Chapter 840 Missing
Chapter 840 Missing
"I've begged more than once." Bo Qing'ang still answered lightly, but these words were like a blockbuster.

The reporter immediately exaggerated to the camera and said, "What kind of woman is worthy of Bo Shao's affection? She has asked for so many marriages! But looking at Bo Shao, it seems that the other party has not agreed yet. We are really curious , I still don’t know when I will have the honor to meet this legendary heroine?”

"After a while, I will see it when I should see it." When Bo Qingang was speaking, he unconsciously glanced at Xiao Wang in the corner. The soft child was watching cartoons in the corner at the moment, smiling. With a happy face, Bo Qingang looked at him and couldn't help but bend his eyes. If he and Lin Su'er's child was born, it would definitely be as cute as him.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Xiao Su'er stayed in the Chinese medicine clinic for a whole morning, watching several patients come, but the front desk didn't even have the idea of ​​letting her go to see a doctor, they just informed other Chinese medicine doctors, and she didn't think much about it, after all, she was Come to the first day.Besides, she also heard a few patients say that they came for a follow-up visit, so it must be the doctor who saw her before.

Being bored, even after drinking a lot of saliva, it was no surprise that she ran to the toilet many times.

"Have you heard? The Xiao Su'er who came this morning is a high school graduate. She has never studied in a professional Chinese medicine university or passed the examination for a Chinese medicine doctor's license. What qualifications do she have to come to our clinic? I really don't know what's going on here. What do you think, why is everyone stuffing into our clinic?"

"That's right! The Ang family has so many properties, wouldn't it be good to just find a company like her to be a secretary? It would be great to copy the materials all day long and notify the boss's orders in the company. Why do you want to come here and let her be a doctor, what should I do if something goes wrong later?"

"I don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, there's no way! She looks good-looking, now appearance is the king, she casually winks at the top executives and their bodies are numb, isn't it because she can do whatever she tells her to do?" Not to mention that she is going to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, I am afraid that it is possible to give our clinic to her directly at that time."

Xiao Su'er was standing in the toilet cubicle with her hand on the doorknob. When she was about to leave the cubicle, she heard the conversation between two clinic nurses. She immediately gave up the idea of ​​leaving the cubicle and stood inside the cubicle. Wait for them to leave.

If it was the past, she would definitely open the door and explain it to them, but now she feels that there is nothing to support her to say something, after all, she only has a high school degree, and it is indeed very easy to come to this clinic with the current conditions It is normal for people to think about it and be discussed a few words.

As long as she proves herself with her strength in the future, she will be able to block the mouths of many people, and no one will think that she is a person who got in by relying on her face and connections.

Xiao Su'er heard the sound from outside disappear, so she opened the door and walked out of the cubicle, and came to the lobby on the first floor, just in time to see a coughing middle-aged woman walking into the clinic.

She could see the illness of this person at a glance, his eyes were black and blue and he was coughing, his body was hunched, he should be sick from overwork, and his lungs had some disease.

Her spiritual eyes also really saw the position of the man's lungs, shrouded in a cloud of black mist, Xiao Su'er stepped forward to support the woman without hesitation and said, "Hi, are you here to see a doctor? I'll give you the Take your pulse, you shouldn't delay, you should have been coughing for several days, right?"

"Cough cough cough... yes! I have been coughing for several days, and I thought it was a cold at first. I just took two packs of cold medicine and thought it would be better, but I didn't expect it to get worse. Girl, are you also a Chinese medicine doctor here? ? Show me quickly, my lungs will come out after coughing for two more days.”

The middle-aged woman saw that Xiao Suer only looked at it, so she knew that she must have been delayed for several days, and immediately sat in front of the consultation table very trustingly, and stretched out her hand to let Xiao Suer feel the pulse.

Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to press her pulse, but unexpectedly, the receptionist suddenly ran over to stop her, and said to the middle-aged woman who came to see the doctor: "Sorry, I was not here just now, I will arrange for you another one with more senior qualifications." Chinese medicine practitioner, didn’t you also say that you feel uncomfortable these two days? A Chinese medicine doctor with more senior qualifications is better, and our Chinese medicine doctor’s qualifications are too low.”

"I think she's very powerful. She knew something about me just by looking at it, so I asked her to show it to me. I don't mind my age." The middle-aged woman believed in Xiao Su'er very much, so she wanted her to help.

The front desk glanced at Xiao Su'er, and said with some embarrassment, "But she is just a Chinese medicine doctor who came to us for an internship, and she has never seen a doctor. She is not yet able to see a doctor. I'll take you to find a doctor again." A Chinese medicine doctor."

After hearing what she said, the middle-aged woman didn't say anything more. She got up and followed the front desk to the other side. The front desk immediately notified other Chinese medicine practitioners to come to see her, and left Xiao Su'er aside.

After the front desk arranged everything, he walked to Xiao Su'er's side, and said to her in a polite and polite tone, "You don't have a medical qualification certificate, and you don't have a degree. Question, both of us are responsible, you go to sort out the patient's file first, it's in the last room on the second floor."

Xiao Su'er wanted to refute, but she endured it and turned around to go to the last room on the second floor. As soon as the door opened, a damp musty smell came over her face, and she frowned immediately.

"What's going on? It seems that no one has entered this archives room for a long time."

There are a lot of metal cabinets in the archive room, and if you open any of them, you can see crooked files inside, and many files are even moldy because they are too humid.

Xiao Su'er was alone in the file room, and sorted out the files for an entire afternoon, and she was a little dizzy before sorting out a third of the files.

She returned to her work station, picked up her phone and was about to check the time, and then went to pick up Xiao Wang from the kindergarten, but she didn't expect to see countless missed calls when she turned on the phone, all of which were from the kindergarten teacher.

"What's going on? Could it be that something happened to Mengbao?" Xiao Su'er was a little worried and immediately called the kindergarten teacher back.

The call was answered almost instantly, and the kindergarten teacher came through the receiver with a crying voice, "Hello! Is this Xiao Wang's mother? Why haven't you answered the phone? It's not good! Xiao Wang is gone."

"What? Why did it disappear? Isn't it in the kindergarten? What's the matter with you? Can't even watch a child?" Xiao Su'er couldn't help being a little angry, picked up her bag and rushed out of the clinic.

(End of this chapter)

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