Chapter 837 Clinic Report
Chapter 837 Clinic Report
Xiao Su'er walked into the clinic, the first floor is like ancient medicinal materials, there are wooden drawer medicine boxes, and acupuncture dolls, all kinds of facilities are available, as if in an ancient pharmacy, it really fits environment of Chinese medicine.

Mr. Ang asked her to come here to gain experience. Originally, he wanted to announce her identity and tell everyone that she was the young lady of the Ang family, but Xiao Su'er felt that this was too exaggerated. If you treat her with care, she won't learn much experience then, it's better to let her colleagues treat her like an ordinary person.

She walked to the front desk and said softly to the lady at the front desk, "Hi, I'm Xiao Su'er, a new colleague, and I'm here to report today."

"Hello, I have received the notice from above. I will take you to familiarize yourself with the workplace. By the way, let me introduce you to my work partner!" The front desk lady gently took Xiao Su'er into the second floor of the clinic. People are easy to get along with, and it should not be difficult to work in the future.

The lounges for all the doctors and nurses were arranged on the second floor. Lin Su'er met several nurses and doctors and greeted them. All of them were very approachable and had no prejudice against her until she met the finance staff of the clinic.

"This is Liu Yanliu's accountant. She is responsible for managing the clinic's accounts, and she doesn't know medical skills." The receptionist introduced to Xiao Su'er, Liu Yan turned her head and immediately frowned, looked Xiao Su'er up and down several times, then His eyes were like lasers, scanning Xiao Su'er from top to bottom.

How could such a young girl come here, she just graduated from university, right?What kind of strength does such a person have to actually come to be a doctor? Isn't that funny? Is the current relationship so blatant?
At most, he came here to be a handyman, with a vicious look, and I don't know which senior executive of the Ang family seduced her, so he just stuffed her in. It is definitely not a good family to look like this girl.

Liu Yan secretly complained about Lin Su'er in her heart, and when she spoke, her words were full of sourness, "Hello, I'm Liu Yan, the accountant, you look so good-looking, when did you cut your eyelids?"

When Xiao Su'er heard her words, she knew that this person was not easy to get along with. Taking it out of context, in her eyes, as long as a beautiful woman must have plastic surgery?
She also took a closer look at Liu Yan, indeed!There are traces of filling and plastic surgery on her face, but plastic surgery is also very common now, she looks about 30 years old, not much older than herself, why is she so mean?

"I'm sorry, I didn't have plastic surgery." Xiao Su'er replied flatly, thinking that if she answered that she didn't cut her double eyelids, maybe she would continue to ask if her nose had been padded and if her chin had been corrected, so she would just block it in one sentence. The questions she might ask next, it's easier that way.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Su'er's words seemed to provoke her again, and Liu Yan's finance manager immediately replied to Xiao Su'er, "Yo! You are not young and have a temper."

Xiao Su'er frowned, thinking that this person was really strange, why didn't she agree with her, why was there such hostility when they met for the first time?

But the little girl at the front desk quietly took Xiao Su'er's hand and said, "Stop talking, I'll take you to see Dr. Song!"

Xiao Su'er followed her out of the finance office, and asked her in a low voice, "Why is this Liu Yan so strange?"

"She has always been like this. A young female nurse who is more beautiful than her, she likes to run on people with negative and positive words. Don't take it to heart. Except for her, everyone else in our clinic is easy to get along with."

The receptionist led Lin Su'er to another office while talking. Other doctors share an office with several people, but there is only one person in this office.

"This is Dr. Song with the most senior experience in our clinic. Although she has only been here for a short time, she has many years of experience. She came to us from another Chinese medicine hospital. It can be said that she is alive in Hua Tuo. A lot of intractable diseases." The receptionist introduced Xiao Su'er, and when he spoke, his tone was full of admiration.

Lin Su'er looked at Dr. Song in the clinic. He looked about 40 years old, but he didn't have the beer belly and baldness that are typical of middle-aged people. Instead, he looked very thin and bookish.

"Hello, Doctor Song." Xiao Su'er greeted him politely. Doctor Song just glanced at her and nodded indifferently, without saying anything. He seems to be a person who is indifferent by nature, but he will not be mean. He should Being a little easier to get along with than Liu Yan, Xiao Su'er didn't think too much about it. After seeing all the people in the clinic, she followed the receptionist to his station.

"It's the first day you come here today. Let me introduce you to the situation of the clinic. Generally, people who come to the clinic will register with me first. I will arrange to see which doctor is available. The personnel said, you came here to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, what about your doctor's license? And what school did you graduate from, show me to register."

"Some patients will choose doctors who must have a doctor's license, and better educated, they don't worry." The front desk reached out to Xiao Su'er for her ID.

Xiao Su'er was a little embarrassed when it came to her education, and she also knew that it was necessary to work in a Chinese medicine clinic, but she had been taking care of herself and Xiao Wang's body for the past five years. She was still seriously ill when she went abroad. During the entire pregnancy, I didn't eat much because of the troubles of those things.

Xiao Wang was malnourished from birth, and after spending so many years, she finally managed to take good care of her and Xiao Wang's bodies before she thought about returning to work.

In the past few years, she didn't have time to improve her academic qualifications. When she left Huaxia University in a hurry, her file was also removed.

If you count it now, her education is only high school, let alone a doctor's license, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to practice medicine.

After thinking about it, Xiao Su'er decided to tell the truth, and she couldn't hide it, "I only have a high school education, and I don't have a medical license. However, I have studied Chinese medicine since I was a child. I can guarantee that my medical skills are not bad at all. I can cure many difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

Hearing Xiao Su'er's words, the front desk withdrew the hand hanging in mid-air with some embarrassment, not knowing how to answer her.In the end, he just laughed twice, "Really? Hehe, let's do it like this..."

While she was talking, she took a pen to record something on the personnel information. Xiao Su'er couldn't see clearly, but she didn't think it was necessary to read it. The girl at the front desk looked pretty good, and she shouldn't be able to scribble, at most Just write down her real educational background, just write it down, she only has a high school degree, and it is impossible to stop others from writing it.

(End of this chapter)

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