Chapter 854 Rogue
Chapter 854 Rogue
When the receptionist heard her question, he knew that he couldn't hide it, so he explained, "His name is Hu Daxiong, and he has visited our clinic before. The old lady is his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law and wife are all supported by him. He His wife has been bullied by him and dare not speak at all, even if he bullies his own mother, she dare not speak."

"He is so picky that he doesn't even want to see a doctor for his mother-in-law. As you can see, his wife and mother-in-law have no right to speak in front of him. Every time his mother-in-law can't bear the pain, he will come to our clinic. His family It’s in the community not far from our clinic. Every time his mother-in-law comes here to see her doctor, he will bring people to make trouble the next day.”

"If you have to refund the money, there is no TCM doctor who dares to treat this old lady. Before the other two doctors helped her see the doctor, Hu Daxiong made a fuss the next day, and finally refunded the money."

"Our doctor paid for the consultation fees and medicines. As soon as the security guard came to drag him, he just lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. As soon as he touched him, he said that we beat someone and he wanted to call the police. Who would dare to provoke him? Scoundrel!"

After the front desk explained everything, he felt even more embarrassed, and apologized to Xiao Su'er in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I really can't help it, and I'm embarrassed to drive this old lady away, I really can't bear it, so..."

After listening to Xiao Su'er, she understood it completely, no wonder she was kind enough to let her see the patient yesterday, it turned out to be such kindness!It's no wonder that everything has become like this, and no one came out to help persuade him. After a long time, he was already exhausted by him, and he didn't want to talk to him at all, and he didn't want to mess with him.

But she doesn't blame the front desk, after all, the old lady's leg is really serious, and the doctor's parents are kind, so it's a favor to help her, but this Hu Daxiong wants to come here to mess around, so he insists on refunding the money impossible.

Xiao Su'er looked at Hu Daxiong, and tried to explain with a good temper, "Sir, we treated your mother-in-law because her leg was injured. We are not buying or selling by force, nor are we cheating. It is indeed effective. You can ask Ask the family if the pain is gone now? Why should we refund the money to you?"

"Even if you call the police, it's useless. You don't want to spend money after seeing a doctor. What's the difference between this and eating a king's meal? You have no reason for this matter."

"What a mess, you guys are a place to deceive people. Who doesn't know that Chinese medicine is just some ghosts and snakes? How can it be really useful? If it is useful, why are there so many Western hospitals? You are all deceiving people, don't you just dig it up? A few tree roots and grass roots? It costs so much money! Give me my money back!"

"If I don't refund, I won't leave today, and you! You'd better pay me for mental damage, loss of work, and medical expenses. Who knows that you will treat my mother-in-law at a young age? What's wrong with the cure? I'm going to spend another day here today to ask for money, and you have to pay me!"

Hu Daxiong is already a rascal to the extreme, even if he came here today to ask for money to delay his working time, it will be deducted from Xiao Su'er's head, and he will be made to lose money, he looks like an extremely rascal.

"Sir, can you please be reasonable? Why should I pay you money? There is nothing wrong with my treatment, and your mother-in-law was indeed cured by me. It is normal for us to collect money. Don't be here anymore." You’re messing around, or I’ll call the police later.”

No matter how good Xiao Su'er's temper was, he still made him want to lose his temper, but the person in front of him was obviously unreasonable, and he was still yelling, insisting on asking Xiao Su'er to pay back the money.

"I don't care what you say, money is the reason, what is the reason if you don't have money, don't you just want to cheat money? You still have to reason with me, what kind of treatment is okay? Her leg is fine at all, just want to find a place It’s just spending my money, people who have nothing at all need to be treated, they have to get their money back and pay for it today, otherwise nothing will work.”

"I'm sitting here today. I'll drive out every one of you. I sit here every day. When I see it, it's you who pay more or I who pay more! And you still have to control me. If I Starving to death here has to be your clinic’s problem.”

When Hu Daxiong was talking, he leaned directly against the door, crossed his legs and shook his feet, completely relying on Xiao Su'er. He really couldn't find a way to deal with this kind of rambunctiousness. After all, even shameless people are afraid of this common saying. There is some truth to this.

The mother-in-law and wife next to him couldn't lift their faces from the embarrassment of his rascal behavior, but they still didn't dare to go far, so they could only stand by the door with him.

Xiao Su'er was thinking of leaving him alone and leaving him at the door. After staying for a long time, he probably left by himself, but he didn't expect that when he saw the patient who was about to come in, he would stand directly at the door to prevent people from entering, and even swear at each other, " What are you doing? Do you want to come here to see a doctor? They have doctors who have killed people here. If you dare to come in again, no one will bury you if you die, get out of here!"

When he said this, the patient who originally wanted to come in to see a doctor turned around and left. Xiao Su'er was furious when she saw it. This person is really shameless!

Xiao Su'er walked up to him in a few steps, and said angrily, "Get out of here, there's no end to this, you're making trouble here all day long!"

As she spoke, she wanted to reach out her hand a little angrily, and push Hu Daxiong in front of him out of the clinic, but just as she raised her hand, she remembered that this man is such a rascal, if he meets him, he might break his bones after a while Yes, and then you have to lose money.

Xiao Su'er was about to take back her hand, but unexpectedly, Hu Daxiong lay down on the ground, covered his chest and began to roll all over the floor, "Oh, oh, the doctor beat someone, it's really terrible, even after the doctor died, I still want to Hit someone, I don’t have a million and 80 today, you see I can’t get up, everyone come and take a look, this black shop!”

He yelled loudly while rolling, as if he was really injured, and his voice was louder and louder with his own horn.

How can there be such a person in the world, Xiao Su'er still can't figure it out, she is simply amazed, she has lived for 25 years, and she has never seen such a shameless person, she is already so old, and she can do this for some money Rolling all over the floor with dignity.

"Are you finished? Do you know that you have cancer and are dying. If you have this little time, go and enjoy your life."

Xiao Su'er couldn't bear it any longer, and directly said what she saw with her spiritual eyes just now. She saw that Hu Daxiong's lungs had lesions at the first sight just now. It should be cancer caused by smoking and drinking all year round, but he didn't know it at all. I didn't bother to talk about him just now, but now I don't care about his sloppy appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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