Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Lin Suer was shocked by another incident Xiao Shuo said, it turned out that this incident was so complicated.

After hearing this, Qin Yuhan ran up to Xiao Shuo, "Then according to what you mean, our mother's real name is Ang Qingqiu? She is the real young lady of the Ang family?"

"Yes, after she escaped from the Ang family back then, because Yuqing was there to cover her at the Ang family, the Ang family didn't know that their young lady had escaped. She didn't want to use the name Ang Qingqiu anymore, so she changed her surname. became blue."

Lin Su'er now fully understands that before, she thought it was just a coincidence that Bo Qing'ang's mother had the same name as her mother, and she once thought that maybe this was also the fate between him and Bo Qing'ang. It is not a coincidence that Ang Qingqiu and Lan Qingqiu are actually the same person's name!
"So that's the case, is Yuqing actually so loyal? In order to pretend to be my mother, she directly married her fiancé?"

Lin Su'er asked in disbelief, according to Xiao Shuo, Bo Qingang's father was the one who had a marriage contract with her mother, and Yuqing married her to pretend to be her, would she really be so selfless?
As she said herself, she didn't love Bo Qing'ang's father at all, so why didn't she just point out that she wasn't Ang Qingqiu when she knew it?That way, she doesn't have to marry someone she doesn't love, and there won't be the following tragedies.

"She doesn't have loyalty at all. At first I thought she did all this for me and Qingqiu, but later I found out that it was all for her own sake. The year she imprisoned me sometimes came intermittently. I complained to me, although I was emotionally yelling every time, but I still knew something."

Xiao Shuo thought about the truth of the matter, and thought it was a little funny. It turned out that Yuqing's sweetheart was Bo Heng, the young master of the Bo family. She was willing to pretend to be Ang Qingqiu only because she wanted to marry her sweetheart in a legitimate way. It was not clear from the beginning that the Bo family had two young masters.

She always thought that Bo Heng was the only child, and the one who married Ang Qingqiu was her sweetheart, so if she pretended to be, she could marry him naturally.

But what she didn't expect was that the Bo family has always followed the ancestral precepts. Even today, they still hold the wedding in a Chinese style. On the wedding day, the bride should wear a phoenix coronet and a red hijab .

She didn't realize it until she entered the bridal chamber at night. It turned out that the person who married was not the person she loved. In those days, Boheng's health was very poor. She never talked about the wedding in front of him. She also wanted to maintain a sense of mystery. She thought that on the night of the wedding, she would take the antidote of Yi Rong Pill, and let Bo Heng see that he was the one who married him, and he would be very happy.

But I didn't expect that these silent words were the cause of a big mistake.

Bo En forcibly occupied her on the night of the wedding, and he also took it for granted, after all, she was the wife he was marrying.

But Yuqing hated him because of this, and her sweetheart was still lying in the hospital, but she married someone she didn't love, and even had a relationship with him.

This was also the direct reason why she even hated the child she conceived in October. Her marriage with Bo En was a mistake from the very beginning and should never have existed.

"So it's like this..." Everything came to light, and Lin Su'er instantly understood Xiao Shuo. It turned out that he was also a victim.

Xiao Shuo sighed deeply, "Oh... When Yuqing poisoned her husband to death, she escaped from the Bo family with her sweetheart, but unexpectedly, the young master of the Bo family was in such poor health that he died on the way. He fell ill, and because she wanted to save him, she kept looking for a way to travel back to the Valley of Ghost Doctors."

"She was going crazy looking for that method, and hoped that I would help her, but unexpectedly, what she got was that I would also persuade her to give up. She became more and more extreme, and finally went to extremes, thinking that people all over the world are Go against her, so even if she is harming someone, she has to go this way. Although she knows Qingqiu, but the relationship is not good enough, she can give up traveling back to Ghost Doctor Valley."

"You also said that there are conditions for finding a subject for the experiment, and these conditions are rarely met, so even if she knew each other, she would attack Qingqiu."

When Xiao Shuo spoke, he also felt very embarrassed. He never dreamed that things would develop like this in the end. During the year he was imprisoned, Yuqing often came to him in tears. He didn't know the reason at the time, but now I think it should be every experiment, and after failure, I will come to him and cry.

He lowered his head, closed his eyes gently, and felt very tired instantly. This incident has been tormenting him for so many years, and he never thought that it would torture his two children. Qin Yuhan and Lin Su'er listened From all of this, they knew that they had wrongly blamed Xiao Shuo.

Xiao Shuo probably didn't want them to be sad, so he didn't tell what happened back then.

Lin Su'er stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Shuo's hand, "Now the truth is revealed, I blamed you...Dad!"

"Su'er, what do you call me?" Xiao Shuo raised his head and looked at her. It was a name he dreamed of. After meeting Lin Su'er, he prayed to God every day, hoping that his two sons and daughters would forgive him and call him He called Dad, and now he heard it suddenly, but he suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Dad!" Qin Yuhan also held his hand and called out to him loudly. The three of them clasped their hands together and looked at each other with regret and warmth in their eyes.

"Dad! I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly. Our family will not waste any more time. We have missed so many years. In the past 20 years, we will slowly make up for it."

Lin Su'er's voice was a little choked up when she spoke, she really missed her family for too many years.

"Good boy, Dad is sorry for you. He hasn't taken care of you for so many years. If you give Dad a chance in the future, Dad will definitely make up for it, and even take your mother's part to make it up to you. I was wrong! She must have done it because of , suddenly couldn't find me, thought that I had abandoned her, and married Lin Aotian only when she was disheartened."

"If I had been careful not to be imprisoned by Yuqing back then, these things would not have happened, and our family would have lived happily ever after."

When Xiao Shuo spoke, he was filled with emotion. Thinking of what happened back then, he wished he could slap himself a few times. The woman he loved died under such circumstances, and he suffered so much!

(End of this chapter)

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