Chapter 822 Leaving the Ang Family
Chapter 822 Leaving the Ang Family
Xiao Mengqiu was in the room listening to the movement downstairs, and in less than 5 minutes, she heard a commotion downstairs, and the housekeeper sternly reprimanded, "What are you doing? Do you know where this is? This is Ang Home! Don’t you want to live? How dare you break in.”

"It's precisely because this is the Ang family that we forced our way in, otherwise we wouldn't be in the mood to break in." A male voice sounded like a bell, and Xiao Mengqiu felt relieved a lot. Hearing the noisy voice downstairs seemed to be moving. He raised his hand, and after a while, he became quiet.

Nervously, she poked her head out of the bedroom and looked downstairs, wondering whether it was hers who won or the Ang family who won.

"Miss Xiao, we have already dealt with the members of the Ang family. Come with us." When she was curious, she ran upstairs alone, and said to her respectfully.

Xiao Mengqiu immediately felt relieved. Fortunately, she had already made plans. These people were all hired when she arrived at Ang's house. The bodyguards who specialize in protecting her were all carefully selected by her. One against ten veterans.

"Let's go, let's go." Xiao Mengqiu didn't dare to delay any longer. She put on her bag and ran out of Ang's house behind them. I'm not in the mood to take care of him anymore, my own life is more important.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Lin Su'er struggled to the point of exhaustion and despair, and was successfully dragged into the hospital by this group of doctors and nurses. They seemed to have bribed the doctors of this hospital long ago and dragged Lin Su'er into the operating room.

She watched the door of the operating room close, feeling so disheartened that she didn't want to struggle, but her child was innocent. She knew that she was still struggling when she was lying on the hospital bed, but in her eyes Struggling, in the eyes of these doctors and nurses, is like a weak movement before dying, which is not worth mentioning at all.

"What's the use of doing these useless struggles here? Give her an injection of anesthesia." One of the doctors in a white coat pointed at Lin Su'er impatiently and said, and the nurse next to her immediately pushed Lin Su'er into an anesthetic.

The second the anesthetic entered her body, Lin Su'er felt a sense of powerlessness all over her body from the place of anesthesia, she became a little delirious, as if she was floating on a cloud, and there was no more Struggling with strength, he could only lie on the bed in despair.

But her sanity has not been completely withdrawn, she is praying to God, someone will come and save her, whoever can save her will do.

Lin Su'er was lying on the bed and watched the operating lights in the operating room come on, and the door was about to be closed tightly. She felt like she was being slaughtered, forget it!What are you struggling with?It's useless at all, who will come to save her?Even Bo Qingang didn't want her anymore, he wanted to kill his own child, so who else would save her.


One second before Lin Su'er was about to close her eyes, she suddenly heard a violent crash. She opened her eyelids and saw Xiao Shuo rushing into the operating room with a group of people. Bodyguards in neat black clothes guarded the door. , holding down the doctors and nurses who were going to operate on her.

"Are you looking for death? How dare you touch my daughter? I'm so tired!" Xiao Shuo yelled at the group of people, and ran to Lin Suer's side, seeing her covered in blood felt extremely distressed.

Then he hugged her, "Su'er, it's okay, dad is here, no one will dare to hurt you anymore."

Xiao Shuo felt a surge of fear. He almost failed to protect his daughter. For 20 years, he failed to fulfill his father's responsibility. He finally recognized her and almost let her get hurt under his nose. , fortunately in time, fortunately in time!

Panting heavily, Lin Su'er opened her eyes, her eyes were blurry, the anesthetic seemed to have taken effect, she lost all strength, and exhausted her last bit of sanity to hold Xiao Shuo's sleeve with her hands. Blood jumped out from his fingertips again, staining Xiao Shuo's clothes red.

"Dad, Dad..." Lin Su'er panted weakly and called Xiao Shuo, the smell of blood seemed to come out of her mouth.

"Father is here, dad is here, don't be afraid! Xiao Shuo hugged her immediately, not knowing how to comfort Lin Su'er, and he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting her."

"Dad, save my child, save him, even if I die, don't let him die, don't, don't..."

Until this moment, Lin Suer finally felt the feeling of her mother before she was temporarily, and knew what kind of desperate situation she was in. She and Qin Yuhan had just given birth to her and Qin Yuhan had to fight Katharina desperately. Maybe motherly love is like this!Do your best to protect your children well, even if you don't have any strength at all, you still want to fight hard.

After saying this, she lost all strength, her hand slowly slipped from Xiao Shuo's body, and she fell to the side as if she had lost her vitality. Xiao Shuo hugged her nervously, "Su'er, Suer!"

Lin Su'er's breathing was extremely weak now, as if she was going to leave him soon, he was so nervous.

the other side.

Xiao Mengqiu followed his bodyguards and ran out of the Ang family's villa. The moment she ran out of the gate, she relaxed, thinking that she must be fine, and she could escape the Ang family's investigation, as long as she hid Nothing will happen if they are not found by the Ang family.

"Quick! Go to the place I told you before, call everyone, and you are not allowed to appear in Ang's house again."

Xiao Mengqiu got into the car in a hurry, and told her people not to appear around the Ang's family anymore. Today they have shown their faces, and it's easy for the Ang's family to wake up and catch them.

However, she has already bought a house on the other side of the city, the place farthest from the Ang family. She has already considered everything and left enough funds. As long as the Ang family does not look for her, she is completely You can spend the rest of your life in peace and comfort.

She sat in the car and watched the Ang family behind her getting farther and farther away from her, and the hanging heart fell safely. The matter of pretending to be the granddaughter of the Ang family has officially come to an end. She wants to resume her identity as Xiao Mengqiu, but It is doomed that the talented girl Xiao Mengqiu will also hide in the future, and cannot be found by the Ang family. She will live in hiding in her next life.

It doesn't matter, Lin Su'er has been dealt with, Bo Qingang is willing to be with her now, that's enough, Bo Qingang is worth everything, she doesn't need anything else!

(End of this chapter)

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