Chapter 244 Two people with three legs
Chapter 244 Two people with three legs
One morning passed, and the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting ended.

In the afternoon, all the students left the auditorium of the opening ceremony and came to the stands of the playground together, where they were seated according to their classes, ready to participate in the official competition of the sports meeting.

As soon as Lin Su'er and the others took their seats, they saw the sports committee member of their class approaching.

"Students, there was an accident just now. Qu Sisi, who was going to participate in the two-legged three-legged competition this afternoon, suddenly sprained her ankle, so I'm afraid we need to adjust the participants."

The first day of the sports meeting is also the day with the most events. In addition to the regular events such as 100 meters and 400 meters, the most eye-catching event is the three-legged race between two people.

The so-called two-person three-legged race is to let two students tie their legs together so that they have three legs in total, and then walk together to see which pair can reach the finish line first.

Because the clear requirement of the competition is one man and one woman, it was dubbed the matchmaker project by the students. Many male and female students who participated in this project had a chemical reaction and finally walked together.

The sports committee member continued to say: "I discussed it with the class committee, and finally decided to let Lin Su'er and Song Dahai participate in this afternoon's two-person three-legged."

Song Dahai is a fat boy with a carefree personality in Lin Suer's class. When he heard that he was going to participate in a three-legged trip with Lin Suer, an ugly monster, he almost exploded.

"Why! Why do I want to join her in a three-legged three-legged competition?" He stood up abruptly, "It's not fair! I won't do it!"

The classmates next to him were already laughing.

"Song Dahai, why are you so resistant to being two-legged and three-legged with Lin Su'er? Didn't you hear that she can use golden needles to help people lose weight, and they can also make beauty drinks, which are very powerful. Maybe you will become a rich woman in the future , you are taking advantage of this!"

"That's right. This is the school's best matchmaking program. Try it. Maybe you will be a couple with Lin Su'er!"

"That's right, didn't you still say that you are single in the dormitory last night and want to find a girlfriend? Now God is giving you a chance!"

All the boys in the class burst into laughter, while Song Dahai's entire face turned green with anger.

"I really want to find a girlfriend, and I don't want to find such an ugly one!" Song Dahai has a straightforward personality, so he didn't show any mercy to Lin Su'er at all, so he yelled, "Anyway, I'll put the words aside. Here it is! Either replace Lin Su'er! Or replace me! Anyway, I will definitely not join her in a two-legged trip!"

Hearing Song Dahai's words, the sports committee members couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

He couldn't help but glanced at Qu Sisi next to him, under Qu Sisi's threatening eyes, he could only bite the bullet and say: "But all the girls in our class already have other sports, only Lin Su'er There is no one, she must go to the two-legged three-legged today."

"" That's OK!If you let Lin Su'er go, I won't go.Don't force me!Otherwise, at worst, I will also sprain this ankle, and I will not participate in tomorrow's shot put! "

Hearing Song Dahai say this to this point, the sports committee had no choice but to look at the other boys in the class.

"Song Dahai doesn't want to participate, so which one of you would like to join Lin Su'er in a three-legged competition?"

The faces of the boys who were originally laughing suddenly changed when they heard this.

They pretended to lower their heads to play with their mobile phones, pretended to go to the toilet, and none of them dared to make eye contact with the sports committee members.

When Qu Sisi saw this scene, the pride on her face could hardly be concealed.

That's right, even if this ugly Lin Su'er knows how to make beauty drinks and lose weight with lily needles, so what?
She still has such an ugly face, and she is still rejected by boys all over the world. As a girl, she will always be a loser!
Thinking of this, the sarcasm at the corner of her mouth became even worse, and she said with a strange air: "Lin Su'er, Lin Su'er, look at you, you will bring trouble to our class, why can't you look a little better, at least let some boys want to spend two months with you What about three-legged people?"

Qu Sisi's words can be said to be extremely mean, but Lin Su'er, the person concerned, didn't react too much. She just looked at her beauty drink shop on the phone with a calm expression, and was satisfied to see the sales going up and down. rise.

Seeing her nonchalant look, Qu Sisi felt as if she had hit the cotton with her fist, and couldn't help but get angry.

"Hey, Lin Su'er, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me! Now because of you, we can't recruit enough contestants in our class, do you still have any sense of shame?"

Hearing Qu Sisi's words, Lin Su'er finally raised her eyes slightly.

She was about to say something, but the phone in her hand rang suddenly.

She looked down and saw Bao Qingang on the caller ID.

Lin Su'er suddenly thought of something, raised her eyebrows slightly.

She was not in a hurry to answer the phone, but looked up at Qu Sisi, who was full of sarcasm, and the embarrassed sports committee member, and asked, "Can I ask someone from another school to help me in this two-legged three-legged competition?" ?”

The sports committee couldn't help being stunned when they heard this sentence.

"Actually..." He glanced at Qu Sisi hesitantly before saying, "It's not impossible."

The two-person three-legged walking race in the afternoon was originally set up only to promote the relationship between the students. It is purely for entertainment, so although there will be a ranking, the ranking will not be recorded in the total score of the class.

Therefore, departments with imbalanced gender ratios like the School of Foreign Languages ​​and the School of Computer Science will always ask some people from other schools to come to help, and no one will take care of them.

Hearing this answer, Lin Su'er nodded, "Okay, then I'll find a friend to do two-legged three-legged with me."

Hearing Lin Suer say this, Qu Sisi thought she was just trying to show off for face, so she couldn't help laughing even louder.

"Lin Su'er, what kind of friends can you find? Don't blame me for not reminding you. Although you can use people from other schools to help, but the competition stipulates that you must be boys. Just like you, what boys can you find who are willing to be two friends with you? People with three legs?

You will never tell me that you will finally come to your father to help you! "

Hearing Qu Sisi's words, the students around couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

But Lin Su'er didn't seem to hear the insult in Qu Sisi's words, and just connected to Bo Qingang's call on her mobile phone.

After the call was connected, she didn't even wait for Bo Qingang on the phone to speak, and directly asked, "Are you still in school?"

(End of this chapter)

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