Chapter 827 Hospital Explosion
Chapter 827 Hospital Explosion
"Never, not for a second!"


As soon as Bo Qingang's voice fell, he scratched Xiao Mengqiu's neck with his hand, and blood immediately oozed from the rear left. , her eyes were blurred, tears flowed, she looked at Bo Qingang with a sad face and said slowly, "Aang, I love you, everything I do is for you..."

After saying this, she no longer had the strength to spread her hands down. The blood stained the ground of the villa, and the smell of blood wafted far away. Bo Qingang stood by and saw her bleeding profusely. , A small bug crawled out of the body, it just crawled out from the left back of the neck.

This is the mother Gu that is related to the Gu worm raised in Lin Su'er's body with her blood. It is through these two Gu worms that her wound can be transferred. Now that the worm comes out of her body, it means that That means she no longer has the ability to transfer the wound to Lin Su'er.

It's finally over. Thinking of this, Bo Qing'ang feels a lot more at ease, and turns around to go to Lin Su'er. She has suffered a lot these past two days, so he must be very sad in his heart. He needs his own comfort.

"Mr. Bo, it's not good. There was an explosion in the central hospital just now, and someone saw that Miss Lin Su'er went to that hospital for a physical examination this morning. Now..."

Zhang Song rushed into the villa suddenly and said with a panicked face. When Bo Qingang heard his words, his pupils were shocked, and he rushed out of the villa without any stop, and he didn't care about letting the driver drive anymore. He drove the car all the way to Central Hospital.

Many people surrounded the entrance of the Central Hospital, and everyone was pointing and discussing.

"What's the matter with this hospital? Why did it explode suddenly? No one was hurt!"

"How could no one be hurt? There is a lot of traffic in here, but it seems that many doctors and nurses have come out. It is pity for those patients with limited mobility. They are probably going to die inside."

"It's so pitiful. Who is so anti-social that he planted a bomb here, and he is not afraid of retribution."

"Who knows who it is, but if he dares to come to the hospital, there is no fear of retribution."

As soon as Bo Qingang got out of the car, he heard the discussions from the people around him. He wanted to rush into the hospital without hesitation, but Zhang Song who followed him immediately stopped in front of him, "Mr. Bo, you must You can't go in, although there are no more explosions now, but it's not safe inside, I don't know if the house will collapse later, you must not go in!"

"Su'er is inside, how could I not go in." Bo Qingang held back, but with his clenched hands, burst veins and clenched teeth, it can be seen that he is extremely worried now, Lin Su'er today What are you doing in this hospital this morning?is she in there nowOr have you escaped?

"Young Master Bo, calm down first, we will immediately investigate whether Miss Lin Su'er has escaped from the hospital." Zhang Song still stopped him, worried that something would happen if he rushed in impulsively.

But he couldn't stop him at all, Bo Qing'ang had already slapped his hand away and rushed into the crumbling hospital.

"Young Master Bo!"

Zhang Song kept stomping outside, turned his head and asked the people around him, "Did you see this girl running out?" He held Lin Su'er's photo in his hand and asked the people around him.

A few doctors around him who ran out of the hospital looked at the photo in his hand and shook their heads, "This girl did come to our hospital for an examination this morning, but I didn't see her run out when the explosion happened just now, maybe already……"

The doctor's words stopped abruptly, and I am sorry to continue, after all, this news is too sad.

Zhang Song was a little shocked when he heard what they said. He turned his head to look at the hospital that was almost unable to hold on, and rushed in after being silent for a while.

Bo Qing'ang searched room by room in the hospital, until he searched all the rooms in the hospital, but he still didn't see Lin Su'er. He didn't care about the gravel falling from the top of his head, and he simply forgot to dodge.

Zhang Song also searched in the hospital, but did not find any trace of Lin Su'er, but saw a few corpses that died in the explosion, whose appearance was no longer recognizable, and there were many people buried under the rubble.

Zhang Song didn't dare to remind Bo Qing'ang that maybe Lin Su'er was one of them, he could only silently follow along, watching Bo Qing'ang's initial anxiety slowly turn into despair.

Bo Qing'ang has always been a person who keeps his emotions and anger on the surface, even though he is already sweating in a hurry, he still doesn't shout, but just waved his hand at Zhang Song, "Okay, you go out first."

"Mr. Bo, you can't stay here anymore. The house looks like it's going to collapse."

"Boom, boom! Bang! Bang!"

As soon as Zhang Song finished speaking, he saw that the other side of the entire hospital was collapsing, and large blocks of stones fell down one after another.

At this time, Zhang Song was anxious, and quickly grabbed Bo Qingang and ran outside. The two stood outside the hospital and watched the hospital slowly collapse, and finally turned into ruins, with a lot of dust floating up, everyone was scared. The birds and beasts dispersed, but Bo Qingang still stood there for a long time, unwilling to leave.

"Young Master Bo, you'd better leave first, someone will come to clean up the scene, and we will be notified of any remains found."

Zhang Song wanted to pull him away, but Bo Qingang shook off his hand and said coldly, "Go, don't follow me."

"Young Master Bo..."

"Get out!" Bo Qing'ang's voice was already tinged with anger, Zhang Song knew that he didn't want to be followed, so he could only take the bodyguards who came over and get in the car and leave, leaving Bo Qing'ang alone next to the hospital.

He stood outside the hospital for a long time, until his legs were a little numb, and then he walked into the ruins, closed his eyes and felt the pain in his heart, and stretched out his hands to cover his chest, as if something important was far away from him Same.

That feeling made him a little scared, he wanted to yell loudly, thinking maybe Lin Su'er would agree to him, but he opened his mouth and didn't make a sound, but his eye circles became more and more red, and he tried his best not to let the tears fall.

The man did not flick his tears, but he didn't reach the point where he was sad. He wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't cry. Bo Qing'ang stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and he took it away after a long time. His eyes regained firmness. Said firmly into the air, "Su'er, I know you are not dead, I will not cry for you, because you are definitely still alive! How could you abandon me and walk alone..."

Bo Qingang lowered his head while talking, his hands were hanging by his sides, tightly clenched into fists!

(End of this chapter)

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