Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 832 The World's No. 1 Hacker

Chapter 832
Chapter 832
Xiao Wang and Xiao Yuhan were sitting in the computer room, their small eyes rolled around, and they grabbed their uncle.

"Uncle, do you know who my father is?"

"Your father has passed away. Didn't your mother tell you? Don't study people who are not there anymore. Every time you ask your mother, your mother will be sad. Do you want to see her sad?"

Xiao Yuhan answered this question very quickly, as if he had already prepared the answer, and he just had to say it out.

"Of course I don't want to see my mother sad, but I'm also curious, please tell me, uncle, what kind of person is my father?"

"Your father..." Xiao Yuhan looked into Xiao Wangda's bright eyes, and began to make up nonsense in a serious manner.

"Your father was your mother's classmate in college. After your mother gave birth to you, he passed away in an accident. Your father was a man of influence just like your mother when he was in college. He was sought after by the whole school. Lover! You look a lot like your father..."

"Oh." Xiao Wang listened to his words, nodded thoughtfully, he didn't take a word of what Xiao Yuhan said, except for the last sentence, he looks a lot like his father!
Astute, he quickly recognized that in this passage, only the last sentence was absolutely true, because when my uncle said this sentence, his tone was different, and he kept looking at his face.

"What are you thinking, you little elf? I told you, don't keep asking about your father, your mother will be sad, understand? I'm done talking to you today, and you are not allowed to ask her again gone."

Xiao Yuhan rubbed his nephew's head, with a helpless expression on his face, only the combination of Bo Qingang and Lin Su'er could give birth to such a smart child, his IQ was off the charts at a young age, it's a pity that Bo Qingang didn't I don't deserve to know that there is such a smart child in the world.

"Ha..." Xiao Wang didn't answer his words, but suddenly yawned, stretched his waist and said, "Uncle, I'm a little sleepy, you go out first, I'll sleep on this sofa."

"Why don't you go to sleep in your room? Uncle has prepared a children's room for you!"

"I just want to sleep on this sofa, and then get up to play on the computer. My friends are still waiting for me. I must be anxious because I haven't been on the computer for a few hours."

"Okay, I know you are amazing." Xiao Yuhan shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked out of the computer room. His nephew was young, and he couldn't be said to be young. He was just a kid, but he was the world's number one. A hacker k.

He himself felt a little unbelievable, wondering how those netizens who had been conquered by him would react after knowing that he had lost to a four-year-old child.

After Xiao Wang sat in front of the computer and watched Xiao Yuhan leave the room, he immediately turned around and turned on the computer, typing quickly on the computer keyboard.

Immediately, a bunch of people jumped out of the communication software to communicate with him.

"K is here? Have you arrived in China mainland? How is it over there?"

"That's right, is there anyone with the same goals who can pull him into our team?"

"Don't stay offline after you go there, we still have a lot of tasks, we can't do without you."

This group of people who communicate with him on the Internet are all very powerful Internet hackers. They formed a team, but most of them have never met each other. They don't know that their boss is a four-year-old child. When Wang communicated with them online, his tone was never immature.

"I won't go missing these days, but I need you to help me investigate a person. This person is Bo Qingang, a well-known person in China Mainland. I want all his information, and give me all that can be investigated. one serving."

Xiao Wang dexterously moved his fingers on the computer keyboard, and typed out this passage frantically. Although his mother had been telling him that his father had passed away since he could remember, he never believed it. Seeing the man who was so similar to him, he asked again, but his mother still didn't let go.

He decided not to ask any more questions, he would do it himself, if he wanted to know what he wanted to do, he could do his own research. When the photo of the man was shown on the big screen at the airport, he included his name, he remembered!
But he couldn't investigate in front of his mother, otherwise his mother would be unhappy, so he had to entrust his teammate.

The people in the team are very loyal, and when they heard the boss's request, they agreed almost immediately and answered quickly.

"Okay, give me a few hours, and I will give you all the information before tonight."

"No problem, I will dig out all eight generations of his family's ancestors for you."

"Who is this person? Boss, you actually asked yourself to investigate it yourself. Is that a very powerful team coming to challenge you again?"

"No, I will trouble you with some personal matters." Xiao Wang answered quickly.

"OK, leave it to us!" This sentence popped up on the screen almost immediately, and all the people followed behind to type out this sentence. Xiao Wang was relieved a lot, his team will never lose the chain , Many hacker teams have made a challenge to them, but they have never won. The victories again and again have established his reputation as the world's number one hacker.

After seeing that everyone in the team agreed, he felt a lot more at ease. He turned off the computer and went to sleep on the sofa.

Xiao Su'er was blowing her wet hair with a hair dryer in the bedroom, taking a shower seemed to wash away her fatigue from flying, and now he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he just changed his clothes and left the manor alone.

Walking on some familiar and unfamiliar streets, she felt a strange feeling. Five years have passed, and many changes have taken place on the streets. High-rise buildings still stand tall, and many new parks and facilities have even been built.

Xiao Su'er was walking alone on the street, and unconsciously went straight back to Huaxia University, too!Angjia Manor is very close to Huaxia University, so it is not surprising to walk back, after all, there are only a few places she is familiar with in the Huaxia Mainland.

In the evening, there were people coming and going at the gate of Huaxia University, and there were many campus couples holding hands. Xiao Su'er looked at it with mixed feelings in her heart. She left Huaxia Mainland five years ago, so naturally she could no longer continue her university life , the classmates who went to college with her at the beginning have all graduated, and even the gate of the university has been renovated.

She stood at the door for a long time, but couldn't help but walked into the campus. It was still a familiar teaching building. The location of the medical school had not changed, and the teaching building was still the same. The medical school students who had just finished their experiments Wearing a white coat, he walked out of the teaching building and passed by her.

(End of this chapter)

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