Chapter 802 Folklore Scholar

Chapter 802 Folklore Scholar

In the Bo family's villa, Bo Qingang sat on the sofa with his lips tightly pressed, looking at the old man with pale hair and beard in front of him. The old man is a well-known folklorist who has been studying various ancient Feng Shui algebra Art, as well as some folklore that is defined as crooked by this era.

It took several twists and turns before Bo Qingang to find him, and it was only after he heard the situation described by Bo Qingang that he suddenly realized something, and even told Bo Qingang to give him some time to let Bo Qingang Qing Ang went to confirm some situations, and he was able to come up with a solution.

"Scholar Zhang, I have already told you everything I have learned, can you find a solution?" Bo Qingang looked at him and asked calmly,
Although Bo Qing'ang looks calm on the surface, but he is the only one who knows that the current situation is turbulent, and he must find a solution as soon as possible. However, he still has to accompany Xiao Mengqiu every day.

"Bo Qingang, I have already understood, and I can basically confirm what is going on, but I am still not completely sure about the solution. Give me another two days. After two days, I will I will definitely give you a perfect answer."

Scholar Zhang pushed his pedantic glasses on the bridge of his nose. He never thought that these things he studied would be encountered by him one day. These have been defined by this era and leaders as crooked ways, feudal superstition, basically No one has seen it, and even those who have seen it are only in those remote mountainous places.

When he was healthy a few years ago, he was able to go to those places with a cane to find out, but now he can't travel far, and it is even more difficult for him to know this information.

"Are you sure you can come up with a solution in two days? If not, I don't need to wait for your answer anymore. I'm going to find someone else."

Bo Qingang has no patience to wait any longer, two days!What variables will appear within two days?
He didn't know at all what incomprehensible actions that crazy woman Xiao Mengqiu would make, he couldn't predict it at all.

"It's only two days! Don't worry, Bo, I've been studying what you said early in the morning, but I don't have any practical examples for me to use as a reference. But based on the situations Bo Shao put forward, I can basically understand it."

Zhang Xuehua held up two fingers and said in the affirmative.

Looking at his confident eyes, Bo Qingang felt relieved, nodded slowly and said: "Then I would like to thank Xue Xue Zhang. If I can really solve this matter, I will definitely thank you very much."

"No, I just need to meet the girl Bo Shao said. I think she should know a lot of things I want to know."

Zhang Xueer is very interested in Lin Suer. Before Bo Qingang found him, he actually regarded money as dung. At his age, half of his body was buried in the soil. One day, he will be buried with loess. He didn't care about Qing Ang tempting him with money and threatening him with power.

But Bo Qingang knew that he had been researching these things. He told him that Lin Su'er could practice Yirong Pill and Veritaserum, and he immediately became interested and very curious, so he agreed to solve this matter for Bo Qingang.

"Scholar Zhang told me the solution to this matter as soon as possible, so that I can take you to see that girl. She is suffering deeply now."

"Okay, then I won't talk to Bo Shaoduo here, I'll go back and sort out the solution as soon as possible and tell you."

Xuexue Zhang walked out of Bo Qing'ang's villa tremblingly on crutches. Looking at his back, Bo Qing'ang felt that this matter could finally be over. He never thought that Xiao Mengqiu would use such a disgusting way to harm Lin Su'er. .

Bo Qingang took out his mobile phone, and there was a group photo of him and Lin Suer on the screen. Lin Suer showed the most beautiful smile in the group photo. Lin Suer was the happiest when he was with him at that time.

"Su'er, don't worry, I will solve this matter soon, and you will be fine." Bo Qingang looked at the photo on the phone, as if he was looking at Lin Su'er, and reached out to touch Lin Su'er's face on the screen. parts.

Two days later.

In the past two days, Xia Xiaonan and Xiao Shuo tried to use the dream pill again, and entered Lin Suer's dream, but it didn't help. Seeing her waking up, although not deteriorating but unconscious, is still very worrying.

But whether it was Xiao Shuo who checked her pulse with traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it was confirmed that Lin Su'er's life was not in danger, and logically speaking, she should be awake. I don't know why she was still in a coma.

It has become normal for Xia Xiaonan to run around the hospital and school every day, but she didn't delay her studies. After all, there are nurses in the hospital to take care of Lin Suer.

"Huh..." Xia Xiaonan moved her hands away from the keyboard, turned her head to look at Lin Su'er lying on the hospital bed and complained, "I finally finished writing this experiment report. Su'er, when will you wake up? It's too late to do the experiment now." I am alone, the rest of the class are in groups of two, and I am alone, can you wake up and accompany me to class and accompany me back to the dormitory?"

"I go to class every day by myself, and I'm the only one in the dormitory. I'm so scared at night. When will you wake up? Can you tell me?"

There was still no response as before, Xia Xiaonan had given up hope, and she even wondered if Lin Su'er would stay in this vegetative state and lie on the hospital bed for the rest of her life.

But every time she has this thought, she immediately shakes her head violently to shake this thought out of her head. This kind of thought is really too terrifying. If even she thinks this way, then who else can wake Lin Suer up? ?
"Su'er, we have learned the third lesson today. I'm here to tell you what the teacher said today. I hope you can still hear, so that you don't have to think of ways to make up lessons after you wake up. I teach you every day. After class, I will read the main points to you, have you listened to it?"

Xia Xiaonan opened the textbook as if talking to herself. She is a medical student and knows that when a person is in a coma, if his relatives and friends keep talking by his side, it will stimulate the brain nerves of the comatose person. , able to wake her up.

(End of this chapter)

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