Chapter 826
Chapter 826
"There will be no chance, don't say planted in my body, I won't give you a chance to use such a vicious trick again in the future!"

Looking at Xiao Mengqiu's almost crazy face, Bo Qingang wanted to slap her, but no!This slap hit Xiao Mengqiu's face, but it hurt Lin Su'er's body. Lin Su'er was already in pain enough. After suffering such a serious injury, it must also hurt her heart if she misunderstood that he didn't want their child.

But this is something he can't choose. Zhang Xueshi has explained thousands of times that people who have been infected by the blood gu are absolutely not allowed to have children, otherwise there will be danger in the process of giving birth to children, so for Lin Su'er, he can not have that. Only the child will resolutely let Lin Su'er get rid of it!

But now it's all right, he will be able to resolve these matters immediately, and the blood gull on Lin Su'er's body will also be untied, and she will be able to have a child at that time, it is the crystallization of their love, how could he not love it.

"Aang! Aang, are you so tired of me? Are you really unwilling to look at me more? You have to know that I do all these things for you, I love you, I love you so much Crazy, why can't you see my love for you?"

Xiao Mengqiu struggled crazily while talking, exhausted her strength, maybe it was the situation that stimulated her strength, she actually managed to struggle to open the cloth strips that bound her, and tied her with her body The ropes are all open!
After breaking free from the shackles, she immediately ran up to Bo Qing'ang's side, looked at his eyes filled with tears, covered her chest and said, "Do you know that my heart hurts right now, your Lin Su'er can feel it Do you feel my pain? She can't feel it! My love for you is the strongest love in the world, I love you!"

Looking at her crazy appearance, Bo Qing'ang lost all patience, asked all the questions clearly, eliminated the possible threats around Lin Su'er, Xiao Mengqiu's retention was completely useless!

He stretched out his hand to restrain Xiao Mengqiu, but Xiao Mengqiu shouted, "Don't touch me, I still have something about Lin Su'er, do you want to hear it?"

Bo Qingang slowly lowered his outstretched hand, looked at her coldly, "Say!"

"Do you know? Lin Su'er is probably dead now, on the operating table, during the abortion process, don't you know? I called a group of doctors and nurses to find her, and dragged her to the hospital for a forced abortion. Her current physical condition is simply impossible to withstand an abortion operation, she must be dead now!"

Xiao Mengqiu has already calculated everything, whether she is a medical student or a genius girl, she knows that Lin Su'er is not suitable for that operation now, she has only one end to die.

Thinking of this, she immediately laughed out loud, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hahahaha, she's finally dead, you're left with me now, you can't save her, you can't come back to life after death! She hated you before she died, you know?"

"Bo Qingang! Because I asked those people to tell her that you asked her to kill the child. You said the same thing before, and she will not doubt the authenticity of their words. She will only die in despair and resentment. , before he died, he was full of resentment towards you!"

Xiao Mengqiu said these words viciously, Bo Qingang's face changed drastically, and he grabbed her hand, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"I say it again and again and it's the same thing. You think I said it on purpose to scare you, no! I've already made preparations to let Lin Su'er leave you, and you've been protecting her so much before.

In the past two days, I finally got this perfect opportunity. I can make Lin Su'er think that you want to kill her without any doubt. I can also use this operation to successfully kill her. How perfect! "

Xiao Mengqiu said, approaching Bo Qingang boldly, looking at her cold eyes, her voice became much gentler.

"Aang, do you know that you don't have anyone now, you only have me left, give me a second look, Lin Su'er and I look so similar, you can't even tell her grandfather apart, don't you like Lin Su'er like that?" Damn right? I can change into his appearance, you know, I can also transform into Rong Dan, as long as you give me a little time, I can completely change into Lin Su'er's appearance!"

She loves Bo Qing'ang to the bottom of her heart, she doesn't need to be Xiao Mengqiu, as long as Bo Qing'ang is willing to be by her side, she can become anyone, even Lin Su'er, whom she hates the most, she is willing to become Lin Su'er's The appearance is just to make Bo Qingang look at her more.

When Xiao Mengqiu was talking, he went up to kiss Bo Qingang directly, wanted to let him feel her fiery heart and crazy love, but before he touched Bo Qingang, he punched him hard , just landed on the left back of her neck.

"Ah!" Xiao Mengqiu exclaimed suddenly, his whole body went limp and he slumped on the ground, his whole body was a little dizzy from the beating, and his eyes turned black. Bo Qingang had received military training, and his strength was stronger than ordinary people. Mostly, another punch with such hatred could knock her unconscious on the spot.

But she still managed not to pass out, she pulled out the knife she was carrying and wanted to stab herself, even if Lin Su'er was not dead now, she would have to be killed, making Bo Qingang worry.

But the moment Bo Qingang saw her take out the knife, he kicked her knife away, and the people at the door rushed in immediately when they heard the sound of the knife falling to the ground.

"Catch her, don't let her hurt me again!" Bo Qingang said coldly, and several bodyguards immediately went up and held Xiao Mengqiu down. The body has cooled down.

"Xiao Mengqiu, I asked you if you knew what the consequences would be. Do you remember what you said at the time? I will tell you what the consequences are today. This is where the mother voodoo is located on your body. The wound here It won't be transferred, as long as the blood on your body is drained, the mother Gu will die, and it won't be able to hurt Su'er anymore."

Bo Qingang approached Xiao Mengqiu with a knife, squatted down and pressed the knife against the special place on Xiao Mengqiu's neck, Xiao Mengqiu had given up struggling, but the tears still fell uncontrollably, these were not tears of fear of death, but tears she wanted Leaving Bo Qingang's tears of reluctance.

Even now, her love for Bo Qing'ang has not diminished at all, and even increased as she was about to leave.

"Aang! I want to ask you one last question. I'm going to die anyway. Let me die happily. Let me ask you! We've known each other for almost 12 years, have you ever had such a second? Clock, even a second, have you ever liked me?"

(End of this chapter)

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