Chapter 844

Chapter 844

"Yes, he is your father, but there is a reason why mother doesn't let you know that he is still alive. He is not as perfect as he looks on the surface. He doesn't want to admit your existence. When mother was pregnant with you, it was him Let me knock you out, if I don't take you out of here, I'm afraid you won't exist long ago."

Xiao Su'er was still furious when she remembered what happened five years ago. She cried out in despair, and was dragged back to the hospital with injuries all over by the doctors and nurses.

If Xiao Shuo hadn't rushed to the hospital in time, she and Xiao Wang might not be in the world now.

Little by little, she told Xiao Wang everything that happened five years ago. She didn't hide anything, and she didn't think about the fact that he was still a child and couldn't accept it. She knew that her son could accept all these things, since Tell the whole truth.

Xiao Wang listened to the whole process without saying a word. He also felt sorry for what happened to his mother five years ago, but he always felt that something was wrong. When Bo Qingang talked to him today, he clearly hoped that he would have A child, and said that he has been looking for his mother, why did he completely change his rhetoric when he came to Xiao Su'er?

The words of the two people are too different. They are completely different. There must be some misunderstanding between them.

After Xiao Su'er finished talking about all this, she took her son's hand and said seriously: "Do you understand? So many things happened back then, how can you let my mother face that heartless person? Be worthy to be your father, a person who can't even accept his own children, what qualifications does he have to call himself a father?"

"So I don't want you to get too close to him. Today is the last time. Don't take it as an example. You can't come to see him behind my back, you know?"

She couldn't imagine how Bo Qingang would react if he knew that the child in front of him belonged to him, and how his girlfriend who hid so deeply would deal with her and Xiao Wang. Kungfu did not kill them both, will it happen again this time?She can't let her child suffer any harm, she must protect him well.

Since she was a child without her parents by her side, she certainly knows how important family affection is to a person, but compared with safety, she would rather take care of Xiao Wang by herself. She will give him all the love, enough to make up for his lack. fatherly love.

Seeing how worried his mother was, Xiao Wang stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Su'er's hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Mom, I won't do anything you don't like."

Seeing her son being so well-behaved and sensible, Xiao Su'er felt relieved a lot, and rubbed the top of her head on his head, "You're so good, mom will take you home to eat delicious food."

The car drove out of the parking lot, Xiao Wang was sitting on the child seat of the co-pilot, and he had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt that today's Bo Qingang was definitely not lying to him, after all, there was no benefit in lying to him. Bo Qingang didn't know that he was his child, so when he said those words, he must have subconsciously said them, they were [-]% true!
If this is the case, then there must be some kind of misunderstanding between him and his mother, and he has to investigate clearly so that his mother and father can get back together.

Although Xiao Su'er is saying now that she doesn't need to have any contact with Bo Qing'ang, they are destined to be strangers, but he can see that sometimes his mother will look at the distance in a daze, and she will also look at his face. She was dazed for a moment, and she must have felt very uncomfortable in her heart. Even if it was for her own mother, she had to investigate the truth of what happened back then.

the other side.

Xiao Yuhan, who had attended classes at Imperial University for a day, got off work and was about to go home with his bag, but when he passed by a corner of the teaching building, he heard some discordant voices.

"Do you want to be so disgusting, woman? Next time you do this kind of thing, be careful that I won't let you go."

"Qingyue, why are you talking nonsense with her? Just beat her up, make her mouth crooked, and see if she dares to talk nonsense. She has a white lotus face. I didn't expect it to be a white lotus flower." lotus."

"That's right, kill her. I'm most annoyed by people who talk nonsense behind their backs."

"Forget it, I'll let you go this time. If you really do this kind of thing again next time, I will definitely do what they said, and beat your nose and eyes!"

Bai Qingyue raised her hand, angrily wanting to slap the person in front of her, but Xiao Yuhan grabbed her wrist from behind before she could swing her hand.

"What are you doing? Do you engage in campus bullying? You are already college students, and you still want to do such childish things?"

Xiao Yuhan shook off Bai Qingyue's hand, and looked at her with disgust in his eyes. Five years ago, he didn't like this arrogant young lady very much, especially when she was recording the show, she came to make things difficult for him Her older sister, who is obviously a few years younger than them, looks amazing. She doesn't like girls like this.

Seeing her bullying her classmates now makes her even more annoyed from the bottom of her heart. Xiao Yuhan looked at the girls standing beside Bai Qingyue, each of them was covered with logos and famous brands, and they looked like Like her, she is a spoiled young lady.

But the girl who was bullied by them was wearing a pure white dress, squatting in a corner, with an aggrieved look on her face, she was not dressed richly like these savage and willful ladies, she should be a girl who was born poor, but born Poverty was no reason for them to bully her.

"What kind of campus bullying? Qin Yuhan, you didn't ask clearly, but you just said that I bullied her? Why didn't you ask her what she did to go too far, saying bad things about me in front of the professor all day long, thinking that I Don't you know? I've put up with her many times."

Bai Qingyue recognized Xiao Yuhan, but in her eyes, he was still the genius boy Qin Yuhan from before, and she didn't regard him as her teacher, and started to reason loudly towards him, not wanting to be wronged.

"Bai Qingyue, you young lady, if someone says bad things about you, will you bear it many times? Even if you make up a lie, you have to be more reliable. Do you think I will believe your nonsense? Stop bullying your classmates, you are now an adult and a sophomore."

"If this classmate accuses you of intentional injury, you will bear legal responsibility, you know? Stop messing around here. Do you really think that the power of your Bai family can be overwhelming?"

Xiao Yuhan stepped forward to help the bullied girl, "Student, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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