Chapter 833

Chapter 833

Xiao Su'er smelled the smell of the potion exuding from them, her gaze became far-reaching, and her memory seemed to return to five years ago, there was a fat little girl, and later that fat girl became much slimmer, and she also found I lost my love, and I don't know how she is doing now.

Ouyang Luo has become a lot more low-key, and is no longer as fickle as before. Over the past five years, Xiao Su'er has searched for Ouyang Luo's name many times through the China Mainland website, hoping to learn something about Xia Xiaonan through getting to know him. The news, but found that it could not be found.

Even Bo Qing'ang has more reports on the Internet than him, so naturally he can't know anything about Xia Xiaonan.

Thinking of Xia Xiaonan, Xiao Su'er felt very guilty. She was most sorry for Xia Xiaonan. Back then Xia Xiaonan tried her best to protect her, but she still left without saying goodbye, and even made her think that she had passed away. Xia Xiaonan must have suffered a lot back then. I don't know how she is now.

Xiao Su'er was fascinated by the thought, but suddenly heard a slightly familiar voice coming from far and near, which made her turn her head to follow the sound in disbelief.

"Go faster! We finally went back to school to take a look today, and you are still slow."

A girl in fashionable clothes, white shoes on her feet, curly hair, light makeup, and shorts ran up to her bouncingly, her whole body was full of youthful and beautiful breath, holding Holding his mobile phone, he was excitedly taking pictures in the direction of the medical school.

Behind her were several girls of the same age, who exuded the same youthful and sweet atmosphere as her. Xiao Su'er looked familiar to those girls, but couldn't remember who they were, only the girl in the lead, she Recognized at a glance.

Isn't that the Xia Xiaonan she was thinking about just now?She is much more beautiful than when she was in college. At that time, she had just lost weight, and she dared not wear a lot of clothes. Even in summer, she tried her best to wear long skirts, for fear that others would take a second look at her. make up.

But today she looks very eye-catching. The pair of slender legs under the shorts are a bit dazzling. It seems that she has maintained a good figure in the past few years and has not gained weight anymore. Xiao Suer is still worried Without herself by her side, she would gain weight back to her original form.

But now it seems that Xia Xiaonan is doing well, so she is relieved!Just as Xiao Su'er was thinking about it, she saw that the girl not far away was already running to her, and the two of them were about to collide with each other. She immediately turned around and walked towards the school gate, passing Xia Xiaonan by the shoulder.

Xia Xiaonan's excited look immediately stopped, looking at the thin figure not far away, wearing a pure white dress and waist-length hair, it was so much like the person in her memory, just now The scent smelled by the nose was also almost exactly the same as in the memory.

"Xiaonan, what are you looking at? Didn't you just say in a hurry to let us go quickly, hurry up, the counselor is going home soon, go and see him while he is still in the office."

The girl following behind pushed Xia Xiaonan into the teaching building, but she stretched out her finger and pointed in Xiao Suer's direction, "Look, that girl is so pixelated, even when I walked by her just now, she smelled like , is she our school girl?"

"Xiaonan, you are here again. Lin Su'er has been dead for five years. Even if you think about her again, she won't be like this. Hasn't it been a long time since you talked about her? And five years have passed, and you still talk about the taste It's the same, what smell is worth remembering for five years, did you dream about her last night?"

Several classmates around her looked helpless. Xia Xiaonan was sluggish in class when Lin Su'er just passed away, which made people think she was depressed.

It took a whole semester before she calmed down a bit, and she was willing to play around with other students in the class, so she put Lin Su'er down, but she was alone all the time in the remaining three years of college Live in a dormitory.

If something interesting happened during this time in college, she couldn't help but say that it would be great if Lin Su'er was by her side. After graduating from college, she left the school she was familiar with. Without Lin Su'er, she was finally gone. I mentioned it, but I didn't expect to remember it now when I came back.

Everyone couldn't figure it out, the two of them only met in college, how could a short friendship be worth remembering for so many years, but only she knew that Lin Su'er was like her reborn parents, helping her to distinguish the scumbags. Male, let her be reborn from Nirvana again.

She will never forget Lin Su'er in her life, but she knows that people around her don't like her constantly mentioning it, not everyone will miss her as much.

Listening to what her companions said, she was also a little dazed, right!She has not thought of Lin Su'er for a long time. After graduation, she is busy with work and has a lot of things to do. It is no longer like studying one thing when she was a student. Some people are destined to be forgotten in the vortex of time.

Xia Xiaonan withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and gave a wry smile. Her Su'er had passed away five years ago, so how could she still appear in Huaxia University? The girl just now had a scent of herbs, which was very similar to Lin Su'er's smell. They look very similar, probably they are really their school girls.

It is normal for the students of the medical school to have a smell of herbs. After all, in the past two years, Vice President Tian’s ideas have also been remotely changed by Dean Xiao Shuo, who will give them a little knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Teachers of the medical school I will also bring some herbs to the school to introduce to the students. It is not surprising that the smell of herbs is on my body.

In the past five years, because of Lin Su'er's death, Xia Xiaonan was deeply brooding in her heart. She always felt that Bo Qingang had to bear a great responsibility. Lin Su'er was forcibly aborted.

It is for this reason that she has been avoiding Bo Qingang for the past five years. If Ouyang Luo wants to find his good brother, she will be angry, but she also feels that Ouyang Luo does not need to be like her.

So every time when Ouyang Luo and Bo Qingang got together, she didn't want to be together, especially when Bo Qingang said that he had a girlfriend every time he was interviewed, Xia Xiaonan was even more angry. During the interviews with Bo Qingang on TV, she would secretly curse Bo Qingang in secret, that Bo Qingang will die alone forever!
(End of this chapter)

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