Chapter 855 Divorce
Chapter 855 Divorce
Hu Daxiong was lying on the ground and was rolling, but when he heard Xiao Su'er's words, his eyes suddenly stopped rolling, and he got up from the ground, Xiao Su'er thought that her words had an effect, it seems that this person is still Afraid of death, he immediately got up when he heard that he had cancer.

Unexpectedly, when Hu Daxiong got up, he didn't wake up like Xiao Su'er thought, he just waved his fist and was about to hit Xiao Su'er, "You little bastard, you dare to curse me, that's why you got cancer. Seeing how you look like this!" You have a vixen face, maybe you have some strange disease, you talk nonsense with your mouth open all day long, you dare to curse me for cancer, I won’t beat you to death today.”

He said that he was really clenching his fists and was about to hit someone, Xiao Su'er had already reached out and pinched the golden needle in the bag, and was about to stick it on his body, but his wife ran up and hugged her, "Stop making trouble, What are you doing? Don't you know that hitting someone is against the law?"

Seeing this, the front desk immediately pulled Xiao Su'er back a few steps, looked at the two couples and said sharply: "Su Ling, take care of your husband quickly, he can't do this, if he really dares to do something, I'll call the police immediately. It's too much for him to arrest you! We kindly treated you, but it turned out to be ours?"

"I know, I know!" Su Ling was also a little embarrassed, her weather-beaten face was full of embarrassment, and she hugged Hu Daxiong tightly.

"What are you going to do? Are you trying to force me to death? My mother just came here to see her legs. Her legs hurt like that. What's wrong with seeing a doctor? We didn't spend money indiscriminately."

"Fuck you!" Hu Daxiong kicked Su Ling away directly, and that kick mercilessly knocked Su Ling to the ground, but he didn't want to stop, he bent down and grabbed Su Ling's clothes collar, pulled her up, and watched her curse.

"It's just you, a prodigal bitch, who doesn't earn money all day long and only knows how to spend money recklessly. Take this money to see a shitty Chinese medicine doctor. A few hundred dollars is enough for our family to eat for many days, and you, old lady If you don’t die, you should die sooner, it doesn’t look like you are sick, but you just want to spend my money.”

After saying these words, he directly slapped Su Ling several times. Su Ling was so dizzy from the beating that the old lady couldn't stand it anymore and came up to protect her daughter.

"You are too much. I spent your money to see a doctor because my leg hurt so badly. What's more, when my daughter married you, our family gave a dowry. The house you live in now is also my house. I didn’t spend your money in vain for the down payment of my life’s savings with my wife, and you asked for my daughter to be a housewife, why are you so cruel now?”

The old lady burst into tears when she was talking, and she never thought that her son-in-law was going too far. Although she said that she was not good to the two of them before, she didn't say it so much. Now she said it more than once. Treat them as human beings.

Xiao Su'er was listening to the old lady's words, and she despised the man in front of her to the extreme. It turned out that the down payment of the house he lives in was paid by his mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law is also a reasonable person, and his wife looks like a virtuous woman. With such a wife and mother-in-law, he should be very happy, why is he such a rascal?
"How? She came here with a dowry, that is, she has to pay the down payment, I have nothing, she is crying and shouting to marry me, besides, after marriage, it is necessary to obey the rules of women and stay at home. What a woman should do, why do you still want her to go out and show her face?"

"Now I'm raising you mother and daughter, you should be grateful to Dade, you dare to be arrogant here, get the hell out of me, you old bastard, it's you talking nonsense in front of her every day, and you've become more and more arrogant in the past two years gone."

While Wu Daxiong was talking, he even wanted to reach out and hit the old man. Su Ling couldn't bear it anymore. She could hit her any way she could, but she couldn't hit her mother.

"Hu Daxiong, you are enough!" Su Ling stood in front of her mother and yelled at Hu Daxiong, "You are going too far, not only are you not as responsible as a man at all, but also more and more shameless and rascal. You don’t even know your dignity for two years, and you only know money and money all day long! You can’t make money yourself, so you take all your anger on me and my mother.”

"I said I want to go out to make money, but you won't let me go out, and you still say I'm a prodigal, why don't you say yourself? How much money did you lose by playing mahjong and gambling all day long? My mother just took some money to see a doctor, and you said He wants to spend your money, you are too much, I think we can't live anymore, forget it, get a divorce!"

Su Ling vented all her grievances and anger over the years at this moment. When Hu Daxiong heard her mentioning divorce, he sneered and withdrew his hand.

"Okay, isn't it just a divorce? Just leave, you think I'm afraid of you? Without me, you just wait to starve to death, and you old mother, you two have no financial resources at all. Dare to ask me for a divorce, I took you all these years out of mercy, otherwise I would have kicked you, a yellow-faced woman, to the side, you can get a divorce if you want!"

"Anyway, the car and the house are mine. I don't care if you leave the house. You and your old mother can stay here. I don't want the hundreds of dollars yesterday. I will give it to you Breakup fee."

Hu Daxiong patted his butt after saying this, turned around and left. He didn't listen to what Xiao Su'er said just now, but now his wife talked about divorce and moved him instead. What kind of person is this person?Xiao Su'er really couldn't figure it out.

Su Ling watched him walk away from behind, her tears couldn't hold back any longer, she fell to the ground and started crying, the old man couldn't see her daughter being wronged so much, so she hugged her daughter and cried into a ball.

"Mom! It's all my fault for making you suffer so much when you're old. It's because of my daughter's incompetence. She shouldn't have married this heartless person in the first place. How did I know that he is so devoid of conscience? He will be punished in the future. Woooo..."

Su Ling sat on the ground and cried uncontrollably. The tears flowed down like rain.

"It's all my mother's fault! I should have stopped you back then. I really shouldn't have let you marry this man. There are so many men in the world, and any one is better than him. Don't cry. In the future, my mother will move out with you. It’s just begging on the street to pick up rubbish, so don’t have anything to do with him.” The old man also cried sadly, with sad tears all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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