Chapter 843 Likeness
Chapter 843 Likeness
Bo Qing'ang originally looked towards the door unintentionally, wanting to see what kind of woman can teach such a good child, but unexpectedly, her eyes froze when she saw Xiao Su'er, even though she was low at the moment He bowed his head, his long hair fell from his shoulders, and he couldn't see clearly.

But her temperament and feeling as well as her figure all matched the person in his memory, and he seemed to see Lin Su'er again.

"Su'er..." He couldn't help crying out, Xiao Su'er was shocked when he heard his name called, and finally mustered up the courage to slowly raise his head.

It has been five years, these more than 1000 days and nights have passed, and the two met again in such a scene, Xiao Su'er can see that Bo Qingang is more calm and mature than five years ago A lot, but there is more sadness in the eyebrows and eyes.

"Mr. Bo, thank you for taking care of Mengbao. Now I'm taking the baby away." Xiao Su'er hugged Xiao Wang and was about to turn around and leave.

But Bo Qingang stopped her immediately, "Wait a minute."

Xiao Su'er stopped, put down the child in her arms, and turned to look at Bo Qing'ang, "Mr. Bo, is there anything else? If you want to thank me, please tell me! As long as I can afford it Anything will do."

"You think I'm the one who cares about those things?" Bo Qing'ang walked in front of Xiao Su'er step by step. The internet celebrity face in front of him was unfamiliar to him. It can be said that it was completely different from his Su'er, the only thing similar The most important thing is those eyes, which are always so clean and pure, but the eyes of the woman in front of him seem to have some melancholy.

But why do people feel so similar? If she covered her face, judging from her figure, he would call out Lin Su'er's name almost immediately. The two people are so similar.

"Aren't you really Su'er?" Bo Qingang couldn't help asking again.

"Mr. Bo, I don't know who Su'er you are talking about, but we don't know each other. We met for the first time today, so you must have misunderstood the person. I am very grateful that you helped me take care of my baby. Now I want to take The child is leaving first."

Xiao Su'er answered his words calmly, denying everything, although Bo Qingang was very puzzled, but after all her face was here, it was hard to justify her being Lin Su'er, she could only nod flatly, "Take the child back, Take good care of him in the future and don’t let him get lost again.”

"I see, thank you!" After Xiao Su'er quickly answered, she turned around and was about to walk away quickly with Xiao Wang in her arms, but she didn't expect that when she turned around, she stepped on something on her foot, suddenly became unstable, and directly Fall backward.

Bo Qingang saw her fall backwards, she would have avoided it normally, it has nothing to do with how these people fell, but today he didn't know why, he subconsciously ran forward and hugged her Xiao Su'er, the moment the two of them were in close contact, he smelled the smell of Xiao Su'er's body, that faint herbal scent, not strong but lingering around his nose for a long time, the scent was tangy and refreshing.

This smell is also very familiar, exactly the same as the one in his memory. Five years ago, every time he held Lin Suer's hand or hugged her, he would smell this special smell, which could not be produced by any high-end perfume. fragrance.

"You..." Bo Qing'ang looked down at the person in her arms obsessively. It can be said that her face is completely different from Lin Su'er's. Every part of her facial features is disgusted by him, but why can't he hate it? , and even felt that the two were too much alike.

Seeing the two hugging each other, Xiao Wang immediately squatted down and took down the little bead he had put on the ground just now. Xiao Su'er just stepped on this bead to slip and fall.

"Bo, Mr. Bo..." Xiao Su'er lowered her head and stood up quickly. After tidying up her clothes, she thanked Bo Qingang, "Thank you, Mr. Bo, we really have to leave, and we won't delay you any longer."

After saying this, she immediately grabbed Xiao Wang's hand and ran to the elevator.

Bo Qingang stood there blankly looking at his hand, which still had the smell of the woman just now, he put it to his nose and smelled it gently, it was really the same smell as he remembered, the world Is there really someone with the same taste as Lin Su'er in the world?Really such a coincidence?He looked at the direction the two left in disbelief.

Xiao Su'er took Xiao Wang all the way to the underground parking lot by elevator, hugged him into the car and looked at him seriously.

"Cute baby! You can't do this again, you know? Do you know that the teachers in your kindergarten are dying of anxiety. This morning, my mother didn't check her phone at work. When she turned on her phone, there were countless missed calls. The teacher was crying, you know I don’t know that it’s very wrong for you to do this, you’re lying and running around, what if something really happens?”

Xiao Wang has always been very obedient, and his intelligence is much higher than other children. Xiao Wang will listen carefully to every word she says, and carry it out. He has never been so worrying, not to mention he ran away on purpose today. Xiao Su'er was really angry when she came to look for Bo Qing'ang.

"Mom, I know that this behavior has hurt the teacher. I promise that I will obediently stop causing trouble to the teacher in class in the future, and make up for the psychological trauma to her this time. But I am here for good reason, you can't blame me. "Xiao Wang replied plausibly to Xiao Su'er's words.

"What is justifiable? Is it justifiable for you to skip class and lie during class time?" Xiao Su'er put on a straight face and taught her son a lesson. After all, she knew that although this child was young, he had a sharp mouth. very.

"Mom, I'm here to find my father. I know that Bo Qingang is my father. I asked you before, but you said that my father has passed away, and you lied too. I just wanted to prove it. Isn't it reasonable for me to lie? Is it the original? I want to find my father, is this wrong? "

Sure enough, Xiao Wang had expected the questions that Xiao Su'er might ask, and answered every sentence very quickly, without any loopholes at all. His words made Xiao Su'er feel a little guilty. There is nothing wrong with a child wanting to see his father. , Everyone has a father, but he doesn't have one, so there will inevitably be a gap in his heart.

"Mom, don't hide it from me anymore. He is my father, right? Why don't you recognize him? You still have to change your appearance to see him. Is there any misunderstanding between the two of you?" Xiao Wang chased after the victory, He asked Xiao Su'er a few more questions neatly.

Xiao Su'er looked at her super-intelligent son and knew that she couldn't hide it. He could find out everything, and it didn't make any sense to hide it from him. It was time to tell him the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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