Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Xiao Wang answered Xiao Su'er's words in a very flat manner, unflappable in the face of danger, even if he was not in an ordinary chat just now, he was able to speak without guilt.

"You still have class tomorrow. Look, it's already three o'clock. When did you get up? Go back to sleep, aren't you afraid of falling asleep in class tomorrow?"

Xiao Su'er walked to the computer and took a look at the computer. She was actually chatting with his overseas friends through the chat software.

"I just got up and said a few words to them, Mom, you came in, then I will tell them right away and go to bed."

After Xiao Wang finished speaking, he quickly typed a few words on the computer, then turned off the computer, and crawled back to the bed, looking very cute.

Xiao Su'er went to the bed to help him tuck the quilt, turned around and left the bedroom, the moment she went out, Xiao Wang opened his eyes and whispered, "It's a good thing mom didn't see it, so it turned out that mom's grades in the college entrance examination It's so good, and I've been a couple with my dad since high school, so my mother must feel uncomfortable after so many years of relationship."

In the past few days, he has investigated everything about Xiao Su'er's affairs in Huaxia Mainland, and he even knows how many points she has scored in each test from elementary school to high school.

Especially the love story between Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang, he just did a sloppy investigation before, and he was sure that Bo Qing'ang was his father. After further investigation, he found that the bond between the two was still deep, so he decided to explain clearly what happened back then. Things, he can't let his mother regret for a lifetime.

the next day.

After Xiao Su'er sent Xiao Wang to the kindergarten as usual, she drove to the clinic by herself, but she didn't expect to see a crowd of people in front of the clinic after getting off the car. Come to the clinic to see a doctor?impossible!

She walked towards the clinic step by step with doubts in her heart, but she didn't expect that she was suddenly pulled into the alley next to the clinic before she reached the entrance of the clinic.

"Su'er, don't go inside the clinic. Those people outside are all here to trouble you. We said you didn't go to work, and they said they were waiting for you there. I ran out here to stop you. You Don't go to the clinic, or they may drag you to parade in the streets, it's terrible, it's the first time I know how powerful cyber violence is."

The front desk pulled her and whispered, his eyes were still looking at the clinic door, for fear that someone would see them.

"So many people are here to trouble me, don't they go to work? Have nothing to do?" Xiao Su'er felt a little amazed, so many people came to her, this is almost like a star It's just that celebrities are supported by fans, and I waited for a group of people who wanted to beat her.

"Who knows if they have something to do, we can't control whether they go to work now, why don't you go back first, don't go to the clinic again, I am worried that they will do something to you, you have to know that the law does not blame the public Ah, even if so many people really do something to you, it won't be easy to be held accountable at that time."

The front desk was really anxious, and she was the only person in this clinic who treated Xiao Su'er well.

Xiao Su'er was about to say something when she heard a voice from the door of the clinic, "What are you doing? We have to go to work if we don't have to go to work. She is not the only Chinese medicine practitioner in this clinic. Don't affect other people's work because of her. ?"

Dr. Song has a serious face, deep impatience can be seen in his eyebrows and eyes, he has never been in contact with Xiao Su'er, except that they met once when she came in on the first day, he doesn't know this young girl at all. female doctor.

He, like other people in the Chinese mainland, believes that it is impossible for a young person to have any real materials. He also has studied Chinese medicine for decades before he has a little attainment in Chinese medicine, but he did not expect that Xiao Suer's little Her age can provoke the anger of so many people, it seems that that girl is really not suitable for studying Chinese medicine.

But the people gathered in front of the clinic didn't take Dr. Song's reminder to heart at all, and even insulted her.

"Your clinic hired someone who just graduated from high school and didn't even have a doctor's license to be a Chinese medicine doctor. Do you think you have no responsibility at all?"

"Looking at your clinic, I know it must be an irregular one. Let a high school student become a doctor. Today, not only will the doctor who beat someone be found out, but also your clinic will give you an explanation. I have seen it in your clinic before. As for the illness, I don’t know if there is any problem with the medicine you prescribed.”

"That is to say! Do you have a conscience in your clinic? The fees are not cheap. Everyone thinks that your fees are expensive. You must have a good doctor to come. And you, Dr. Song! You used to You gave me medical treatment, but now, I doubt your true level."

Xiao Su'er was listening, and she was sure that the people who came to the clinic to make trouble were some patients who had seen the doctor before. After this incident, she always felt that she had some problems with seeing the doctor before, and wanted to ask for some compensation.

When Dr. Song heard what they said, an angry look appeared on his face, and he blushed from the neck to the top of his head, "What are you talking about? I graduated from medical school and have been treating diseases and saving lives for so many years. I have never done anything unconscionable." Things, you can't deny me because of others, you can investigate my education background, investigate the people I have cured!"

He felt that it was an insult to question him professionally, it was simply trampling on his self-esteem, and he couldn't stand it.

"Even if you are very good, you can't guarantee that other people in your clinic have a clear conscience. A high school student must be a Chinese medicine practitioner because he has a strong background. Is he the daughter of the director of your clinic or Xiaomi?"

The troublemaker was still chattering, and even brought the issue to Xiao Su'er's conduct.

"I'm just a doctor here, not a personnel here. I don't know the specific situation. I just ask you not to come here to disturb other people's work." Dr. Song couldn't explain clearly to them, and he rubbed his temples helplessly and carried a group of people behind his back. Noisy headache.

Xiao Su'er was thinking about whether to rush forward to make it clear, when she saw Su Ling running out of the clinic and declaring to everyone, "Hello everyone, I am the wife of the person who was beaten in the video, he is absolutely I'm talking nonsense, the truth is not what he said, Dr. Xiao is very good, he helped my mother's leg, and even lent me money to rent a house."

"That video was fabricated by Hu Daxiong. You have to see clearly that you can't wrong a good person. He came to the clinic that day to ask for money. My mother has almost fully recovered from her old illness after being treated here."

(End of this chapter)

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