Chapter 648 The Vicious Plan

Chapter 648 The Vicious Plan

She dragged Lin Su'er into the private room, threw Lin Su'er hard on the bed, and patted her clothes in a somewhat unlucky manner, as if Lin Su'er had rubbed her dirty.

"Just sleep right here!" Xiao Mengqiu almost squeezed these words out between his teeth, and immediately turned around and walked out of the room after finishing speaking, closing the door heavily.

The moment she closed the door, Lin Su'er suddenly opened her eyes, frowning in disbelief and looking in the direction of the door, is it that simple?Drag her to this hotel and put her there?Impossible!

Just as she was thinking like this, she heard the sound of the door opening from the outside again, and immediately pretended to be drunk again, lying motionless on the bed.

The door of the room opened, and a middle-aged man with fat head, big ears, potbellied, bald and greasy came into the room. He lightly turned on the light in the room, saw Lin Suer lying on the bed, and the evil light in his eyes began to glow. flashing.

"Haha! I really made a lot of money today. This little girl looks like a big girl with yellow flowers. I am really good. While making money, I can sleep with a college student at the same time, and I am so beautiful."

While smiling shamelessly, the man walked towards Lin Su'er who was on the bed, walked to the side of the bed, and began to take off his clothes without any delay.

After taking off all the coat and shirt, Lin Su'er heard the sound of him undoing his belt, and frowned in disgust, not knowing where Xiao Mengqiu found this person.

The man unbuttoned his belt, took off his trousers, and was about to pounce on Lin Su'er, but before he could hold Lin Su'er down, he was startled by her sudden jumping up, and then a golden needle stabbed precisely and ruthlessly. on his acupuncture points.

Before the man could react, he lost consciousness in an instant, pointed at Lin Su'er and wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word, so he closed his eyes and fell on the bed.

Lin Su'er looked at her naked appearance, curled her lips in disgust, quickly pulled the quilt on the bed, covered him, and sat on the sofa in the room, ready to wait for Xiao Mengqiu to leave and return.

She has arranged for this disgusting man to come here, and she will definitely come back to take some so-called photos to spread, so that she can easily ruin a person, her mind is really vicious.

I also don't know what kind of thoughts those fans who have always regarded Xiao Mengqiu as a goddess and thought she was so effervescently beautiful saw her do such a disgusting thing.

Lin Su'er thought for a while, then suddenly stood on the bed and jumped a few times, Xiao Mengqiu waited at the door and heard the sound of the bed, and laughed sinisterly, it seemed that she had succeeded.

Why would Bo Qingang want a woman who is already dirty?When the time comes, let him see clearly, he will definitely dump Lin Su'er!
And Xiao Shuo!Although his daughter has some blood relationship with him, it is impossible for him to accept such a disgusting daughter. At that time, he will know that the only one who can bring him pride and honor is himself, a talented girl.

Lin Su'er hasn't been by his side for so many years, how could there be any relationship between the two of them?It's just that there is that thin layer of blood, which is not vulnerable at all.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mengqiu immediately took out two mobile phones, one of which she just took out from Lin Suer's body.

While turning on her mobile phone, she wanted to open the door, but before she opened it, she found that Lin Suer's mobile phone was not locked at all, what a fool!
She didn't bother to enter the room, and directly sent a WeChat message to Bo Qing'ang: Qing'ang, I'm a little drunk, can you come pick me up?

After sending this WeChat message, Xiao Mengqiu then sent a location to Bo Qingang, then turned off the phone, then took out his own phone to call Xiao Shuo, and said with a squeeze, "Master, I feel I feel a little unwell, I seem to be a little drunk, can you come pick me up? I feel like throwing up."

Her tone sounded really uncomfortable. Xiao Shuo on the other end of the phone immediately became nervous when he heard it. He knew that Xiao Mengqiu was having dinner with the director of the program group and the staff tonight. Have some wine.

"Mengqiu, just stay where you are, don't go with anyone, stay awake, I'll come pick you up right away." Xiao Shuo was also really worried about her, after all, she saw Xiao Mengqiu as her daughter and wouldn't let her He called him Dad because when he adopted Xiao Mengqiu, she was already very old and remembered everything.

So he kept thinking that one day he would help Xiao Mengqiu find his relatives.

In his mind, at least so far, Xiao Mengqiu and Lin Suer are equal. Both are his daughters. He owes Lin Suer too much. He has not been by her side for so many years, so he spends so much on Lin Suer now. He wants to save the time and energy, but it doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to Xiao Mengqiu.

He knew that Xiao Mengqiu felt a little uncomfortable. Bo Qingang, whom she liked, was with Lin Suer now, and he cared so much about Lin Suer, but he had no choice, it was impossible for him to ignore his own daughter.

After Xiao Mengqiu hung up the phone, he looked at the two mobile phones and laughed sinisterly, Lin Su'er!In half an hour at most, your ugly appearance will be seen by the two people you love the most and are closest to. At that time, it will be the real betrayal. Let you taste my feelings!
Lin Su'er didn't even know that Xiao Mengqiu had done so many things, she sat in the room, crossed her legs and waited for her to "catch rape" after a while.

About half an hour later, Bo Qingang and Xiao Shuo walked into the hall at the same time. It was impossible for Bo Qingang to be with other people. Zhang Song was about to clear the place when he saw Xiao Shuo and turned around hesitantly. He turned his head and asked Bo Qingang, "Mr. Bo, do you think Dean Xiao is also invited out?"

Bo Qingang looked at Xiao Shuo and frowned, stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Although the two families have known each other since childhood, he used to be quite polite to Xiao Shuo, but ever since he knew that Xiao Shuo was Lin Suer's father and abandoned them for so many years, he didn't have the slightest affection for Xiao Shuo. He was not polite at all.

Xiao Shuo doesn't care how Bo Qingang talks to him, after all he knows the current relationship between Bo Qingang and He Lin Su'er, what he cares about is why Bo Qingang appears here?Today, the contestants from the program group came out to eat together, which means that Su'er is also here. Could it be that Su'er is also drunk?

Thinking of this, Xiao Shuo immediately asked, "Is Su'er drunk too? I'm here to pick up Mengqiu. Mengqiu just called me and said she was drunk."

When Bo Qingang heard him say that Xiao Mengqiu was also drunk, he immediately thought of something, turned around and walked to the elevator, it was impossible for such a coincidence, everyone was drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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