Chapter 850 The Kind Side

Chapter 850 The Kind Side

"Cats and cats, you are too pitiful. Why are you running around the school when you are so hungry? Can I take you home? Our garden is as big as the school. I feed you every day." Eat, but you have to follow me to get an injection first."

As the girl spoke, she hugged the two wild cats in her arms without any hesitation, turned her head and bumped into Xiao Yuhan and the others. She took a few steps back with the wild cats in her arms, and looked up to see Xiao Yuhan He Rong Linger frowned immediately afterwards.

Xiao Yuhan couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the girl holding the wild cat, "Bai Qingyue, do you want to take these two kittens back to your home?"

"What? No? Professor Xiao doesn't know how to deal with this, right? I'm helping small animals, not bullying on campus. You don't think I'm going to steal them, do you? You are a professor at the school, why don't you care about it? These small animals strayed in the school, you can see that their legs are all injured, if I don’t care about it, I don’t know when they will be infected, and I won’t know if they die.”

Bai Qingyue said as if she wanted to verify her words, and deliberately showed the cat's injured leg to Xiao Yuhan, and she was unwilling to look at Rong Ling'er from the beginning to the end.

Xiao Yuhan saw the wound on the cat's leg, which was still bleeding, and also saw clearly that what Bai Qingyue was holding in her hand was actually a handful of cat food, and what was protruding from her bag was also a bag of cat food.

In this way, Bai Qingyue was really eating for these kittens just now, and now she wants to save them.

Of course he didn't think that Bai Qingyue wanted to take these kittens back and sell them. After all, she was a rich daughter, so she wouldn't do such a thing. There is such a kind side.

Seeing his strange expression, Bai Qingyue hugged the kitten and was about to turn around and leave, "Are you sure you see it now? Professor Xiao! I don't want to harm these two cats, I just want to take them back and heal their wounds." , and then adopted them in my yard, you wouldn’t have to fight for these two kittens this time, would you?”

Xiao Yuhan could only answer coldly when he heard the thorny look in her words, "Of course not, you can take them back, but..."

"But what, but don't sell them? Of course I know! I'm not as ruthless as you think, and I don't know if you think of me as a witch. I guess only Rong Linger in front of you is here. You look like a flawless person in your heart."

When Bai Qingyue spoke, she gave Rong Ling'er a slight look. She was like this, she didn't like a person who always put her face on her face, she wouldn't play dirty tricks behind her back, even if it was ridicule, it was blatant.

After hearing what he said, Rong Ling'er made a frightened look, stepped back a few steps, and retreated directly behind Xiao Yuhan.

Xiao Yuhan felt her trembling slightly behind her, and immediately said to Bai Qingyue, "What do you mean by that? There's no need to be like this, you two are also classmates."

"There are so many people who are my classmates, but not everyone is like her who can play dirty tricks behind her back. I am too lazy to talk to you. You think she is so good, so you can get closer to her! You can't ask me I love her as much as you do."

Bai Qingyue dropped these words, walked to the school gate with the two kittens in her arms, and got into the car that came to pick her up.

Xiao Yuhan turned his head to comfort Rong Linger, but saw that her eye circles were red, she lowered her head and said aggrievedly, "Why does Bai Qingyue have such a big opinion of me? Who is talking nonsense in front of her?" Is it right? I really haven't done those things that are inconsistent with the outside, Professor Xiao, you have to trust me."

"I know, I know she must have misunderstood, that's why she said that, don't cry, what I fear most in my life is that girls cry."

Xiao Yuhan immediately began to comfort her in a hurry, he didn't know why the girl was crying so much, she would cry when there was a disagreement.

When Rong Linger heard what she said, she forced tears back into her eyes, and looked at her with a smile, "I won't cry, I can't embarrass you, Professor Xiao, let's go, we're going to the lecture soon."

the other side.

It took Xiao Su'er a whole day to figure out the quantity and price of the medicinal materials in the entire warehouse. The price on the purchase order and the market price are too far apart. In the warehouse alone, the difference between these medicinal materials is at least tens of thousands of yuan. , if someone really enriched their own pockets, it is unknown how much money she has embezzled over the years.

Now that the Internet is so developed, you can easily find out the price of traditional Chinese medicine by searching the Internet. It is impossible to be cheated by this Chinese medicine supplier for so long, and every Chinese medicine is basically much higher than the market price. It should be cheaper to purchase.

No matter how you say it, it's a bit unreasonable. It seems that Liu Yan, the financial manager, has a big problem!
Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er felt that she couldn't sit idly by. Although this clinic is small, it can make a lot of profit in a year, and it is the property of her grandfather's family, so she can't let others be so corrupt.

Although this clinic is small in scale, it has already gained a good reputation because it has been in operation for so many years. It can always attract many sick patients to see the doctor. It will buy medicinal materials almost once a month. Over the next year, it will be dozens or even millions, which is quite a huge amount.

She immediately decided that she must expose Liu Yan, the financial manager, who was doing tricks behind her back. It is too easy to corrupt.

Besides, she knows how to do accounts. This company only hires her as a financial accountant, not even an accountant, and there is no one who supervises her at all.

After Xiao Su'er got off work, she kept thinking about how to catch Liu Yan and expose this incident. While thinking about it, she took the elevator to the underground parking lot, and when she was about to get in the car, she heard a strange aura coming from behind. the sound of.

"Yo, you are driving such a nice car at such a young age. It really looks good but it's not the same. I guess there are many big bosses behind you who want to give you money? Who are you going to accompany after get off work now? Behind you is How many people are standing there? You still have to be careful, let the family know, and you won't be able to eat and walk around."

In the clinic, Liu Yan didn't dare to quarrel with her, worrying that other colleagues would be attracted, and it would be bad to check her accounts thoroughly. But now that the clinic is in such an empty parking lot, she He just wanted to scold Xiao Su'er to vent his anger.

Lin Su'er had already put her hands on the car door, but after hearing her words, she turned around and faced her, "Be careful what you say, don't talk nonsense here, which eye saw me doing those nasty things? "

"Need to see any more? Isn't that obvious?"

(End of this chapter)

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