Chapter 823
Chapter 823

A car came across unexpectedly in front of him, and the driver couldn't react and rammed into it, Xiao Mengqiu rushed forward, Kankan looked at the driver with some annoyance after sitting still, "What are you doing? Can't you even drive? You want to take me to kill you, don't you?"

"It's not Miss Xiao, it's the car in front that ran over suddenly." The driver was also a little scared, and his palms were covered with cold sweat. If he didn't brake in time, it would be a big car accident, and the car in front would also be in a big car accident. It's so strange, there are many cars behind, it's almost a convoy, and it seems that they came to intercept them on purpose.

Xiao Mengqiu looked up and felt that the car in front of their car looked familiar. When she was wondering, she saw Bo Qingang coming out of the back seat and walking to the front of her car. Xiao Mengqiu immediately rolled down the window He poked his head out and looked at him, "Aang, do you have anything to do with me? Why did you come to me in such a dangerous way? Just give me a call and I'll go find you."

"Get out of the car and follow me." Bo Qing'ang was completely gone from the previous appearance, and returned to the cold and bored appearance when he treated her before.

Xiao Mengqiu realized that something was wrong, but still tried to calm down and looked at him, and asked: "Aang, you are so strange today, why are you looking for me?"

"I'll let you get out of the car!" Bo Qingang's words were already full of impatience, and the eyes that looked at Xiao Mengqiu did not have any warmth.

"Aang, what's the matter with you? You suddenly turned your eyebrows at me." Xiao Mengqiu opened the car door and got out. The car reached out and wanted to pull Bao Qing'ang's hand, but Bo Qing'ang threw it away. Turning her head towards the row of cars parked behind her, she said softly, "Come here! Tie her up for me."

After he gave this order, a group of people ran out of the car behind him, and walked towards Xiao Mengqiu holding a rope. She also reacted a little belatedly.

"Bo Qingang, you bastard! You lied to me on purpose before, didn't you? Let me tell you, ah!"

Xiao Mengqiu reacted, and immediately turned around and wanted to get back into the car, but it was too late, Bo Qing quickly supported her, preventing her from going back into the car, Xiao Mengqiu couldn't struggle at all, just thinking When she frantically took out her pocket knife to threaten Bo Qingang, the bodyguards next to her came up and surrounded her, and directly pressed on the car door.

Xiao Mengqiu's face was distorted, and he yelled out of anger, "Bo Qingang, you will pay the price, you dare to lie to me, aren't you afraid that Lin Su'er will get hurt because of you? Just wait! I promise She won't survive tonight."

"I won't let you have a chance to hurt Su'er, let alone tonight, you won't be able to threaten me even for a second." Bo Qingang said these words softly in her ear .

Xiao Mengqiu felt that someone wrapped his hand with something, and she yelled angrily, "What are you doing? Do you want to tie me up? Let me tell you that Lin Su'er still has injuries on her body. If you tie me up with a rope, I will Struggles will also hurt, and this wound will spread to her body, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it, you'd better think clearly."

"Of course I have thought of everything you think of, so you don't need to worry about it!" Bo Qing'ang ignored her at all, turned around and walked back to her car. What came was a soft touch, like a piece of foam wrapped around her, but she still couldn't break free.

This meant that she had no way of struggling to transfer the wound to Lin Su'er's body, but she would definitely be tied up and taken away by them.

She didn't know what Bo Qingang was planning, didn't he know that if he was too hungry or thirsty, Lin Su'er would be treated the same way?He tied himself up and imprisoned him, but he didn't let himself harm Lin Su'er. If he starved himself to death, Lin Su'er would have no good end.

Does Bo Qingang really want to imprison her for a lifetime?Xiao Mengqiu had mixed feelings in his heart, and was about to question loudly with his eyes wide open, when a ball of cloth was stuffed into his mouth. ..."

Xiao Mengqiu opened her eyes and watched the bodyguards drag him into the car, and they didn't even let her sit, and stuffed her directly into the trunk. The narrow trunk made her curl up into a ball, she was so angry The tears fell straight away, not because she was angry about what happened to her now, but because she was angry that Bo Qingang lied to her, and she was so defenseless and vigilant.

She believed everything Bo Qingang said, but she was so stupid to believe that Bo Qingang would really fall in love with her.

She is a genius girl, and everyone says she has super intelligence, but every time she meets Bo Qingang, she is played around by him like a fool.

That night, Bo Qingang said that he would be with her and would not talk to Lin Suer anymore. She really believed that every word he said was true. The more Xiao Mengqiu thought about it, the more wronged she became. , is vicious to everyone, but she is full of patience and tenderness to Bo Qingang, and she is willing to fall from the altar for him and become a treacherous person full of filth.

She has [-]% trust in him, but Bo Qingang deceives her, uses her, and even hates her.

Tears flowed down Xiao Mengqiu's face one after another, dripping into the trunk of the car, as if a mocking person was reflected, laughing loudly at her.

But she couldn't figure it out, if Bo Qing'ang had lost patience with her long ago, what was the point of lying to her that night, he would have tied her up earlier, why did he go around in such a big circle.

That evening……

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Mengqiu thought carefully about everything that night, candles, red wine and that dinner, everything was just right, there was nothing wrong with it, Bo Qingang even hugged her to bed...

Thinking of this, Xiao Mengqiu's eyes widened suddenly and she couldn't make a sound, but there was a look of horror in her eyes, and the red blood burst out. That night, Bo Qingang didn't touch her at all, and woke up the next morning. At that time, she didn't have anything strange except that she was a little dizzy.

What did he do that night?And she didn't look like she was hungover after waking up!

(End of this chapter)

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