Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 243 Lin Suer's Beauty Drink?

Chapter 243 Lin Suer's Beauty Drink?
Chapter 243 Lin Suer's Beauty Drink?
Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and turned their heads.

I saw that the girl who spoke was Tian Xue, because she was naturally thinner, and she belonged to the kind who would not gain weight no matter how much she ate, so she didn't gather around to ask Lin Suer the secret method of losing weight like other girls, but just sat on the seat and brushed Gossip on Weibo.

Hearing Tian Xue's words, the students' attention was immediately diverted, and they rushed forward to surround her.

"Tang Qingyu's drink was dug out? Great, great, so what kind of beauty drink did she drink to make her skin look so good?"

"That's right, that's right, it's been picked up. I've long wanted to know what kind of beauty drink she used!"

During this period of time, because of Tang Qingyu's suddenly improved skin condition and appearance, she suddenly became a hot search, and all the netizens were looking for what kind of beauty drink she was drinking.

I don't want netizens to search all the health care brands, but they can't find the brand Tang Qingyu drinks.

But netizens will not give up so easily, so they just continue to search desperately.

After several days of tireless human flesh searches, a netizen finally found an identical beauty drink in a little-known store in a certain treasure!

Seeing the screenshot of a certain treasure picked up by netizens on the Internet, all the girls present were stunned.

"Bought from a treasure store?" Several girls couldn't help showing a little suspicious look, "Could it be a Sanwu product?"

Regarding this question, it is obvious that some netizens have already questioned it on the Internet. Tian Xue quickly clicked on a netizen's post, "Don't worry, the netizens have already found the list of the Drug Administration. It has been rumored, but it has passed the inspection and approval of the Drug Administration and has a product name!"

Hearing that it was personally inspected by the Bureau of Drugs, the original worry in the hearts of the girls present disappeared all of a sudden, and they became excited in a hurry.

"That's great, that's great, it's fine if it's officially inspected and registered. Then tell me, what's the name of this beauty drink? Can we also buy it!"

"Yes, yes, if it's not too expensive, I'd like to buy some drinks!"

"Hurry up! Give me the link of a certain treasure! I want to grab it before it runs out of stock!"

In addition to losing weight, girls are most concerned about beauty and skin care.

The effect of the beauty drink that Tang Qingyu drank was obvious to all, so at this time the girls in the class didn't bother to discuss weight loss with Lin Su'er, and all their attention was on Tang Qingyu's beauty drink.

"Wait, let me take a look. Some netizens sent a link." Tian Xue was also very interested in beauty drinks, and immediately opened the link to have a look, but when she saw a certain treasure store in the link, she was dumbfounded. Living.

The girls next to me couldn't hold back anymore.

"Oh, Tian Xue, why don't you say anything, show me what kind of shop it is."

As they said that, the girls simply snatched the mobile phone from Tian Xue's hand, but when they saw the name of the shop on Tian Xue's mobile phone, they were also stunned.

I saw five large characters written on the shop——

【Ghost doctor flagship store】

Ghost, ghost doctor?
Everyone was stunned, and they raised their heads in unison, and turned to look at the business card that Lin Su'er had just given them.

I saw the words [Ghost Doctor's Heir] written on the business card.

Is this a coincidence?

Before everyone was shocked, another girl in the class suddenly let out another exclamation.

"Wait! I remembered! No wonder I thought Tang Qingyu's beauty drink bottle looked familiar. Isn't that bottle the same as the beauty drink bottle that Lin Su'er sold at the school bazaar!?"

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

Qu Sisi next to her was also stunned, but then she stood up abruptly, grabbed the phone from Tian Xue's hand, and quickly lowered her head to check it.

Looking at it this way, her face couldn't help but become even paler!

Of course she remembered the bottle of Lin Suer's beauty drink, it was exactly the same as the bottle of beauty drink sold in this [Ghost Doctor Flagship Store]!
At this time, the other students nearby also recalled the beauty drink that Lin Suer sold at the charity bazaar.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

"So the beauty drink that Tang Qingyu drinks is actually the beauty drink that Lin Su'er made before!? My mother, what kind of fantasy unfolding is this!?"

"Impossible, how could a big star like Tang Qingyu drink Lin Su'er's beauty drink?"

"I suddenly remembered. Didn't Tang Qingyu accidentally drink Lin Suer's beauty drink at the charity bazaar? Could it be that time that she discovered that Lin Suer's beauty drink is particularly useful?"

"I still don't believe it. If Lin Su'er's beauty drink is really that useful, why doesn't she drink some herself to save her ugly face?"

"But don't tell me, Lin Su'er can make Xia Xiaonan lose weight in such a short period of time, so what are a few bottles of beauty drinks?"

Everyone was full of disbelief, but the facts were right in front of them. This treasure store was obviously opened by Lin Su'er, and the beauty drinks in it must have been sold by her, and Tang Qingyu's drink was effective. Could it be that Will there still be fakes?

Thinking of this, the last hesitation in everyone's eyes faded away, and several of the girls couldn't hold back anymore, and quickly came to surround Lin Su'er.

"Su'er, Suer, I also want to buy your beauty drink, do you still have the supply?"

"Yes, yes, I also want beauty drinks, and I also want to use golden needles to lose weight, can you give me a discount for both?"

"Yes, yes, you see, we are all classmates, so give me a classmate friendly price. I guarantee that as long as you give me a discount, I will buy your beauty drinks for a long time in the future!"

Although the girls present were still a little skeptical about Lin Suer's traditional Chinese medicine weight loss and beauty techniques, it seemed that even a big star like Tang Qingyu was drinking Lin Suer's beauty drink at this moment, and the last doubt in their hearts was gone .

So they quickly surrounded Lin Su'er like flies, talking non-stop.

Qu Sisi, who was next to her, saw Lin Su'er surrounded by classmates like stars, her entire face was distorted in anger.

Lin Su'er, an ugly monster, is so ugly, but she can still seduce Master Ouyang into the inner circle of Wantian Club, and even have the ability to make Tang Qingyu drink her beauty drink!
Qu Sisi's body was trembling with anger, and at this moment, the sports committee member in the class was busy recording the contestants for the afternoon sports meeting, and hurried over.

Qu Sisi suddenly thought of something, grabbed him, and said with a ferocious face: "I ask you, is there a two-person three-legged competition this afternoon?"

(End of this chapter)

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