Chapter 810
Chapter 810
"You adopted her because she was the biological child of you and my daughter. You adopted her because you couldn't have children, right? Is it because of guilt?"

Old Man Ang took Xiao Mengqiu's words and asked Xiao Shuo for proof, wanting to know what was going on in his mouth.

"No! Qingqiu and I do have a daughter, but it's not Xiao Mengqiu. She's just a girl I saw when I went to the orphanage to help. I feel that she looks very similar to Qingqiu, especially those eyes. The first time I saw her In seconds, I thought of Qingqiu, so I adopted her home, gave her this name, and took care of her for ten years."

"Indeed, I'm a little sick. Only when I see a little girl like my lover will I adopt her, but I really treat her like my own daughter. I have no other ideas. As for why she suddenly became your Granddaughter, I also felt very strange, that's why I wanted to go to Ang's house to explain it to you, but you refused to see me."

Xiao Shuo said everything in one breath, and Mr. Ang didn't have any surprises when he heard his words, he just nodded flatly and continued to ask, "There is more."

"What else? Do you want to know anything about Xiao Mengqiu? You have to believe me, she is really not your granddaughter. You brought her back to the Ang family, it was absolutely impossible to rely on a so-called token, right? , must have done a paternity test, right?"

"She must have bribed you as an employee of the appraisal agency, and used some method to tamper with the results of the paternity test. You can do it again quietly, and you can prove that what I said is true."

Xiao Shuo was worried that Mr. Ang would not believe it, so he continued to say it a little anxiously. Mr. Ang looked up at him and said slowly, "I know, I have done the paternity test again."

When Lin Su'er showed her true appearance in front of him before, Mr. Ang felt that Lin Su'er was more like his daughter. At that moment, he knew what a similarity is. Lin Su'er is different from Xiao Mengqiu's. You will think that her appearance is very similar, but some of her inadvertent movements and eyes are quite different from Ang Qingqiu.

Mr. Ang immediately asked the housekeeper to investigate Lin Su'er's life experience. The result of the investigation showed that Lin Su'er was Lin Aotian's daughter, but after further investigation, many serious things were discovered.

Lin Aotian's wife is actually called Lan Qingqiu, and like his daughter, she is also an overseas nobleman. After further investigation, he actually found out that she is his daughter. Why hasn't she returned home for so many years?Moreover, he didn't know when he remarried. Mr. Ang felt that all this was a bit confusing, and he really couldn't figure it out.

That day when he was reading the appraisal report sent by the hospital, Xiao Mengqiu rushed into the study.

Xiao Shuo was a little excited when he heard Mr. Ang's words, "Then you should know that Xiao Mengqiu is not your granddaughter. Come with me to see the real granddaughter, okay? She needs family affection very much. She has come here alone for so many years. She Her stepfather didn't treat her well at all, she lived a very hard life, she will definitely feel very happy to meet you."

Lin Su'er must be very sad now, she suffered such a serious injury, and Bo Qing'ang was not by her side, she knew how she felt after thinking about it, if she could recognize Mr. Ang at this time, it should be a blessing for her. Great comfort.

"Don't be busy yet. I want to ask you about my daughter. Tell me everything about the two of you back then." Mr. Ang knew that Lin Su'er was her granddaughter, but he was not in a hurry to ask for it. To meet her, he wants to know how his daughter is doing.

Because he has investigated the current situation with Lin Su'er, and knows that she has an online store, is an Internet celebrity, and has her own life. She should be living well, but he doesn't know what happened to his daughter.

"She, she..." Xiao Shuo couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of Ang Qingqiu, how desperate he was in the year when he was imprisoned by Yuqing, how painful Ang Qingqiu was in that year!
In a villa in the city center.

Xiao Mengqiu looked at the trending search with her mobile phone. At first, her face was full of happiness, but the more she looked at it, the worse her expression became. In the end, she became so angry that she smashed her mobile phone to the side, and the mobile phone fell to the ground and fell apart. .

"These reporters are talking nonsense. They dare to say that about me if they know anything. Don't die!"

Panting heavily, she thought about the comments she saw on the Internet just now, and saw a few comments that spoke for her, saying that Bao Qingcheng had already been engaged to her in the first place, and that the two families had baby relatives, which was a match made in heaven. One pair, if you want to talk about the mistress, it should be Lin Su'er who is the mistress.

She was still in a good mood looking at those comments, but she didn't expect that after turning through a few of them, the comments almost insulted her.

"The three views upstairs are distorted. What's the age now? They even say baby kiss. Lin Su'er is the girlfriend that Bo Shao publicly admitted. The two of them are a couple. Xiao Mengqiu is not a mistress or something."

"That's right! He has a coquettish look on his face. He hasn't lived in China since he was a child. He's just a foreign dog. He's ashamed to come back and grab Bo Shao."

"The person I hate the most in my life is the mistress. If you destroy someone's relationship, be careful of retribution."

"Young Master Bo hasn't said anything to defend Xiao Mengqiu until now. The reporter went to Bo's public relations department, but the Bo's people also refused to answer, which means that Young Master Bo doesn't recognize Xiao Mengqiu's identity at all. What is she not a mistress?"

"Down with Little San! Down with Little San!"

"Xiao Mengqiu get out of China Continent, get out of China Continent!"

Xiao Mengqiu recalled the comments she saw just now, and she seemed to be able to see the pages of those comments floating in front of her eyes. She was so angry that she took the bag next to her and walked out of the villa. After getting in the car, she went straight to the driver. Say, "Go Bo's!"

"Yes, miss." The driver agreed and stepped on the accelerator.

At the same time, in Bo's office on the top floor.

Zhang Song was a little bit embarrassed, and looked at Bo Qingang, "Young Master Bo, many reporters and media have called to ask you about their relationship. How should I answer? Or should I continue to remain silent and not answer?"

"What are they asking you for proof?" Bo Qingang looked at the files on the computer screen and asked without looking sideways.

"The media want to know, are you and Ms. Lin lovers or separated? What is your relationship with Xiao Mengqiu? Is Xiao Mengqiu a mistress?"

"Just answer truthfully." Bo Qingang replied lightly, but Zhang Song was at a loss. What does it mean to answer truthfully?

(End of this chapter)

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