Chapter 864 See You Again
Chapter 864 See You Again
Seeing Xiao Su'er's complacent expression, Liu Yan even said arrogantly, "I think you two have to pack up and go, it's a bit exaggerated to be implicated by you today in the clinic, the door is almost smashed, with you like this Doctors with bad conduct don’t know if anyone will come to see a doctor in the future, if you don’t get fired, our clinic can’t continue to operate.”

"Take care of yourself, I'm afraid this clinic can continue to operate, but you can't do it financially." Xiao Su'er went to the office while pulling Su Ling, and didn't want to talk to Liu Yan at all.

This matter has become such a big deal, the director can no longer sit idly by and report it to the head office of Ang's family early in the morning. After all, he is the person arranged by the head office, so he dare not directly fire Xiao Su'er, he still has to ask for instructions Look at the opinions of the leaders.

But I didn't expect that the head office would directly throw a sentence: If you don't work as a director, you can't fire her.

Hearing this sentence, the director also realized how rich Xiao Su'er's background is, and he didn't dare to provoke her at all, so he could only find a way to explain this matter.

On the other hand, Xiao Wang, who was in kindergarten, took out his handheld computer and flipped it in his hand during recess, but he didn't expect his mother's name to appear on the trending search: The bad doctor Xiao Su'er caused public outrage, and the crowd gathered in groups The team went to the clinic to seek justice.

This title immediately made Xiao Wang start to worry, groups and groups represented a lot of people!What does seek justice mean?Going to trouble your own mother?

There was also a video attached to the hot search, and he clicked on the video without even thinking about it. It was the video of people throwing things at Xiao Su'er. Xiao Su'er lowered her head and frowned, looking aggrieved and pitiful. Extremely.

Although Xiao Wang is only four years old this year, his emotional perception is not worse than that of an adult at all. Seeing his mother being bullied like this, he was so angry that he turned off the trending video and immediately opened it. Dialog contacted his team: Guys have important tasks!
"What important task? Boss, you ordered me to rush forward immediately."

"What big thing deserves the boss, you use three exclamation points to emphasize your tone, it seems that this thing is very powerful, is some kind of amazing hacker team going to fight us?"

"As long as the boss needs it, I'm there anytime, anywhere."

In response to all calls, all the team members ran out, and Xiao Wang typed quickly with his fingers.

"This matter is very simple for us, just to do a few procedures, but it is very important to me."

Hu Daxiong tried the power of the Internet to make his mother suffer so much, and he also wanted to use the power of the Internet to fight back. He dared to do this to the mother of the world's largest hacker, K. He wanted to let him know how powerful it was.

Because of what happened in the morning, no patients came to the clinic for a day, and the clinic was immersed in an embarrassing atmosphere. If such a thing happened, other doctors would definitely be fired He might even have his doctor's license revoked.

But Xiao Su'er was an exception, she didn't have a doctor's license at all, let alone revoked it, and the director didn't blame her at all as if nothing happened at all.

This time, even Physician Song, who kept his ears to the outside world and devoted himself to studying medical skills, was quite critical. Looking at Xiao Su'er on the first floor, he put on a face, "Young man, if you want to work in the field of Chinese medicine Go a little farther on the road, not just for fun, but pay attention to your own conduct and medical skills."

"Doctor Song, things are not what you think. You were on the second floor that day and you didn't see the whole process. It wasn't like what was said on the Internet. I was seriously studying my medical skills. I have enough confidence to be a doctor. When I came to the clinic, as for my conduct, I was really good at sitting upright."

Xiao Su'er still respects Dr. Song very much. After seeing him on the first day at the clinic, she checked the information about Dr. Song on the Internet when she went back. She knew that he has won many medical awards over the years, and his treatment has improved a lot. Even for some patients who are seriously ill but have financial difficulties, he will help others treat diseases regardless of remuneration, which is worthy of the word "virtuous and respected".

"Okay, you don't need to explain! I'll find out about your conduct later on, but you're a little too brazen. What do you mean you have the confidence to be a doctor? Is this something you have confidence in?"

"You don't even have a doctor's license. Have you ever thought that you are unqualified at all and work without a license! Although there is no requirement in mainland China that Chinese medicine practitioners have to hold a license to work like Western medicine, you are unqualified in my mind. "

Dr. Song seemed to be really angry. He didn't listen to Xiao Su'er's words at all, turned around and went up to the second floor. Xiao Su'er had no choice but to let Dr. Song see her true level and know that she was a qualified doctor.

After getting off work, Xiao Su'er walked out of the clinic with her bag, and was about to drive to the underground parking lot not far away, but suddenly stopped in the middle of the walk.

The breeze in the summer evening blew by, lifting her long hair, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on her body, drawing a shadow on the ground. Corresponding to it was not far away, the man who had been away for five years but was still tall and tall. man.

Five years have passed, but he has only become more stable, without any trace of aging. He still likes to wear simple clothes as before, and now he is wearing a gray shirt and high-end leather shoes on his feet. Standing in front, looking at Xiao Su'er.

Now that the distance is so close, finally he is no longer looking at the screen. The person he thinks about day and night is less than five meters away from him. He can clearly see Xiao Su'er's expression at the moment. She pursed her lips tightly. , frowning slightly, with defense and resistance on his face.

Although these two emotions are not very good for him, at least the Xiao Su'er in front of him is still real, not the illusory appearance in his dream anymore!
Bo Qing'ang looks plain, but only he knows that his heart is already full of mountains and tsunami, and the hand hanging by his side even trembles slightly. He wants to step forward to hug Xiao Su'er tightly, but he is also worried that he will be like in countless dreams. Similarly, as soon as he hugged Xiao Su'er, he disappeared in place.

But Xiao Su'er looked at Bo Qingang now and had only one thought: turn around and run away!

But I wondered why she wanted to run, guilty?Bo Qingang should be the one who should feel guilty!After all, he was the one who did the wrong thing, and he was the one who did the wrong thing in their relationship. She didn't do anything wrong to him, so she didn't need to run away!

(End of this chapter)

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