Chapter 811 How will it end?
Chapter 811 How will it end?
If you really answered the truth, then Bo Shao and Lin Suer are still together now, but it is true that he and Xiao Mengqiu went in and out together, and spent the night together. Dear person, but you can't be so arrogant and openly say that you are stepping on two boats?

Now Lin Su'er still has some fan base, if her fans know, even if they dare not come to Bo Qing'ang, they will have to tear Xiao Mengqiu up.

"I'm not with Xiao Mengqiu, Su'er and I have a very good relationship, wouldn't you answer the truth like this?"

Seeing Zhang Song's bewildered look, Bo Qingang asked back, Zhang Song nodded immediately when he heard his words, "Yes, please rest assured Boss, I will go down to deal with this matter immediately, Zhang Song quit the office, but unexpectedly As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiao Mengqiu coming out of the elevator and going straight to Bo Qingang's office.

These days Xiao Mengqiu often comes to Bo’s with Bo Qingang. The front desk already knows her, and the robot on the top floor also knows that she is a regular visitor, so she won’t stop her at all. He didn't dare to stop him, so he could only retreat to the side, bowed his head and shouted: "Miss Xiao."

"Boss, you are in the office. I have something to do with him. Oh, by the way, there should be reporters asking you for proof of my relationship with him in the past two days. You should know how to answer, right?" Xiao Mengqiu looked at Zhang Song. , When speaking, there is a threatening tone in the words.

Of course Zhang Song knew what she meant, and wanted to say that she and his boss were lovers, but Zhang Song was not afraid of her threatening tone at all, and replied neither humble nor overbearing, "Of course I know how to answer, I will Answered truthfully."

"Answer truthfully? Tell me first, how do you answer truthfully? I've been with Aang every day these days. You should have seen it. If there are no accidents, Aang and I will get married soon, so we Now it's not a relationship between lovers, but a relationship between a fiancée, you know?"

Xiao Mengqiu looked at Zhang Song's ambiguous words, and wanted Zhang Song to pass on what she said to all the reporters. At that time, who would dare to say that she was a mistress? Now she has skipped several levels and turned into a thin Qing Ang's fiancée, even if she is the mistress, Lin Su'er should be the mistress.

Zhang Song lowered his head and answered honestly, "I'm sorry, Ms. Xiao, I haven't heard Mr. Bo suggest that I want to answer this way, so I can't answer on my own, and Bo will always blame me."

"Blame it? Then I want to hear what he suggested for you to answer?" Xiao Mengqiu became dissatisfied immediately after hearing his words, and looked at Zhang Song's displeasure with a sullen face.

"Mr. Bo said, let me answer truthfully. I'm going to the public relations department to convey Mr. Bo's meaning right now. I won't talk to you, Ms. Xiao. Mr. Bo is in the office. If you have anything to do with him, please go ahead Go in." Zhang Song put down these words, turned around and left quickly.

Xiao Mengqiu chased two steps forward and wanted to catch him and ask him clearly, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not necessary at all, just don't worry about what Bo Qingang is thinking, when the time comes, take a photo of her and Bo Qingang and put it on Weibo In fact, even if it is just to announce that the two of them are together, it will be fine. Let's see who dares to say that she is the mistress.

Thinking of this, she pushed open the door of Bo Qingang's office with a smile on her face, walked to Bo Qingang's side on her high heels, and said in a soft voice that dripped water, "Aang, have you seen the online news?" Those remarks? Everyone said that I was a mistress, and I was so uncomfortable that I wanted to kill myself, do you want to take care of it?"

Bo Qingang was still expressionless at first, but when she heard the word self-harm, she moved her finger on the mouse and looked up at her, "What do you want to do?"

"What else can I want to do? It's very simple, I just want to find out who I am now, am I your mistress? I don't think so, we are destined to be married When I grow up, I want to get married, why am I now a mistress?"

"I feel uncomfortable in my heart, so I want to hurt myself, you must give me a name, otherwise I am not sure what I will do tonight!"

Xiao Mengqiu had a cute face when he spoke, and even kept the corners of his mouth curled up, but all the words he said were threatening, with his hands still on Bo Qingang's shoulders, and his face was close to Bo Qingang's. , Whispered in his ear, "Quickly ask the people in your company's public relations department to tell all the media reporters that we are a fiancé couple."

When she was talking, her hand touched Bo Qingang's shoulder all the way down to his chest, and when she wanted to go down, Bo Qingang grabbed her hand, and then put her hand back on her body , said coldly, "It's impossible for me to say that to the reporter, don't be delusional."

"What?" Xiao Mengqiu frowned and stared at Bo Qingang when he heard Bo Qingang's direct rejection, "Say it again? Are you sure you won't say it? Then I don't care, anyway, I can't feel the pain when I'm hurt. "

Bo Qingang looked up at her, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, "Are you sure you want to threaten me in this way, can you threaten me for the rest of your life? If I find a way to crack it, do you know what will happen to you? "

He also wanted to give Xiao Mengqiu one last chance to make her realize that it is not feasible to use Lin Su'er to threaten herself like this. If she continues like this, she will end up in a terrible end. If she is willing to take the initiative to stop, then look at it. For the face of Dean Xiao Shuo, it is still willing to let Xiao Mengqiu go.

But he didn't expect that Xiao Mengqiu didn't understand Bo Qingang's meaning at all, and thought that he wanted to vent out because of the oppression these days, and didn't want to be threatened by her anymore.

She said fearlessly: "Really? Then I want to see if you can find it. I am looking forward to what will happen to you, but before you find a solution, you have to think about it, my dear." What will happen to Lin Su'er's life?"

"After all, I didn't strike lightly or seriously, and the wounds now won't stay on my body. You said that if I can't do it today, I cut my wrist carefully with a blade. What will happen?"

Xiao Mengqiu turned around and came to his desk, propped his hands on the desk, moved his head forward and approached Bao Qingang's face, looked at him meaningfully, his eyes shone brightly when he spoke, it was clearly She was asking a question, but it made her say an exclamation sentence, and she firmly believed that Bo Qingang would never find a way to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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