Chapter 835 Missing
Chapter 835 Missing
"Mr. Bo, this is not good. This shareholder meeting is still very important. You can't ask all the shareholders to reschedule just because of an interview. Everyone is still very busy."

Zhang Song had a headache and tried to persuade Bo Qingang. During the past five years, he always put the interview first. In fact, it was to find Lin Su'er, and during the past five years, he did not accept any woman's courtship at all. .

Even the employees in the company were replaced by Yishui men, and countless waves of people were secretly sent to search for Lin Su'er in China and overseas, but there was no trace of her.

After searching for so long, everyone thought it was useless. Lin Suer must have passed away five years ago, but Bo Qingang was still unwilling to believe it. He felt that the unrecognizable thing was not Lin Suer at all. Seeing Lin Su'er's body with his own eyes, he would not believe that she was dead.

"Then take back all their shares, and there will be no need to hold a general meeting of shareholders in the future." Bo Qingang said these words lightly, and Zhang Song was immediately blocked, so he didn't know how to deal with it, too!If his boss wants to take back the shares, use some pressure and give a lot of money, these shareholders will definitely have to agree to sell the shares.

"Mr. Bo, you have received enough interviews over the years. If Ms. Lin is still alive, she should have seen it, and every time you are interviewed, you say that you have a girlfriend. Even if Ms. Lin is still alive, She should only be angry when she sees it, I think you should take a break and stop accepting interviews." Zhang Song tried to persuade him in another way.

"When is it your turn to guide my life, figure out your own position." Bo Qingang hung up the phone angrily.

Zhang Song looked at the phone and shook his head helplessly. He knew that Bo Qingang had no other meaning in saying this. After following him for so long, although he seldom expressed much and was always cold, he knew his boss well. It's really hard for him to look like this now.

After Bo Qingang hung up the phone, rubbing his sore eyes, he looked up at the sky outside, the sky was full of stars, tomorrow would be a sunny day, and it has been five years since Lin Suer left him.

In the past five years, he tried various methods, but he failed to find her. In the end, he accepted so many interviews, and even claimed that he had a girlfriend with a good relationship in the interviews, just thinking that Lin Su'er would definitely will be jealous.

He still remembered how Lin Su'er was jealous, she said sourly, but she still insisted that she was not jealous, she was serious and pretending to be normal, which made people feel cute.

Bo Qingang fantasizes every day that one day Lin Suer will rush to him, pointing to his nose and asking for five years that you have always said that you have a girlfriend, but I am not by your side, who is your girlfriend? friend?Have you changed your mind?Bo Qingang, let me tell you, you have to give me an explanation!
At that time, he could hold Lin Su'er in his arms and tell her: My girlfriend has only been you from the beginning to the end, and you have never changed.

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Bo Qing'ang's mouth. This kind of scene had appeared thousands of times in his dreams.

For five years, more than 1000 days and nights, he never stopped thinking about Lin Suer, where is she now?Did she open her own clinic somewhere in mainland China, or did she go overseas with her grandfather?
He tried to investigate the situation of the Ang family in the past few years, but the Ang family was not worse than the Bo family at all, not to mention the place where they lived overseas for so many years, he couldn't find anything at all, and twice he sent Those who went were directly caught by Mr. Ang's bodyguards.

The Ang family warned him repeatedly not to challenge their bottom line, not to send people to follow them, or be careful that they will not show mercy.

In short, there is no news of Lin Su'er in the past five years, it seems that he really disappeared from the world.

"Su'er, did you really leave?" Bo Qing'ang looked at the vast sky and said softly. Five years have passed, and even he himself is not sure.

Ang Family Manor.

Xiao Su'er got up early in the morning and put on a professional suit. This time, she came here for work, and almost all she brought was professional attire.

"Mom, I'm ready. When are you going out?" Xiao Wang stood at the door and looked inside. He had already slept in a bedroom alone when he was two years old.

"Soon, I'm going to report to the kindergarten today. Are you ready? You need to get along well with the children, you know? Don't say things that children of the same age don't understand, and don't keep playing with your computer."

While talking, Xiao Su'er quickly pulled out the computer from her son's small backpack, Xiao Wang quickly hugged it, "Mom can't take my computer, as I said, the computer is with me!"

Xiao Wang's expression of death-defying expression made Xiao Su'er laugh in an instant, "Are you a kid? I told you that you can't bring a computer to class. You are a four-year-old kid who plays computer games so slipperyly. become heterogeneous."

She couldn't imagine her son typing on the keyboard in front of a group of children who only knew how to count one, two, three. At that time, he would definitely be surrounded by people like protecting animals.

"How can I become a different kind? I just have a sense of security with my computer. Don't worry, mom. I can definitely mingle with my kindergarten classmates. That's all right. Don't delay. You can't be late for work on the first day, otherwise you will be given Your colleagues leave a bad impression, and you don't want to be treated as an outlier."

While talking, Xiao Wang took the computer out of Xiao Su'er's hand, quickly put it into his backpack, and then used the same words to teach her a lesson.

"Yes, what you said is the most reasonable! Let's go, let's go out." Xiao Su'er was often teased by her son and shook her head helplessly. There was no way, who gave birth to such a smart and precocious child?

She took Xiao Wang's hand and walked out of the Ang family manor. Xiao Yuhan had already gone to school early in the morning. Now there are only their mother and son in this huge manor. She is not used to having a nanny take care of her, so she just made an agreement with Xiao Yuhan, Let the nanny come twice a week to clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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