Chapter 834 The purpose of coming back

Chapter 834 The purpose of coming back

Xiao Su'er left Huaxia University and let out a deep breath at the school gate, "Huh... It seems that today is a little rewarding. I didn't expect to meet Xia Xiaonan who came back to visit her mother's hometown on the first day after returning. Seeing that she is living now It's enough to be so happy, there is no need to disturb her life anymore, the resurrection of a person who has been dead for five years is not a stimulus that ordinary people can accept."

Seeing Xia Xiaonan's relationship made her feel much happier, and she walked briskly all the way back to the Ang family's manor. Xiao Yuhan has been keen on fitness for the past few years, and has already become a fitness expert with eight-pack abs. Now running around the gardens of Ang's Manor.

As soon as Xiao Su'er entered the manor, she saw him running, and immediately shouted, "Okay, don't run, look at you, you must have run a few kilometers, right?"

"It's about the same. It takes five or six hundred meters to go around this garden. It's enough for me to run ten laps."

Xiao Yuhan wrapped a towel around his neck, wiped his sweat with the towel and walked to Xiao Suer's side, "Sister, where did you go just now? Why didn't you take a nap when you came back from the plane for so long?"

"I went out for a walk when I couldn't sleep, and found that the changes here are quite big, and the development is getting faster and faster, and I just met an acquaintance."

While talking, Xiao Su'er walked to the living room and sat down, Xiao Yuhan followed closely behind, and asked nervously after hearing her words, "Which acquaintance? The one with the surname Bo?"

Hearing his words, Lin Su'er, who was pouring tea, paused, put down the teapot and glanced at him, "What are you thinking about? Is he an acquaintance of mine? I don't know him at all, so how could I meet him?" .”

When Xiao Su'er spoke, her expression was very indifferent, as if she was talking about the weather, there was no wave at all.

After hearing her words, Xiao Yuhan felt a lot more at ease. He has worked so hard to keep fit all these years, so that one day when someone dares to hurt his sister again, he can stand in front of Xiao Su'er to block all the harm, and give those who want to hurt her A heavy blow.

This time when they returned to China Mainland, what he was most worried about was the resurgence of the old relationship between Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang, and worried that his sister would be hurt again.

"Come, drink tea. Don't think about it anymore. I have nothing to do with him anymore. I came here only to develop Chinese medicine. After all, this is the birthplace of Chinese medicine. It is more sense of belonging to develop here than overseas, so I We will come back, and our whole family is from the Chinese mainland, so we have to come back here, otherwise no one will visit my mother's grave every year."

Xiao Su'er handed the teacup to Xiao Yuhan and smiled softly, there was comfort in it, she knew that her brother actually loved her very much, and in the past two years he was not like a brother who needed his sister's protection at all, but became I have lost a man who is like an older brother, standing in front of me every moment.

"Okay, since you said that, I'm relieved!" Xiao Yuhan took the teacup and drank the tea.

"How is your work these few days when you come back early? Are you used to it? Becoming a professor at such a young age must be a lot of pressure?" Xiao Su'er looked at Xiao Yuhan's current appearance, her childishness had completely faded from her face, and she didn't care. Be as stupid as you were five years ago.

Instead, he is full of the charm of a mature man. Although he is only 25 years old, he has already become the youngest professor of medicine at Imperial University. He behaves, speaks and talks very well, and he has grown a lot in the past five years.

"Where is the pressure? Don't forget that your younger brother is a genius boy. Besides, he is not easy to handle things like medicine. Although he is a professor, he just writes a few papers and gives lectures to students. There is nothing difficult. , The students in the university are about the same age as me, I don’t care how old they are, there is no generation gap, and they get along very well, and their lives are quite nourishing.”

"I'm relieved to hear you say that, then when will I talk about a girlfriend, I'm very worried about your lifelong event!" Xiao Su'er put her hands on Xiao Yuhan's shoulders and looked at him and asked.

"Sister, don't rush me, you are also surprised, why have you been urging me since my birthday? Dad didn't urge me, you just kept urging me, it's too much!"

Xiao Yuhan put his hands on his forehead as if he couldn't bear it. Every time Lin Su'er mentioned his life-long event, he would have a headache.

"Where is it too much? How old are you this year? You are already 25. I don't ask you to get married now, but you have to talk to a girlfriend. You don't want to be alone at the age of 30. Dad must be in a hurry at that time." , He doesn’t say anything on the surface now, but he is actually very worried in his heart.”

Xiao Su'er was nagging like an old woman, for fear that her younger brother would end up alone. After all, there were quite a few girls chasing him these years, but he always said it was inappropriate, so he rejected a large number of girls, and made countless girls sad , a growing concern about headaches.

I don't know if he is naturally indifferent, or if he doesn't know how to communicate with girls, in short, he is still alone until now.

"Sister, now that our Xiao family already has a cute baby, what are we still afraid of? Even if I really die alone, we will have successors now, so you don't have to worry.

Alright, that's it, I'll go upstairs to take a shower and go to bed, and I have to go to the school to give a lecture tomorrow, sister, you should go to bed early too!Aren't you going to report tomorrow? "

After Xiao Yuhan said this, he ran up as if fleeing, and then left Xiao Su'er sitting alone in the living room. Looking at her brother's vigorous figure, she suddenly understood a little bit about his hard-working fitness all these years. for what?It seems that it is for him to escape quickly when he is forced to find a girlfriend!

Xiao Su'er raised her eyebrows, turned her head to look at the teapot on the table, and poured herself another cup of tea. She really came back this time to promote Chinese medicine, and she wanted to open her own Chinese medicine hospital to benefit the people of Huaxia University. By the way, Chinese medicine can be promoted, but she only knows medical skills and doesn't know how to run a hospital.

It is still necessary to accumulate some experience first. After talking to grandpa, Mr. Ang immediately asked her to go to work in the Chinese medicine clinic under his family. He felt that he had accumulated enough experience and immediately allocated funds for her to open a hospital.

Xiao Su'er drank another cup of tea, stood up and went back to her room.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the room of the villa, Bo Qingang is holding a coffee and having a video conference with the company people.

"Young Master Bo, tomorrow's interview coincides with your impromptu shareholder meeting, cancel the interview?" Zhang Song reported the itinerary.

"Postpone the shareholders' meeting. I will go to the interview as usual." Bo Qingang replied immediately without thinking. He has not missed every interview in the past few years. As long as it is a relatively large magazine, it can be seen at home and abroad. Yes, he will definitely accept interviews.

(End of this chapter)

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