Chapter 809
Chapter 809
Seeing Xia Xiaonan's panic-stricken look, Lin Su'er asked a little strangely, "Didn't you go wash your face and brush your teeth? What happened?"

"I just checked my phone while I was brushing my teeth, look at this, you're on the trending list!"

Xia Xiaonan thought of handing the phone to Lin Su'er with a helpless face. Lin Su'er looked down and saw the headline: Internet celebrity Lin Su'er admitted that Xiao Mengqiu was a mistress, and intervened between her and Bo Shao. During the live broadcast, her face was pale, she seemed to be abandoned, sad sad.

The headline is very serious, and even after clicking on the report, you can see many screenshots of Lin Su'er's live broadcast. She is indeed pale because she was injured, but it was interpreted by these people as the injury after being abandoned sad.

Lin Su'er wanted to clarify, but found that she really didn't know what words to use to clarify the report, saying that Bo Qingang hadn't cheated?Or is it that she has not been abandoned?The only thing she can clarify is that her pale face was caused by a landmine and has nothing to do with Bo Qingang, but she is also unwilling to show her life to the public.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er returned the phone to Xia Xiaonan, "Leave them alone, as before, just pretend you didn't see them."

"But you really don't want to go to Bo Shao to clarify? What happened to her and Xiao Mengqiu, I should give you an explanation. It's too much not to explain clearly."

After holding back for several days, Xia Xiaonan finally couldn't bear it any longer. She wanted to persuade Lin Su'er to explain clearly, but she didn't dare to mention Bao Qingang to Lin Su'er. She was worried that mentioning it would make her sad again. Seriously, if he is in a bad mood, it will also affect the wound, but if he doesn't ask clearly, it will be even more uncomfortable to hold his breath in his heart.

"He said he asked me to give him some time, and he will come to me after everything is resolved, so just wait, and he also wants to see how long it will take for him to come to me if I don't contact him, maybe it's just him an excuse."

Lin Su'er turned around and went to the toilet, Xia Xiaonan listened to his words, and for a moment didn't know whether to praise Lin Su'er for being too rational, or for her cold nature, how could such a thing be said so lightly.

But what she didn't know was that when Lin Su'er walked into the bathroom and closed the door, she couldn't stop crying. In fact, she was devastated. She didn't know what to do. She touched her belly, which was still flat now, and there was a life in it. what!

Even though she suffered such a serious injury this time, the child still stayed safely in her womb, which meant that this child was blessed and destined to come to this world, and she would definitely give birth to her, but Thin Qingang...

This trending search should become more and more popular. Basically, as long as it is related to Bo Qingang's trending search, it will be posted on the Internet for many days. He will definitely see it. After seeing it, he should come to himself and make it clear. Understood.

Lin Su'er thought so, and began to persuade herself to calm down and not get too excited. If she went to find Bo Qing'ang now, she would definitely get agitated, and it would be very bad for her child and her wound .

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Xiao Shuo, who just woke up in the morning, was about to pack his bag and go to school when he received a call from the housekeeper of the Ang family.

"Hello, Dean Xiao Shuo, I am the housekeeper of the Ang family. You have been to the Ang family before, but I didn't let you in. This time, our old man wants to see you. There are some things I want to confirm and verify with you, no Do you know if you have time?"

The butler's words were alienated in a procedural way, and after asking this sentence in a serious manner, he waited silently for Xiao Shuo's answer.

Xiao Shuo agreed almost without thinking, "If you have time, of course you have time!"

He has been trying to get close to the old man of the Ang family and tell him Lin Su'er's identity, but he has never had the chance. Now that he finally has this chance, of course he must strive for it.

"Okay, we'll see you in two hours. I'll send the location to your phone, and ask Dean Xiao Shuo to come here by himself, and don't bring anyone else. Although I know Dean Xiao shouldn't do this, I still want to As a reminder, don't bring any audio and video equipment."

"What my old man wants to talk to you about is a private matter. If you find out that you did this secretly, you should know that the Ang family's methods will not let you go."

The housekeeper still said this threatening words in a flat manner, Xiao Shuo also replied in the same flat taste after listening, "Okay, I understand."

Two hours later.

In a restaurant private room a little far away from Xiao Shuo's residence and Huaxia University, he met the old man of the Ang family whom he had always wanted to see.

When he and Ang Qingqiu were together more than 20 years ago, he once took a look at the old man from a distance. After so many years, the old man is still young and strong, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the white hair on his sideburns can still be seen age, and there is always some sadness in his eyes because he misses his daughter.

He is really similar to Ang Qingqiu, especially the outline and expression. Looking at him, Xiao Shuo misses his lover a little bit, the lover who he had been looking for for nearly 20 years before he knew he was dead.

For a moment, he hardly knew how to face Mr. Ang. If he didn't know that Ang Qingqiu had passed away, would he tell him?And why did he come to find himself today?I begged him like that before, but he refused to see him desperately.

Old Man Ang turned his head and saw Xiao Shuo who was hesitating at the door. He looked Xiao Shuo up and down. He looked very energetic with a bookish look, and he maintained a good figure even in middle age. There is no businessman's pretentious shrewdness in his eyes, he is indeed like a gentleman, if his heart is the same as his appearance, then he can understand why his daughter is willing to be with him.

"What are you doing standing at the door? I told you that I would come here today if I have something to do. You have been unwilling to come here to talk about anything. Come and sit down." Old Man Ang took the initiative to speak, and Xiao Shuo nodded politely at him. , walked to the opposite of Mr. Ang, and sat down in a well-behaved manner.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you today?"

"I don't know. I thought about going to your villa to find you before, but you didn't want to see me, so I was surprised that you contacted me today." Xiao Shuo answered directly.

"I came to you to ask you, what is your relationship with Xiao Mengqiu?" Mr. Ang didn't want to directly ask him about the past, but asked Xiao Mengqiu first.

"The relationship between adoptive father and daughter. When she was ten years old, I adopted her from the orphanage and took care of her for ten years." Xiao Shuo answered honestly again, without a single lie.

(End of this chapter)

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