Chapter 863
Chapter 863
Seeing that Su Ling had already come forward, Xiao Su'er should be able to quell the incident this time. After all, she is Hu Daxiong's wife, so what she said should be convincing.

But what Xiao Su'er didn't expect was that the onlookers not only didn't believe Su Ling's words, but even bossed her around.

"I think you were also bought by that woman surnamed Xiao?"

"It's true that money can turn ghosts around. You don't even want your own husband."

"You stand on her side, does your husband know how uncomfortable it is?"

"How shameless are you to talk nonsense for a little money? You said it yourself just now. She gave you money to rent a house. What? Who did she introduce you to?"

The crowd talked more and more, and finally started to attack personally. All kinds of ugly words were swarmed at Su Ling. She tried to explain, "That's not the case, it's Hu Daxiong's domestic violence, and he obviously has a job to Earning money, but still haggling over pennies and pennies, always trying to take advantage of others from various places, this time after Dr. Xiao helped my mother heal her leg, he also..."

"Stop talking nonsense. It is impossible for us to believe what a woman like you says. You must have taken money from that woman surnamed Xiao and let her come out! Resolutely resist this bad doctor."

Before Su Ling finished her defense, the crowd interrupted her in anger, and even shouted into the clinic with their fists raised like a parade, and a few impulsive people rushed directly into the clinic.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you still want to come here to smash and rob? Is there any law? Is there lawlessness?" Dr. Song yelled at them angrily when he saw them like this.

Xiao Su'er couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't run and hide, and let other people in the clinic bear the unreasonable anger of these people for her, she had to make this matter clear, and she couldn't be slandered by others for no reason .

"Su'er, what are you doing? Don't go! I've told you that these people have been led by public opinion, and they don't believe you at all." The receptionist still wanted to hold her back, but Xiao Su'er just turned silent towards her Shaking his head, he shook off her hand and walked into the clinic.

Looking at the people searching around in the clinic, he said: "Everyone, I am Xiao Su'er you are looking for, I am not..."


Before she could finish her words, a rotten egg flew towards her head and shattered on her head, the egg white and yolk flowed all over her face, and Xiao Su'er became very embarrassed in an instant.

Su Ling was annoyed watching from the side, and even felt that she had caused Xiao Su'er to suffer. She just helped her mother's illness and completed her work, but it was too unfair to be treated like this.

"Don't be like this, you have already said that things are not like that, why are you still going so far?" Su Ling stood in front of Xiao Su'er and yelled at everyone, but it didn't help at all, these people even brought everything with them .

Many people who have encountered bad doctors even vented their previous anger on the two of them, throwing all kinds of things at them.

"Great, it's finally possible to punish such a bad doctor. It ruined the medical ethics. The doctor's reputation was ruined by people like you. Hurry up and let everyone take a look at her current miserable situation." .”

The onlookers threw things at the two of them while turning on the live broadcast on their mobile phones. Seeing Xiao Suer being bullied like this due to public opinion, the Internet was full of applause, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of A water's 'well played!Well done!Kill her! '

Xiao Su'er was protected by Su Ling in her arms, and Su Ling almost blocked two-thirds of the dirty things. Dr. Song couldn't stand it anymore, picked up his mobile phone and called the police.

When the police came, everything stopped, but Su Ling was already in a daze from the beating, she was dizzy and nearly passed out on the ground.

"Are you okay? Be careful!" Xiao Su'er hugged Su Ling and led her to the bathroom to help her wash off the dirt on her body.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Xiao, it's all my fault! You got hurt." Su Ling apologized to Xiao Su'er while wiping the dirt off her body with a paper.

Her submissive appearance made Xiao Su'er angry and distressed, "Why do you apologize to me? I told you not to always say sorry to others. What happened today has nothing to do with you. It is Hu Daxiong's fault. I will If you ask him to get it back, you have to be careful to protect yourself, and now this public opinion is implicated in you."

"Hu Daxiong must have been unwilling to do this kind of thing that day. If Dr. Xiao didn't help me, he would never slander you. You kindly helped me, but it was all my fault that you ended up like this. .”

Su Ling stretched out her hand to wipe the egg yolk on Xiao Su'er's forehead, but she couldn't wipe it clean, as if the two of them were being slandered now, these things couldn't be explained clearly.

Xiao Su'er turned on the faucet of the toilet, and put her head directly under the faucet to rinse off all the stains on her face. Originally, she thought that the incident this time would disappear after a while like the gossip five years ago. Although it was discussed online Enthusiastic, but no one dared to take actual action.

But this time, Hu Daxiong brought the matter to the relationship between doctors and patients. There are indeed many good doctors in this continent, but there are also some bad doctors who are devoid of conscience and have wronged many patients. These patients usually have no place to vent. All the anger was vented on her, which Xiao Su'er did not expect.

"Doctor Xiao, what should we do next? How can you work if they come every day? I won't cause you to lose your job, right?" Su Ling was very anxious beside her, fearing that she would cause Xiao Su'er to be hurt again.

"No, don't worry, even if he can fall into trouble, it will not affect any of my work. As for this matter, I will find a way to deal with it. You don't want to see Hu Daxiong, you know? I'm worried that he will use this Things threaten you to go back to him, let’s go, the two of us go change our clothes first. We still have to work, so we can’t be influenced by them.”

When the two of them came out of the bathroom, they saw Liu Yan waiting at the door of the bathroom. They laughed and laughed when they saw the two of them coming out, "Hey! Are you two going to sing an opera? You are full of colors. This morning is really lively!"

"Finance Liu, have you finished your morning work? It's better not to come here to watch a play." Xiao Su'er protected Su Ling behind her, and looked at Liu Yan in front of her.

"What? You still want to command me? Do you really regard yourself as the director of this clinic?"

(End of this chapter)

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