Chapter 714 Make Up
Chapter 714 Make Up
"Dad, let's make it up!" Lin Su'er quickly wiped away the tears that hadn't fallen in her eyes, took Xiao Shuo's hand and stood up, "The first step of making up is starting with mom, I'll take you to mom's grave Worship, let her see that we have met you, and explain to her clearly that you did not abandon her back then."

"Okay! Okay!" Xiao Shuo nodded his head. He wanted to go to worship for a long time, but he couldn't find it, and Lin Su'er refused to tell him.

Lin Su'er took leave of class in the afternoon, and took Xiao Shuo and Qin Yuhan to the destination. Bo Qing'ang has been sending people to visit the grave regularly these days, and Lin Su'er also comes to the cemetery to meet her mother from time to time. Talking, although it is a cold tombstone, but she always thinks that her mother in another world can hear it.

She will regularly tell her mother what happened to her, and share with her all the new things that happen around her.

Qin Yuhan put the lily in his hand next to the tombstone. Xiao Shuo said that lily was her favorite when she was young.

"Mom, I brought my younger brother and father to see you. I didn't know you liked lilies before, so I brought them here for you today."

Lin Su'er tightly held the hands of her father and younger brother from left to right, and led them to bow three times towards the tombstone.

"Qingqiu, I'm late." Xiao Shuo held back for a long time, and finally he only said this sentence, other words seemed too weak, what's the point of saying sorry to a tombstone?He has been looking for her for so many years, but he never thought that during the year she was imprisoned, Ang Qingqiu had already died at the hands of his junior sister, and he was still looking for her frantically all these years.

"Mom, Dad didn't abandon you. He has been looking for you for so many years. We will have a good life in the future. We will live with Dad. Don't worry."

Qin Yuhan knelt directly beside the tombstone, touching the photo of Ang Qingqiu on the tombstone.

The three of them talked a lot in front of the tombstone, pouring out almost everything they wanted to say in their hearts.

On the way back, Xiao Shuo held the hands of the siblings, "Where do you two live now? Do you want to move in with Dad?"

"No need, I bought a house to live with my brother, and Xiao Mengqiu should come back, right?"

Lin Su'er always remembered that Xiao Mengqiu was Xiao Shuo's adopted child. Although he had no blood relationship with Xiao Shuo, he had to be responsible for adopting him. Xiao Shuo couldn't just abandon her just because she and Qin Yuqin came back.

Listening to Lin Suer's words, Xiao Shuo nodded bitterly, "You're right, Mengqiu should be taken care of by me, but I haven't found her for a long time, and the Bo family is also helping me find her. Even the Xiao family has no way to find her..."

Lin Su'er bit her lips and couldn't say any comforting words, she could only hold Xiao Shuo's hand tightly. Xiao Mengqiu was forcibly taken away that day, and she hasn't been found yet, which always makes people think that she might be What kind of danger did he encounter, so he couldn't find it for so long.

"Take Dad to see where you live. I can understand that you two want your own private space, but I have to know where you live. No matter how I do it every week, I have to visit you once, right? "

"Okay." Lin Su'er nodded.

Lin Suer took Xiao Shuo to the place where she and Qin Yuhan lived. After Xiao Shuo saw the place where the two children lived, he felt a little relieved. He knew that Lin Suer had an online store, but he didn't know that Lin Suer could buy it. Affording such a big house, the living conditions of the two of them are still very good.

Xiao Shuo went straight to the refrigerator when he entered the room. He opened the refrigerator door and saw that it was full of ingredients. He felt more at ease. He rolled up his sleeves and took out a few ingredients from the refrigerator. You have a taste of my craft."

"Dad, no need!" Lin Su'er took the ingredients from Xiao Shuo's hands, "My brother and I both know how to cook, so let's cook for you."

"What are you talking about? I haven't taken care of your siblings for so many years. You have grown up so much that you are 20 years old. You haven't eaten anything made by your father."

When Xiao Shuo was talking, he couldn't help but blame himself again, Lin Su'er immediately said, "Well, my brother and I will be the hands-off shopkeepers, sitting on the sofa and waiting for the delicious food you cook."

Lin Su'er and Qin Yuhan really sat on the sofa, listening to the sound of cooking from the kitchen, the two of them felt so full in their hearts for the first time, and finally felt like home here.

"Sister, in fact, the two of us still need a parent." Please lean on Lin Su'er's shoulder and say this lightly, but it sounds a little sad.

"Of course! The two of us need a parent." Lin Su'er also felt a little emotional when she spoke. The two are adults who have been neglected for 20 years, but now they are still so greedy for family affection.

It can be said that Xiao Shuo tried his best today and cooked all the special dishes he knew, but the three of them cooked the dishes for ten people and set a table full.

Today was the meal he was looking forward to the most, and it was also the happiest meal he had in the past 20 years. He felt full after only two bites, and he only wanted to watch the two siblings eating in front of him.

After Lin Suer picked up his sweet and sour pork ribs for the third time, he secretly made a note in his heart that Lin Suer liked to eat this dish.

But Qin Yuhan prefers spicy dishes, and the pepper fish head he cooks is basically eaten by Qin Yuhan alone.

Lin Su'er raised her head and met Xiao Shuo's eyes, and said a little embarrassedly, "Dad, why don't you eat and keep looking at us?"

"Looking at the two of you like this, I can probably imagine how you were when you were young. You must be very cute, but I am not by your side, making your life so miserable, especially you! You have traveled to the Valley of Ghost Doctors just after you were born. , You must have suffered a lot after 19 years of time travelling, right? By the way, how did you time travel?"

Lin Su'er smiled indifferently, and said, "No, I also had a master when I was in Ghost Doctor Valley, and the master was very kind to me. As for time travel... just like you, Dad, you also wear it when the alchemy furnace explodes." If you come here, maybe time travel really has rules to follow, and maybe it will be researched when the rain clears."

When she spoke, her tone was very relaxed, she just didn't want Xiao Shuo to think too much, but after hearing her words, Xiao Shuo's eyes were full of distress, did the alchemy furnace explode?That is to say, his daughter also experienced a death like him.

"Good boy, Dad is sorry for you." Xiao Shuo couldn't help but blushed when he looked at Lin Su'er.

"Dad, you can't blame you for what happened, can you? We need to find Yuqing, she is the culprit of everything."

(End of this chapter)

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