Chapter 838 The Father and Son Meet
Chapter 838 The Father and Son Meet
Xiao Wang jumped out of the taxi and took a look at the mobile phone that Xiao Suer gave him. The time was just right. When they hacked into Bo's office computer yesterday, they stole Bo Qingang's itinerary, knowing that he would be at the company today. To be interviewed, Bo Qingang would not sit in the office for eight hours every day.

Instead, he often flies around the world, so today he will definitely come to Bo's for an interview when the time comes.

At this time, if you come to Bo's downstairs and wait, you will definitely meet him. Everything is under his control. He looked around, and then ran to the flowers downstairs and stood by the flowers above his head. Hua, just blocked him completely, so he couldn't see a four-year-old child standing behind him.

Xiao Wang looked at the phone and started the countdown, "Five, four, three, two, one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extended version of Lincoln stopped at Bo's door, and a person got off the co-pilot, opened the back door respectfully, and waited for the people in the back row to get off the car with his head down. .

A pair of high-end custom crocodile leather shoes appeared next to the car, and a man who was nearly 1.9 meters got out of the car. He was wearing a gray coat and his face was as expressionless as ever. It was a little colder than it was five years ago. Even Zhang Song didn't dare to look at him carefully.

"Mr. Bo, the people at the front desk have received the reporters who came to interview and arranged them in the reception room. Do you want to go to the office for interviews, or to meet them in the reception room?" Zhang Song asked A briefcase reported to Bo Qingang.

Bo Qingang was about to speak, but saw a little boy with a backpack jumping out from the side, just bumped into him, the little boy couldn't stand still, fell to the side directly, looked up at Bo Qingang With an aggrieved face, "Uncle, you hit me."

"What's the matter with you? Where are your parents? Why aren't they by your side?" Zhang Song immediately picked up the little boy, pulled him aside, and gently patted the dust on his trouser legs, but when he saw the little boy His face froze for a moment.

Bo Qingang looked down, but the moment he saw the little boy, he was stunned like Zhang Song. He seemed to see himself in the little boy's face, especially those eyes were exactly the same as his, an inexplicable feeling of intimacy

"My mother went to work, and I was walking around, and came here by accident." Xiao Wang spoke nonsense in a serious manner, without feeling guilty at all, and looked at Bao Qingang with his big eyes blinking, "Uncle, can you Take me in for a while? Wait for my mother to come to me."

"Little brother, I'll give you a mobile phone to call your mother, you can't stay here." Zhang Song immediately pulled Xiao Wang to the side, worried that he would offend Bo Qingang, who has often been moody in the past five years , If you get angry with this little boy, the boy is too wronged, and he was scolded for no reason.

Unexpectedly, he took Xiao Wang and took two steps to the side, and Bo Qingang said, "Stop, let him stay, I will take him into the company."

"Thank you, Uncle." Xiao Wang immediately replied crisply, ran to Bo Qing'ang's side, and took Bo Qing'ang's hand very naturally. Normally, he would definitely throw it away quickly, even if he is a child, he is not very close. , but unexpectedly, today he didn't have the slightest thought of shaking off his hand.

Instead, he felt that when the child held his hand, the soft touch gave him an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, as if he had known this child for a long time.

Zhang Song also found it unexpected that Bo Qingang actually took Xiao Wang's hand and walked into Bo's company building.

Bo Qingang took Xiao Wang all the way in the elevator to his office on the top floor. Xiao Wang was holding his backpack and sat on the sofa in his office looking at Bao Qingang. At such a young age, he almost The second he saw Bo Qingang, he became even more certain.

The uncle in front of him is his father. The two look so similar, they are like an enlarged version and a reduced version. If they are not father and son, no one will believe it, right?

"Where's your mother?" Bo Qingang walked to his side and asked, handing him a bottle of water.

"I don't know. I was shopping with my mother just now, but I lost it. I searched around and found this place. Uncle, does this house belong to you? It looks so big, you must be very powerful, right? You can help Am I looking for my mother? My mother is very beautiful."

Xiao Wang looked at Bo Qingang with an innocent look, and Xiao Su'er often said that looking at her son's face, she would be fooled by his harmless appearance, thinking that he really didn't understand anything. My four-year-old child, in fact, is not precocious, and knows everything.

Bo Qingang listened to him, and felt the familiar feeling gradually magnified. He had an inexplicable liking for the child in front of him, but it was obviously the first time they met, and even his family members were friends. neither knows.

"Really? Your mother is very beautiful? You can tell! You should be very similar to your mother, and you are also very good-looking." Bo Qingang actually took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, and followed his words , It's rare to see such patience.

"Uncle, do you have any children? You are so handsome, so your child should also be very good-looking, is it a boy or a girl?"

Xiao Wang blinked his big eyes and pretended to ask unintentionally. In fact, he really wanted to know, did his father know about his existence?When his mother broke up with him, could it be that she didn't even tell him of her own existence?

"Child..." Listening to his words, Bo Qing'ang seemed to be caught in a long memory in an instant. Lin Su'er was pregnant with his child back then. If the child was born successfully, it should be as old as the child in front of her. Bar.

At that time, he asked Lin Su'er to kill the child because she had a blood gu, and if she didn't get rid of it, it would be life-threatening, but later Xiao Mengqiu had been dealt with by him, and the Gu in Lin Su'er's body would die naturally. The sweat is metabolized out of the body, and she can give birth to a child.

I just don't know where she is now, and whether she has given birth to the crystallization of their love.

"Uncle, why are you in a daze? Don't you have any children? But you look older than my mother, I'm already four years old, you don't have children yet?" Xiao Wang looked at Bo in a daze. Qing Ang continued to ask.

"I don't know where my child is now. If he is born safely, he should be the same age as you." Looking at this innocent child, Bo Qingang couldn't help but tell the truth what he thought in his heart. out.

(End of this chapter)

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