independent laboratory building of our medical school is sponsored by Ouyang's family. It is estimated that senior Ouyang is also here to sponsor today."

When Lin Su'er saw the man with peach blossom eyes in the distance, she felt a little familiar at first, but after a while she remembered that this was the friend of Bo Qingang she had met in Wantian Club before.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that he was the young master of the Ouyang family.

Lin Su'er may not know about other wealthy families in this world, but she does know about Ouyang's family.

Ouyang's family is the largest medical family in the entire Huaxia Empire. The hospitals in the entire Huaxia Kingdom, whether they are traditional Chinese medicine hospitals or western medicine hospitals, are almost monopolized by their family.

If the world of health care products is divided equally between the Gu family and the Qin family, then in the medical field, the Ouyang family is firmly No. 1, and no one can compete.

After Ouyang Luo got out of the car, he planned to go straight to the principal's office, but he didn't expect to be attracted by an extremely eye-catching face in the crowd when he walked through the square.

The eye-catching afro head, pockmarked face and bloody mouth, even if thrown into the sea of ​​people, people can't ignore it.

Ouyang Luo's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The antidote to walking?

She is also at Huaxia University?
(End of this chapter)

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