Chapter 845 School Bullying
Chapter 845 School Bullying
"I'm fine, thank you Professor Xiao." The girl shook her head gently towards Xiao Yuhan, looking at him like a hero, her pitiful look made Xiao Yuhan even more angry in an instant, it was obvious that she just looked at him A girl who doesn't have any evil intentions, looks thin and weak, how could she be the kind of person Bai Qingyue mentioned who speaks ill of others behind their backs.

"What's your name, classmate?" Xiao Yuhan softened his voice and asked the girl in front of him, his attitude was completely different from when he faced Bai Qingyue just now.

"My name is Rong Ling'er..." the girl replied softly.

"Is it what they say? Have you ever spoken ill of her in front of the professor? Why did she come to bully you?" Xiao Yuhan was ready to fight against injustice, but he wasn't the kind to target Bai Qingyue regardless of what happened. people.

Rong Linger shook her head immediately when she heard his words, "I didn't, I didn't speak ill of Bai Qingyue in front of the professor, she misunderstood, I really didn't do those things, Qingyue, you have to believe me, I'm not that kind of person .”

When she spoke, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Bai Qingyue pitifully, but Bai Qingyue didn't appreciate it at all, pointing at her and said: "I think you learned the skills when you were an actor before! Three Can you cry within seconds? Do you think that crying means you are the weak side?"

"Is it possible to pretend that nothing happened if you cry twice when you do something wrong? I'm not a boy, so I won't soften my heart when I see your tears!"

When she yelled like this, the two of them immediately formed a sharp contrast. The flamboyant Bai Qingyue and the lovely and pitiful Rong Ling'er, anyone who saw it felt that Rong Ling'er was the weak side and had suffered a great grievance.

"Bai Qingyue, don't go too far, apologize to her! Otherwise, I will let the school teacher remember your fault." Xiao Yuhan protected Rong Ling'er behind him, and said righteously to Bai Qingyue.

When Bai Qingyue heard his words, it was like hearing the Arabian Nights.

"Are you crazy? Why do you ask me to apologize to her? I didn't even want to hit her just now. If I wanted to hit her, do you think she will still be standing here? You are too much, thinking that changing Is it great to have a surname and become a professor? I don’t want to talk to you, it’s impossible to apologize to her in this life!”

After saying this, Bai Qingyue turned around and left without paying attention to him, and several rich ladies around her also left behind her. Xiao Yuhan wanted to hold them back to make things clear, but Rong Linger was He gently tugged at his sleeve behind him.

"Professor Xiao forget it, she didn't do anything to me, she just scolded me a few words, she didn't hit me, she misunderstood, since it's fine now."

Listening to her words, Xiao Yuhan felt that this girl was pretty good, how could such a kind girl be that kind of person!
"If she bullies you again in the future, you can come to my office to find me. It's impossible for her to be so arrogant. I will make the decision for you." He promised Rong Ling'er directly.

"Thank you, Professor Xiao, you are so kind." Rong Linger looked at him and showed the brightest smile, but her lips turned pale.

"What's the matter with you? Are you in poor health? Why do you feel that your lips are so pale, and your complexion is not very good, do you have a cold?"

Although Xiao Yuhan was inferior to Xiao Su'er's medical skills and could not see the symptoms of other people's diseases at a glance, he was still a young professor who could become a professor, so he could tell that something was wrong with her.

"I caught a cold two days ago, but I've recovered these two days, but I'm a little anemic, and I didn't eat much today. I was scared by them just now. It's okay, I'll just go out and eat something right away."

Rong Ling'er explained obediently, keeping a smile all the time, looking lovable.

"You look too thin. I heard from Bai Qingyue that you used to be an actor, right? Actors are indeed very thin, as thin as a bamboo pole! Come on, you come back to the office with me. I have chocolates in my office. Let you add some sugar." Xiao Yuhan led her to the office while chatting with her.

"Yes! When I was an actor, the company forced me to lose weight, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get a role, so I lost a little too much weight, and I haven't recovered yet."

When Rong Linger said this, she remembered what happened when she was filming. Those days were really humiliating. She didn't dare to eat anything every day, even if she was so hungry that her hands and feet were limp, she didn't dare to eat more, she didn't even dare to drink water, for fear of swelling , the whole person is like a puppet, reduced to a tool for the company to make money.

However, she has met a company with a little conscience, willing to accept various jobs for her, and she can afford her brother's medical expenses.

If she hadn't lost her conscience to help Xiao Mengqiu and poison that girl named Lin Xinxin, she might still be an actress now!
Every time she thinks about it, she will be entangled from the bottom of her heart. She feels that if she does it again, she will make the same choice, otherwise she is still a marionette now, but she also feels that this is too unfair to Lin Xinxin. What exactly was put in her porridge?How is she now?

I haven't heard any news from her these years, and I don't know if it is poison.

But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that Xiao Mengqiu still kept his word and gave her a large sum of money, enough for her to pay her brother's medical expenses. With such a little savings, she could live on, so she left that industry directly and returned to the university campus to study.

She feels that coming to the university campus is the most comfortable. These girls are not as complicated as those in the entertainment industry. She lives here very happily, especially because many people still know her and think she is a little star Everyone will come to cling to her, except for the wealthy daughter like Bai Qingyue, of course.

Thinking of those past events, she was full of emotion in her heart, but there was no trace on her face, and she still smiled at Xiao Yuhan like a little girl who didn't know much about the world.

Xiao Yuhan took her to the office, took out a few bars of chocolate from the drawer and handed them to her, "Here, take it! You usually need to add more sugar, but you are too thin now, so you can eat whatever you want Well, even if you gain ten pounds, you still look skinny."

Rong Ling'er took the chocolate without politeness and stuck out her tongue playfully towards Xiao Yuhan.

"No, if you gain ten catties, you should be considered a standard figure, but it seems that you lost too much weight before, and now you can't grow any more."

(End of this chapter)

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