Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Although it is said that Xiao Wang's intelligence is superior, and his intelligence has reached the level of an adult at a young age, but he is still a child, what if something happens?He can't beat an adult, what if he meets a trafficker?
The more Xiao Su'er thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she quickened her pace to rush to the kindergarten.


Bo Qingang's interview was coming to an end, and the reporters fulfilled their promise to let Xiao Wang enter the camera. The reporter said to the camera, "Hello, everyone, Bo Shao asked us to help this little brother find his mother just now. He got separated from his mother, and Young Master Bo found him downstairs in the company, please, ladies who read the news, come to Bo's to pick up your child."

Bo Qing'ang's interviews are the most watched every time. This time, after Xiao Wang left the country, it immediately caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Wow, where did this little lady come from? She is too handsome. If I had such a son, I would definitely tie him on the waistband of my trousers, so I wouldn't let him get lost."

"No, I think this kid looks like Bo Shao, look at those eyes, that outline! It's like a miniature version of Bo Shao!"

"I also think that this child can't be Bo Shao's illegitimate child, right? Could it be that a woman who was pregnant with Bo Shao's child quietly gave birth to the child and left it at Bo's door?"

"I think it's very possible!"

After someone proposed this idea, there was a lot of response. Everyone started to discuss on the Internet, thinking that Xiao Wang is the illegitimate son of Mr. Bo.

Xiao Su'er didn't bother to look at her phone at all, she didn't know that her son had arrived by Bo Qing'ang's side, she just wanted to rush to the kindergarten, but she received a call from the kindergarten teacher on the way.

"Xiao Wang's mother, I know where Xiao Wang has gone. He is beside Bo Shao, and I am rushing to that place! Don't come to the kindergarten, go to Bo's quickly."

"What Bo Shao? Are you talking about Bo Qingang?" Xiao Su'er asked in disbelief, completely unable to figure out why Xiao Wang would go to that place.

"That's right, that's right, that's him, the most powerful Bo Shao in mainland China. He was being interviewed today, and Xiao Wangwang appeared in front of Bo Shao's interview. The reporter said that he and his mother got separated and told you to go quickly." Mrs. Bo takes the children." The kindergarten teacher said firmly.

Xiao Su'er stepped on the brake when she heard his words, and the car stopped halfway. She hung up the phone in a daze, not knowing how to react.

Why did my son go to Bo Qingang's place?Who took her there?Or does Bo Qingang know that she has returned?

impossible!Bo Qing'ang hasn't found anything from Ang's family in the past few years, so how could he know that she's back?And if he deliberately took Xiao Wang to Bo's, how could he ask the reporter to help him find his mother?
Is it possible...

Xiao Su'er immediately thought that maybe her son had found it by himself. He saw Bo Qingang's interview at the airport yesterday. Maybe he found Bo's address and ran over after returning home. Although he He was only four years old, but Lin Su'er believed that he could do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er directly sent a message to the kindergarten teacher, "Teacher, I know, I will pick up the child by myself, you should be very anxious after looking for him all afternoon, don't be so anxious, as long as the child is fine , I won't blame you, and I won't say anything to the school, you go back and rest first."

Having figured everything out, Xiao Su'er is of course ashamed to blame the kindergarten teacher, after all, her own child ran out, and the teacher was also implicated. Seeing how many phone calls she made in the afternoon, she must have been overwhelmed.

Xiao Su'er turned on the phone and looked at the familiar phone number. All these years, Bo Qingang's phone number had been stored in her address book. She had never deleted it, but she had never dialed it. This was the first time in five years that she Take a look at this string of numbers carefully.

She always thought that the two of them would never have any intersection again, even if there was a child in the world who had the fusion of their blood, but the two of them were destined to never see each other again in this life, she never thought that today she would take the initiative to find he.

Xiao Su'er took a deep breath, and began to build up her heart. She didn't do anything wrong back then, and it was Bo Qingang who made the mistake. Why was she embarrassed to face it?Even if you want to feel guilty, you should feel guilty!

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, turned in one direction and drove towards Bo.


The reporters had already left the office after the interview. Only Bo Qingang and Xiao Wang were left in the office. Xiao Wang returned the tablet to Bo Qingang and said obediently: "Thank you uncle, the animation is very good. Just wait for my mother to pick me up in the office, I want to thank you today, I will make my mother repay uncle well, you can say anything you want."

"Is your mother very good? He can get anything I want?" Bo Qing'ang naturally pulled Xiao Wang over to let him sit beside her, and started chatting with him again
"My mother is very powerful. She is beautiful and smart. She also has medical skills. Her Chinese medicine skills are better than many Chinese medicine professors. If I have a headache, my mother will solve it for me."

Xiao Wang intentionally stated that Xiao Suer knew medicine. He read all the previous reports about his mother when she was Lin Suer, and found that as long as it was her report, the word Chinese medicine would be mentioned in it. He mentioned this now. For one thing, Bo Qingang will definitely feel nostalgic when he hears it.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Bo Qing'ang's expression changed slightly, and he asked again in disbelief, "Does your mother know Chinese medicine?"

"Yes! My mother is very good at Chinese medicine. In the future, if you are sick, uncle, you can call my mother and I will let him treat you. Thank you for taking me in today, otherwise I don't know if I will encounter bad people. "

"Then thank you." Bo Qingang felt that this child was very interesting. He could speak very sharply at such a young age, and his thinking was also very strong. He also knew the truth of repaying favors. He was really smart.

"Thank you? This is what it should be. My mother said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. I am very good. I remember what my mother said." Xiao Wang patted his chest with a mature face. The cute look instantly made the corners of Bo Qing'ang's mouth rise a little.

"You are very smart, your father should be very proud, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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