Chapter 849

Chapter 849

Rong Ling'er stood outside the door with a pink complexion, holding a cake box in her hand, and immediately smiled the most beautifully when she saw Xiao Yuhan, and handed the cake box to her.

"This is the cake I made with my own hands today, thank you for giving me chocolate and helping me yesterday."

"You also made a cake specially? It doesn't need to be so exaggerated, it's just a few pieces of chocolate."

Xiao Yuhan reached out to take the cake box, and his affection for Rong Linger increased a few degrees. A girl who knows how to repay her kindness can be equated with self-reliance and self-improvement. Such a girl can easily make boys like her .

"I don't want Professor Xiao to prescribe me some medicine to regulate my body. I'm really troubled. I always eat too much and I can't digest it, and I can't gain weight. You also said that I look very energetic." Bad look."

Rong Ling'er stepped into the office, looked at Xiao Yuhan flatteringly, and said embarrassedly: "Professor Xiao, can I trouble you to prescribe some medicine for me? Can I trouble you to write a few words when I go out to get the medicine myself? "

When she spoke, her cheeks were flushed, her whole expression was extremely cute, Xiao Yuhan nodded almost without thinking, "I will help you write a few prescriptions for regulating the body now, Chinese medicine is the best for regulating the body of girls Yes, there are no side effects and the root cause is cured, after you have recuperated your body, eat well and don’t lose weight.”

As he said that, he sat down at the desk, picked up a pen and quickly wrote down two prescriptions on the paper, "Here are two prescriptions, you grab three prescriptions, and eat the other one after eating this one, you know?" ?”

Xiao Yuhan instructed Rong Linger very carefully and thoughtfully, and even wrote one and two on it with a pen to indicate the order.

Rong Linger took the two prescriptions, nodded seriously, folded the prescriptions carefully and put them in the bag, opened the cake box on the table, "Professor Xiao, come and taste the cake I made. , if it’s delicious, I can make it for you often in the future.”

"You don't need to do it often. You should be busy with your own things, and the university studies are quite heavy. Has your English passed the level? What about the computer?"

Xiao Yuhan rejected her kindness very straightly, sat down at the table, looked at the delicate and small cake in front of him, sprinkled with cream on top, and decorated with a few bright red strawberries, it looked like a girl's favorite dessert, but Pointing to the strawberry, he said, "I don't like to eat this, so why not eat it, I'll take what you want."

Rong Linger's smile froze on her face, and it took a few seconds for her to recover slowly. She complained secretly in her heart, what a puzzled elm head, but such a boy is quite good, at least better than those flirtatious playboys. Big carrots are better.

Thinking of this, she smiled again, picked up the fork and picked all the strawberries aside, let Xiao Yuhan eat the part without strawberries, and said softly: "I just made it for you, no matter what you want Take a sip, this is my heart, you can’t just say you love it and don’t taste it at all, or I will be sad.”

As she spoke, she directly dug a spoonful with a fork and fed it to Xiao Yuhan, and fed it to his mouth. Xiao Yuhan glanced at her and opened his mouth to eat it. Melting, sweet but not greasy, the craftsmanship is indeed very good, unlike cakes made of low-quality butter that you buy casually on the street.

But Xiao Yuhan, who is a super straight guy, didn't think too much, and said directly: "I don't like sweets very much, so a little is enough."

Rong Ling'er froze her hands in mid-air and slowly retracted them, she rolled her eyes secretly, but she didn't let Xiao Yuhan see, she was still very understanding, "Forget it! Professor Xiao, if you don't like to eat, just eat it." Don't eat it, you don't like sweets, right? Then I'll make you something else next time, do you like sushi? Or pizza?"

"I've already said that you don't have to be so polite, you are my student! Although I don't take your major class, I am also a professor at Imperial University, and it is my duty to help my classmates."

Xiao Yuhan just said it according to her inner thoughts, but Rong Linger's ears felt a little uncomfortable, and she was a little disappointed immediately, "Professor Xiao, do you think there should be a distance between the teacher and the students?" Huh? But you are not a few years older than me, I think we can be not only teachers and students, but also friends."

"How old are you this year? A sophomore... Are you 19 or [-] this year?"

"I'm 22 years old this year. I've worked hard in the entertainment industry for a few years, so I'm older than the average classmate." Rong Linger lowered her head in embarrassment when she spoke. Age has always made her very nervous. unhappy.

After all, when she was filming, she was often the youngest in the crew, but in school, she became the biggest in the same grade. How important is a girl's age!

But now she would comfort herself, at least because of her age, she and Xiao Yuhan could get closer.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yuhan heard her words, his eyes lit up immediately, "Hey, then you and I are really about the same age."

"That's right, so Professor Xiao doesn't want to see me as a student. Can the two of us be friends? I just don't know if Professor Xiao's girlfriend will mind."

"Probably not, because I don't have a girlfriend yet." Xiao Yuhan answered Rong Ling'er without thinking, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened a bit when he heard his words.

is it?That's good!
"It's getting late, do you still have class in the afternoon? If you have class, go to class. I'm going to give a lecture to graduate students." Xiao Yuhan looked at the clock on the table, estimated the time and stood up.

"I don't have class in the afternoon. Professor Xiao, are you going to give lectures to the graduate students of the medical school? Can I go with you? Although I don't have a graduate degree yet, I will go and listen to the lectures. Learning is also good, but I don’t know if I can understand it.”

When Rong Ling'er spoke, she was a little gentler than ordinary girls, so gentle that she could pinch water.

"Today's lecture is not academic, you can follow along and listen to it, then follow me." Xiao Yuhan took her out of the office without thinking too much.

His office is in the school's administrative building, two buildings away from the academic lecture hall where he gave lectures. The two of them just walked around the campus. From a distance, they thought they were a couple on campus.

"Meow..." A faint cat meow came, Xiao Yuhan followed the sound and saw a girl in a pink dress squatting by the flower bed, holding something in her hand and feeding it to the wild cats in the campus .

(End of this chapter)

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