Chapter 828 Funeral
Chapter 828 Funeral
"Young Master Bo, are you really not going to Miss Lin Su'er's funeral?"

Zhang Song walked into Bo Qingang's room with some anxiety, and saw him sitting by the window in his nightgown, drinking with a goblet in his hand, as if he had lost all vitality. Relying on Lin Su'er for support.

In the past few days, with the continuous cleaning of those buried under the ruins of the hospital, their identities have been confirmed. There are two sentences that belong to young girls, but their faces have been bombed, especially one of them. She really looks like Lin Su'er, no matter her height, figure or even the clothes she wears.

Zhang Song has already confirmed that it is Lin Su'er, but Bo Qing'ang has never believed it. Zhang Song can only be busy with Lin Su'er's affairs, help her with the funeral, and claim the corpse, but he has never dared to disturb Bo Qing'ang. He didn't come up to mention a word until today's funeral.

"What kind of funeral, I said no, Su'er will definitely not die, she is still alive, why should I go to her funeral, get out!"

Bo Qingang yelled angrily, and then drank the red wine in the glass. Looking at him like this, Zhang Song knew that no matter what he said, he would not believe it, so he left his room silently. .

Looking at the empty red wine glass, Bo Qingang felt mixed feelings in his heart. It has been five days, and he has not found Lin Su'er for five days. He asked everyone to search frantically in this city, but they found nothing. Just waiting for two unrecognizable corpses.

One of them was very similar to Lin Suer, everyone thought it was Lin Suer, but he didn't believe it, but he couldn't find Lin Suer.

Even no one related to her could be found. The day the Ang family collapsed in the hospital, that is, the day Xiao Mengqiu was cleaned up, they left Huaxia mainland overnight.

Xiao Shuo didn't want to see him either, he just told him that since Lin Su'er was dead, they had to leave too, Qin Yuhan said the same thing, all of them thought Lin Su'er was dead.

He didn't go to Bo's these few days, he pushed everything to his staff, and he completely refused the meeting. He just sat and drank in the villa every day. Lin Su'er came to this villa, and even lay down with him over that bed.

Every time he lay on the bed, he seemed to be able to smell Lin Suer's body, he didn't want to leave this room, only here could he feel Lin Suer's breath.

Bo Qingang stretched out his hand slowly, and wrote the word "Su" on the glass.

"The weather is going to turn cold soon, where are you, Su'er?"

Five days ago...

Xiao Shuo urgently transferred Lin Suer from the central hospital to a private hospital. Lin Suer was injected with too much anesthetic. Such a large dose could be fatal. There were too many wounds on her body and she lost too much blood. After he transferred Lin Suer to a private hospital, He personally operated on Lin Su'er to treat her injuries.

There is also the removal of the anesthetic in the body, but after three hours of surgery, Lin Su'er has not been able to wake up for a long time.

He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. Logically speaking, the wound on his body had been stitched up, the bleeding that should have stopped had stopped, and the anesthetic in his body had been removed. She should have woken up.

Looking at Lin Su'er who was pushed out of the operating room and lying on the hospital bed, but hadn't woken up, Xiao Shuo was so anxious that he kept shouting beside her, "Su'er, wake up! The last time you were injured by the bombing After such a serious killing, you have such a strong vitality to wake up, why don't you want to wake up this time?"

Mr. Ang was leaning on a cane, looking at Lin Su'er who had her eyes closed tightly, she was also in a hurry. The cane kept hitting the ground making harsh sounds, and coughed anxiously.

"Cough cough cough...Xiao Shuo! You have already killed my daughter, but you can't kill my granddaughter again. Hurry up and save Su'er, I haven't met her yet! You are the dean of Huaxia University School of Medicine , published so many medical papers, how could it be impossible to save your own daughter.”

"I know! Give me some time. Su'er's condition is very stable now, and the electrocardiogram monitoring is no problem, but she has not woken up. I don't know which link is wrong. Please let me check her carefully again. a bit."

Xiao Shuo was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he had no choice but to continue to conduct a full physical examination on Lin Su'er to make sure if there were any undetected wounds on her body.

Lin Su'er was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, but she could feel everything around her, hear the conversation between Xiao Shuo and Mr. Ang, and even smell the disinfectant, but she just couldn't wake up.

This time she seemed to be in a completely black closed room, completely different from the empty white world last time.

She felt that the emptiness in her heart had been magnified, just like the darkness around her, and she felt a little hopeless. She tried several times to wake up, but there was no way.

Lin Su'er was about to give up, thinking that she might never wake up for the rest of her life, could this be the feeling of being in a vegetable state?In fact, it is clear in my heart that I can hear and touch, but I just can't wake up, and I have trapped myself in this dark world all my life, and I can't touch anything.


Thinking of this, Lin Su'er's eyes suddenly brightened. It's not like she can't touch anything. She can enter the medicine spirit jade space, where there is a lot of spiritual power. Maybe she can wake up after staying there for a while.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er immediately entered the Yao Lingyu space. She was in a coma, and usually closed her eyes when entering the space. At this time, with a thought, she entered the Yao Lingyu space.

Today's Yaolingyu space is completely different from usual, emitting a little green light. Lin Su'er was looking for the source of this light, and saw a green fruit on a branch of the Yaolingmu. The green color is like nature. The color is the same, full of vitality, and this fruit actually looks exactly like an apple, except that it radiates green light.

Green vitality?Lin Su'er thought about picking the fruit directly, and the green color became brighter in the palm of her hand. Before, every time he ate a fruit, he could gain a magical skill. I don't know what changed after eating this time.

But even if she eats it now, it shouldn't be of any use. She can't wake up and return to real life at all. She may be trapped in this medicine spirit jade space for the rest of her life, so what's the use of eating this fruit.

Although Lin Su'er was full of despair, she thought that there might still be a little bit of hope. After all, the fruit of the spirit wood would be useful every time she ate it. This time, it might be able to cure her and she would be able to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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