Chapter 856 The Tragic Housewife

Chapter 856 The Tragic Housewife

Xiao Su'er and the front desk looked at each other very uncomfortable, and she didn't want to drive them away, but she didn't go forward to persuade them, so let them vent their feelings, and feel better after crying.

The two of them cried for more than ten minutes before they calmed down a bit, but they still couldn't stop crying. Xiao Su'er stepped forward and pulled Su Ling and the old man to stand up, "Okay, don't cry, come with me Take a break in the office and drink some water, now that you are divorced from him, always think about what you will do next."

Seeing such a good woman end up like this, Xiao Su'er felt very uncomfortable and wanted to help her.

After Su Ling stood up from the ground, she apologized to Xiao Su'er with a face full of guilt, "I'm sorry, doctor, you helped my mother heal her leg, but we still came to trouble you today, I'm really sorry, I can't stop him .”

"It's okay. I know you don't want to come with him at all. You and the old man are both reasonable people. He is too rascal. It is best to leave him now. You should divorce early. You shouldn't be with him. You have wasted so many years of youth around you."

Xiao Su'er looked at Su Ling in front of her. Although her skin was rough and there were spots on her face, she could tell that she had outstanding facial features. She should have been a beauty when she was young. It's a pity that she wasted her youth around such a scumbag for so many years.

She took Su Ling and the old lady to the office, brought them two cups of hot water, and sat down to chat with them.

"How could such a good woman like you marry him? Why do you wrong yourself like this?"

Xiao Su'er couldn't help it, and asked the doubts in her heart. Since she saw the two people this morning, she felt that they were extremely unsuitable. Although it seems that Su Ling is just a housewife, it is just like what her mother said. Similarly, even if you do odd jobs outside, you don't have to live a life without dignity and wronged by Hu Daxiong's side.

"He was not like this before. The two of us are also in free love. When he pursued me, he was very kind to me. He was also very good when he just got married, but he said that he could support me after less than three months of marriage. , let me go home and stay, I am also an independent woman, I don’t want to be a rice bug at home.”

"But he kept saying that the women in his hometown would not work again after they got married, otherwise the man would be laughed at by others, and he also said that my mother has always been in poor health. If I resign, I can take better care of her at home. She, he said all kinds of good things before I agreed."

"When I just resigned and stayed at home, I still had a little savings from my previous job, and I was able to afford cosmetics and beautiful clothes to dress myself up, but later my savings ran out, so I could only use his money, and he hated it I spent more and more money, and I was a little unhappy at first, and said that I would stay at home and not go out, and I was not allowed to buy new clothes."

"I'm also not allowed to use cosmetics, and after that, it became more and more excessive. Whenever I asked for money, he would beat and scold me, even my parents didn't care. Our house was originally paid by my parents, but he said that my parents only paid for it. Will use money, nothing to help our family..."

Su Ling couldn't go on anymore when she said this, she covered her face and began to cry, unable to figure out what she had gained from all these years of hard work?
Now she is a yellow-faced woman, and she has made her mother suffer along with her. Now that she is divorced, she may not even be able to get a house. By then, she will really take her elderly mother out to sleep on the streets.

"What kind of work did you do before resigning? You can still do it now. As long as you don't ask too much, you can still find a simple job to support yourself. Don't worry too much. If the down payment of your house is really If your mother paid for it, it is impossible for you to leave the house, I will find a lawyer to help you with the divorce lawsuit."

Listening to what she said, Xiao Su'er was deeply moved, why don't these men know how to cherish it?What good does it do them to have such a good woman who is willing to pay for them and take care of him but bully her like this?
Looking at Su Ling in front of her, she couldn't help but think of herself. Why didn't she trust Bo Qingang so much back then?She believed everything he said, but she was still let down by him.

"I used to work as an accountant in a company. I used to major in accounting in college. When I married him, I was already a supervisor. The company leaders valued me very much and said they wanted to promote me to be a financial manager. When I went to resign, the leaders of the company said it was a pity, and that I would regret it for being another woman who did not want her own future for the sake of her family."

"At that time, I swore that I would never do it. My husband was very kind to me, but I didn't expect him to show his true colors in less than a year."

Su Ling recalled the little things of those years, and suddenly felt heartbroken. She was so stupid that she actually ruined her whole life because of a few words spoken by a man.

"Did you really never think about divorce in all these years? Did you mention divorce only now when you couldn't bear it anymore?"

"Of course I thought about it, I thought about it when he hit me for the first time, but he kept saying that he was wrong, just like all the women who forgive that scum after domestic violence, I did the same But he became more and more arrogant later on, as long as I dared to mention the divorce, he would only beat me harder and harder, and I didn't dare to mention it anymore."

"And I'm really scared. I'm old now, and I can't find a job when I go out. I might as well just live by his side for the rest of my life. If he wasn't so arrogant today, he would want to fight in front of outsiders." My mother, it is impossible for me to file for a divorce with him. "

Su Ling's whole face was flushed when she said that, and she felt even more sad when she saw her mother sitting beside her with a vicissitudes on her face.

"You said that you majored in accounting in college, then you are experienced and professional, so why not stay in our clinic as an accountant! This way your job will be settled, and you won't be afraid of divorcing him when the time comes. Find a better lawyer to file a lawsuit."

When Xiao Su'er heard her talk about her previous job, her eyes immediately brightened. She originally wanted to find a financial worker and arrange to work in their clinic to supervise Liu Yan. From now on, Liu Yan would not dare to play tricks behind her back anymore. Right now!
Although this Su Ling said that she hadn't worked for so many years, she had a correct attitude after all. She would cherish this hard-won opportunity more than others. If she was asked to work as an accountant in the clinic, she would definitely work hard. Can supervise Liu Yan, the best of both worlds!

(End of this chapter)

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