Chapter 649
Chapter 649
Seeing her anxious look, Xiao Shuo also followed him to the elevator, but Zhang Song was about to stop her, but Bo Qingang shook his head slightly at him, Zhang Song had to step aside and let Xiao Shuo enter the elevator.

The two of them took the elevator upstairs together, and they found out miraculously that they were on the same floor, and this floor was no longer a restaurant, but a hotel room. Xiao Shuo was still kept in the dark, and couldn't figure out what was going on. Qing Ang has basically figured it out, there is definitely a problem!

Xiao Mengqiu heard the voice coming from the elevator entrance, and ran to the elevator entrance in two steps. Seeing the two people walking together, she was almost happy to clap her hands.The two of them looked at Lin Su'er's current appearance together.

Seeing Xiao Mengqiu sober, Xiao Shuo felt a little strange, "Mengqiu, didn't you just tell me on the phone that you were drunk? What's going on?"

"Master, I'm fine. I just went to the front desk of this hotel and asked for two anti-alcohol pills. I'll be fine after taking it, but I just saw..."

When Xiao Mengqiu said this, he deliberately glanced at Bao Qingang, hesitant to speak, but did not continue, Xiao Shuo asked anxiously, "What did you see just now? Where is Su'er? Aren't you two together?"

Hearing Xiao Shuo's anxious question, Xiao Mengqiu frowned unhappily, "Master, don't worry, I'll take you to find her now."

"Where is Su'er now?" Bo Qing'ang's tone was completely cold, and he almost thought that Xiao Mengqiu must have done something that was not good for Lin Su'er.

"I'll take you to find her now. You two don't need to worry. If you know that you two care about her so much, she must be very happy."

Xiao Mengqiu glanced at Bo Qingang, with a mocking smile on her lips, turned around and walked towards that room, full of pride in her heart, she wanted to see, after the door of this room was opened, the expressions of these two people would be different. How wonderful it must have been like the palette was knocked over.

She walked to the door of the room, took out the room card that she kept on her body and opened the door, watching the door slowly open with a proud face, her heart was so excited that she almost imagined the scene of Lin Su'er being insulted.

"Qing Ang, Master, look, I don't know why..."

Xiao Mengqiu was about to say some pretentious words, but just halfway through the words, his eyes widened in shock from the scene in the room, and he forgot what he was saying, only terrified, and even the room card in his hand They all fell to the ground.

Lin Su'er in the room was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and looked at her, as if she was still chewing something in her mouth, and the person she found who was going to insult Lin Su'er was lying on the bed at the moment, as if unconscious The personnel matter, the ground is full of his clothes, and the whole person is covered by a quilt.

This kind of scene makes people think about it, but Lin Su'er is sober, and her clothes are also in order. Bo Qingang breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in front of her, "Are you all right?"

Lin Su'er swallowed the leaves of Lingyu medicine in her mouth, and smiled at Bo Qing'ang, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Seeing Lin Su'er's sober state, Xiao Mengqiu took two steps back in disbelief, leaned against the door tightly, shook her head and said, "How is it possible?"

She saw with her own eyes that Lin Su'er drank the glass of wine that she had put the medicine in. How could it be that Lin Su'er sat here intact and waited for her without being affected at all. She couldn't possibly be able to undo the medicine. what's going on?

Lin Su'er walked up to Xiao Mengqiu coldly, and looked at her contemptuously, "Why? Are you disappointed that your plan has failed? Let me tell you! Just because you want to drug me, you are still young, you If you practice for another ten or eight years, you may not be able to surpass me!"

When Xiao Mengqiu heard her such arrogant words, she no longer felt the indignation she used to have in her heart, but felt shocked. She glanced at Xiao Shuo and then at Bo Qingang, subconsciously wanting to deny it.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's clear that you came to this room with this old man after having dinner with us. You can see that his clothes are all on the ground. I think you have finished your work..."


Before Xiao Mengqiu could finish speaking, she slapped Lin Su'er firmly.

Lin Su'er glared at Xiao Mengqiu, but she purposely said her words to Xiao Shuo who was standing next to her, every word and every word was deliberately insulting them both.

"Aren't you the proud daughter of heaven, a genius girl? You have received such a high education abroad, and you have such a powerful master. Isn't he your adoptive father? Didn't he only raise you and not teach you since childhood? But it's true, His own biological child has never been in charge, so how can he teach you well? His mouth is not clean, but he should take good care of you. "

Xiao Shuo was listening to Lin Suer's words, knowing that she was venting her inner dissatisfaction, unable to utter a word, he could only pull Xiao Mengqiu behind him, "Su'er, what Mengqiu said is wrong, I will help her I apologize to you, don't be angry."

"You apologized to me for her, why should you apologize for her? Are you apologizing for her in the name of her master or her adoptive father? Also! Are you apologizing for her because of what you said just now, or because of what she said tonight? Do something nasty?"

What Lin Su'er said didn't leave any room for it. Every time Xiao Mengqiu did anything, she would want to take her anger out on Xiao Shuo. This was the first time she was so irrational. Everyone has weaknesses, and Lin Su'er's weakness is family affection .

Hearing his words, Xiao Shuo asked strangely, "What did she do? She just brought us here to find you. This must be a misunderstanding."

He still didn't realize that this was a conspiracy by Xiao Mengqiu.

"Misunderstanding? You are a good apprentice, a good daughter, you put drugs and aphrodisiacs in my wine, you tell me this is a misunderstanding? Did she accidentally get the wrong medicine, or did she accidentally put the wrong medicine? The wine glass, then who is she trying to harm? Or is she trying to poison me with some poison?"

Lin Su'er couldn't control her voice and asked Xiao Shuo loudly. Xiao Shuo was stunned by the roar, and turned around to ask Xiao Mengqiu who was behind him, "Did you do it? You really put drugs in her wine, why did you do that?" ?”

When Xiao Mengqiu heard Xiao Shuo's question, she swallowed deeply, and was about to refuse to admit it. She shook her head fiercely and said, "It's not me, it's really not me! Master, think about it, if it was me who gave her the medicine, she could Untie it? She is standing here now, which already shows that she is talking nonsense, and you should ask her why she came to slander me. "

She believed in her heart that no one could cure the medicine, and as long as she grasped this point, she could deny it to death.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Su'er heard her say that, she looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahaha! Do you really think your medical skills are invincible? Isn't it just a little psychedelic powder and love potion! I solved it easily."

(End of this chapter)

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