Chapter 803 Wake Up
Chapter 803 Wake Up
"Su'er, I've finished talking about all the knowledge points, when will you wake up?" Xia Xiaonan took the textbook, and after reading what she learned today, she turned around dejectedly and put the textbook back in her schoolbag.

"I've woken up..." A familiar voice sounded behind her, and Xia Xiaonan felt her hands trembling a little. It was Lin Su'er's voice, it was unmistakable, so unique, so special!
She suddenly didn't dare to turn around, worried that she would not see the person she wanted to see after turning around, worried that Lin Su'er was still lying there.

"Bang!" The book in Xia Xiaonan's hand fell into the bag and made a sound, but she still didn't dare to turn her head.

"Alas..." Lin Su'er sighed deeply, and said again: "Didn't you keep waking me up just now? Why did you ignore me when I woke up?"

This time, Xia Xiaonan was sure that it was really Lin Su'er, and it wasn't a hallucination caused by her being too tired these days. She turned around and hugged Lin Su'er who was sitting on the hospital bed, "Su'er, you finally woke up, I I'm so afraid that you won't wake up for the rest of your life, I'm worried that you'll become a vegetable, and I've always been alone in the dormitory these two days, I'm so scared."

"I heard it all just now." Lin Su'er stretched out her hand and patted Xia Xiaonan's back, saying that it must be a lie that she was not moved in her heart. She was touched in her heart to have a good friend who was so considerate of herself and stayed by her side all day. It's a mess.

"Can you hear it? Every day I chant in front of you, you can hear it, right? Then, Su'er, you are so smart that you don't need to make up lessons. You have memorized those knowledge points, right?" She looked at Lin Su'er cutely.

"Pfft..." Lin Su'er couldn't help laughing out loud, "You are so cute, do you care about my studies so much? I was still lying on the bed, and I did hear those knowledge points when you were reading them, but It’s impossible to write it down completely, it’s okay, just find someone to make it up for me when the time comes.”

Lin Su'er rubbed her temples when she spoke, maybe she had been lying down for too long, and she had forgotten why she was lying here. She looked at Xia Xiaonan with a confused face and asked, "What's going on? Why did I lose consciousness? How long?"

"Su'er, don't you remember? You can remember what I said in your ear, don't you remember what happened before? You went to catch Katharina, but you found her in that villa, but she was there early A mine was planted in the villa, and when she saw that she was caught by you, she smashed the can, pressed the remote control of the mine, and detonated the mine as a result."

Xia Xiaonan helped her recall the previous events, Lin Su'er's memories slowly gathered, and she remembered the events before she fell into a coma, yes!In Boss Zhang's villa, she told Katharina that she had eaten the poison she developed. Katharina forced her to ask for the antidote, but she detonated the landmine after she refused to give it.

"What about Katharina now? I was seriously injured, what about her? She didn't seem to have escaped at that time, is she still alive?" Lin Su'er continued to ask anxiously.

"No! Katharina is dead and cannot be rescued at all. You are seriously injured, and everyone else is basically fine."

Xia Xiaonan's expression was a little strange when she mentioned other people, and she didn't name them directly. Lin Su'er knew who she was referring to, she was talking about Xiao Mengqiu.

Thinking of Xiao Mengqiu, Lin Su'er remembered the scene after the landmine exploded, Bo Qingang rushed towards her, but changed direction temporarily, rushed towards Xiao Mengqiu, and gave up saving her!
Thinking of this, Lin Su'er's chest hurt a little, she couldn't accept such ambiguity, whether it was cheating or something else was hidden, she had to tell her clearly, otherwise she would feel like a fool.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er immediately asked Xia Xiaonan, "Where's Bo Qingang? I have something to ask him, call him over."

Lin Su'er thought to herself that she was lying in the hospital now, and Bo Qing'ang would definitely watch over her. If she wasn't here now, maybe she was going to the toilet or had something to do with the company, otherwise she would definitely be able to see him.

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiaonan froze for a few seconds when she heard her question, then slowly pulled her hand out of Lin Su'er's palm, and said, "Su'er, are you hungry?" ? You haven’t been able to eat in a coma for the past few days, you must be very hungry right now, relying on glucose and nutrients?”

"May I go find something for you to eat? What do you want to eat? Porridge or do you want to eat or have some desserts..."

"Don't change the subject, I'm asking you where is Bo Qingang? Is he not here? Did he go to the company? Bring my mobile phone and I'll give him a call."

Lin Su'er frowned at Xia Xiaonan's strange reaction, and stretched out her hand to ask for her cell phone, but Xia Xiaonan waved her hand with a smile, "Su'er, what are you talking about? You were seriously injured and your cell phone was blown up, so there is no more cell phone. "

Xia Xiaonan wasn't lying either, Lin Su'er was indeed covered in blood when she was rescued from the villa, she had suffered many injuries, and her phone had been blown up long ago.

"Really? Then give me your mobile phone, and I'll call Bo Qingang, and I'll know his number by heart." But Lin Su'er insisted on contacting Bo Qingang before giving up.

"I, I..." Xia Xiaonan looked at Lin Su'er's appearance, and put her hand on the bag with some guilt, worried that Lin Su'er would snatch her phone, and said with some embarrassment, "Su'er, Shao Bo is not here now, he should really He's dealing with things in the company, so don't bother him and take care of yourself first, okay?"

"Eat something first, the rest... Su'er! Don't snatch your phone, don't..."

In the middle of Xia Xiaonan's words, Lin Su'er saw her faltering, and immediately started to snatch her mobile phone. Xia Xiaonan was worried about hurting Lin Su'er. After all, she had been lying on the bed for so many days without eating, and her body must be weak and injured. If you rob her, you will definitely hurt her, so you have to let Lin Su'er take the phone away.

Lin Su'er unlocked Xia Xiaonan immediately after getting the phone. The two of them knew each other's phone passwords. She entered Bo Qing'ang's phone number and was about to call, but saw another hot message popping up on the phone. Search.

The word Bo Qingang was so obvious on the hot search, Lin Su'er squinted her eyes and gave up the idea of ​​calling him, and opened the hot search directly. She wanted to see what Bo Qingang was doing these days, she clearly remembered someone I spoke in his ear, it was Bo Qingang's voice, Bo Qingang reassured her that he would take good care of her, but why was he not by my side when I woke up?
After Lin Su'er opened the hot search, the photos and texts that caught her eyes made her heart ache, and even the wounds on her body began to ache.

(End of this chapter)

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