Chapter 851 Pack up
Chapter 851 Pack up
"I've said it before, I'm doing well, I haven't done those things, you'd better stop slandering me casually, otherwise I won't just sit back and let you talk nonsense." Xiao Su'er once again After warning her, he opened the door and was about to get in the car.

Liu Yan still snorted coldly, "Hmph, what's the use of showing off your power here, I don't know who you're going to be someone else's toy, it looks so good-looking, I guess you can only live as a vase Go on! You are ashamed to come to us as a Chinese medicine doctor, but what if you really let someone die?"

"You are protected by the gold master. I'm afraid our director will be affected by you. Hey, who did you hook up with? Tell me, you can't hook up with Mr. Ang, right? His granddaughter All……"


Before she could finish her words, Xiao Su'er who had rushed over gave her a slap in the face. It didn't matter what she said, but her family could not be involved. What she said just now had insulted grandpa. Xiao Su'er absolutely couldn't bear it. matter.

Liu Yan covered her swollen left cheek in disbelief, raised her head and glared at Xiao Su'er angrily, "You, you dare to beat me, do you think it's great to be raised?"

As she said that, she wanted to rush up and hit Xiao Su'er, but before she could do it, the golden needle that Xiao Su'er took out from her bag stabbed the acupuncture point fiercely, and she froze in place immediately, unable to move.

She opened her eyes wide in horror, and her face turned extremely pale in an instant. Although she was only an accountant, after staying in the Chinese medicine clinic for so long, she certainly knew how superb the powerful acupuncture and moxibustion techniques of Chinese medicine are. It is possible to numb a person's feet and even directly kill him.

It's just that she didn't know that Xiao Su'er in front of her could actually do acupuncture, and she also carried golden needles for acupuncture with her. Now that Xiao Su'er has proved with her strength that she is capable, Liu Yan dare not say any more, let alone a word from her now. Can't tell either.

Xiao Su'er pinched his chin, forcing Liu Yan to look at her, she saw the panic in Liu Yan's eyes and her slightly trembling lips.

"I'm warning you, don't be so arrogant to trouble me in the future! We two don't interfere with each other, you are your finances, and I'm my Chinese medicine doctor. Where did I hinder you? You insist on doing this What good does it do you to slander me?
Even if today is a lesson for you, if you dare to provoke me in the future, it will not be such a simple matter, is it clear?If it is clear, then blink your eyes. If you are not clear, then I will put you in this parking lot and come back tomorrow morning to untie your acupoints. I believe you will think clearly by then. "

Xiao Su'er looked at her coldly and said these words. She didn't want to scare Xiao Su'er, but was really planning to put Liu Yan on this night. She knew that this kind of person is the type who doesn't cry when he sees the coffin. If you don't let her really suffer, she will definitely not have a long memory. If you clean her up once, she will be honest immediately.

Obviously this Liu Yan is this type of person, after hearing Xiao Su'er's words, she blinked hurriedly, almost breaking her eyelids.

Xiao Su'er gently took off the golden needle on her acupuncture point, and the second Liu Yan was able to move, she immediately stepped back and looked at Xiao Su'er at a distance from her. She really wanted to rush up and beat Xiao Su'er, but she was worried But she couldn't beat it, and if she stuck a needle in the acupuncture point again, she would definitely not let herself go.

This parking lot is empty at night, and I will be scared to death when I am here.

"You'd better remember in the future, what did you mean when you blinked your eyes just now, or it won't be so easy next time." Xiao Su'er took back the golden needle, got in the car, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel and drove out of the parking lot .

"You little vixen! You wait for me!" Liu Yan watched her car drive out of the parking lot, and then stamped her feet on the spot and shouted. She didn't dare to let Xiao Su'er hear her, fearing that Xiao Su'er would come back to find her again For the trouble, he could only shout a few times behind his back to vent his anger.

Xiao Su'er drove to the entrance of the kindergarten, and saw the kindergarten teacher and Xiao Wang laughing at the entrance, the happiness on their faces could not be concealed, as if they had heard some funny joke.

"Mengbao, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Su'er parked the car beside the two of them and lowered the window.

"Xiao Wang's mother is here. Xiao Wang was telling me a joke just now. This child is so cute. He even came to apologize to me today, which made me feel embarrassed. I didn't take good care of him. The child is so cute and smart, it is my honor to have such a student."

The kindergarten teacher praised Xiao Su'er, Xiao Wang's face was full of happy smiles, Xiao Su'er raised his eyebrows, and looked at his son, Xiao Wang looked at him with a proud face, as if saying in his eyes: Look, I conquered another person, and I said that the teacher would not be angry with me.

"Thank you teacher for taking care of Mengbao for me, so I took him home. Xiao Su'er smiled helplessly, and tilted her head towards Xiao Wang to signal him to get in the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow, teacher. I'm going home with my mother." Xiao Wang waved at the kindergarten teacher with a childlike face, and got into the co-pilot.

"Mom, look! The teacher didn't blame me, right? You can't blame me anymore, and don't teach me what happened yesterday."

The car had just left the kindergarten, Xiao Wang immediately raised his little finger towards Xiao Su'er to remind her little by little like a lecturer.

"Yes yes yes! I won't blame you anymore. It's because my mother didn't explain it clearly to you, but I really can't do this kind of thing next time. This teacher seems to like you quite a bit. Congratulations, my big brother Young master, you have conquered an adult again with your charisma!"

Xiao Su'er was joking with her son while driving, she found that Xiao Wang had a unique charm, every time she communicated with adults like them, he always made others love him, almost everyone who had met him None did not praise him.

But on the contrary, Xiao Wang's peers don't like to play with him. When he was overseas, the neighbor's children who were the same age as him were a little timid when they saw him.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, my son has a superior intelligence and can't play with children of the same age.

"Of course, all uncles and aunts will like me, but I still like my mother the most." Xiao Wang took the opportunity to say good things to Xiao Su'er again.

(End of this chapter)

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