Chapter 870
Chapter 870
Xiao Su'er replied word by word, looking at Bao Qing'ang's ever-changing expression, she couldn't help but chuckled in her heart, and shook off his hand.

Bo Qingang's face turned from black to white, and then from white to green, and his whole body was immersed in the great anger, which almost burned his whole body to ashes. He thought about what Xiao Su'er said, and four The two of them had only been separated for a year before, and he was still immersed in the process of dreaming of Xiao Su'er every night.

Every day he fantasizes that she will return to him, and that year he flew almost every corner of the world just to find her.

But now Xiao Su'er actually told him that she was already with another man that year, and she was holding hands with other men while shopping, doing things that should be done between lovers, and he has already forgotten all about him net.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wanted to stretch out his hand to ask Xiao Su'er to clarify, but Xiao Su'er had already stretched out her hand against his chest, pushing him away a little.

"Young Master Bo, I have already answered the questions you want to ask. I don't have so much free time to waste here with you. You made a hole in my car. Please take it to repair it. After it is repaired, Just let your people send it to me, you don’t need to come, you’d better stay as far away from me as possible.”

"Su'er, are you sure you want to be so unfeeling?" Bo Qing'ang was now overwhelmed by jealousy and anger, even when facing the woman he loved most, he didn't have a good tone.

"Is it me who is heartless? Young Master Bo, please calm down and think about it yourself. I know you have no shortage of women, so don't waste your time on me."

Xiao Su'er turned around and ran out of the parking lot with her bag in her hand. She didn't know what would happen to the two of them if they continued talking. Anyway, it was impossible for the two of them to get back together, so they should not meet again, otherwise it would only increase the sadness.

Bo Qingang listened to the sound of her high heels, turned his head to look at her running back, his heart was like a mess, he was destined to fall into this woman's hands, even if she had already admitted that in the past four years she Even with other men, he still couldn't let it go. All he wanted in his heart was to snatch her over, and he never thought of giving up at all.

the other side.

Hu Daxiong couldn't wait to turn on the computer when he got up early in the morning. He wanted to see how Xiao Su'er was being hacked. He also stood in front of the computer and watched yesterday's live broadcast of smashing rotten eggs at her. .

Today, I wish that there would be a lot of people looking for troubles for Xiao Su'er, and it would be better if they even beat up that stinky woman Su Ling, who made her dare to leave her anyway.

Unexpectedly, when he turned on the computer, he saw comments that had been reversed. Almost two-thirds of the people were scolding him, and the remaining one-third just accused Xiao Su'er of casually saying that others had cancer. Other words.

In short, after reading the entire comment, I can be sure that everyone will not trouble Xiao Su'er anymore, and many people even clamored for him to apologize.

"Are these people confused? Yesterday they were so excited to say that it was the fault of that stinky bitch, but today they come to accuse me."

She flushed with anger in an instant, she found the video and wanted to edit it and post it online to black Xiao Su'er, but she just moved the mouse and felt her stomach hurting, she covered her stomach and curled up on the ground. He took out his mobile phone and called the hospital, but just after hanging up the phone, his eyes widened and he passed out.

At this time, Su Ling's main job in the past two days was to check the previous accounts. The director turned over all the accounts of the past three years for her to check, and specially arranged a separate office for her, just to Separated from Liu Yan, I wanted to find out how many false accounts Liu Yan had made.

If you don't check, you don't know, but when you check, you will be shocked. She has already found out a lot of problems in the past year alone.

"Tsk tsk tsk, doesn't this financial Liu Yan want to go far on this road? How can a financial person do such a thing? So many false accounts are enough to be sentenced."

Su Ling couldn't help sighing while flipping through the ledger. Just as she was about to continue to check, the mobile phone that was put aside rang, and when she picked it up, it turned out to be a call from Hu Daxiong.

The two still left contact information because they wanted to discuss the divorce, but Hu Daxiong was unwilling to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce certificate for the past two days, nor did he call her, or even answer her phone, so he took the initiative to call today It's really strange.

But now it's working hours, and I still don't know what Hu Daxiong wants to do. Su Ling thought about it and still didn't answer his call. After hanging up, she pressed the mute button, turned the phone over and continued to work, keeping her ears on the outside. , just check the books.

Hu Daxiong was only 500 meters away from the clinic, looking at Su Ling's hung up phone with great anxiety, still holding the X-ray that had just been taken from the hospital in his hand, looked up, and decided to rush into the clinic to find her.

Yesterday, the front desk was annoyed by those people who came to find fault, and today they saw Hu Daxiong coming to the door, and they were even more angry, grabbed the broom and walked to the door of the clinic, "Hu Daxiong, what do you want to do? It was because of you that you caused chaos in our clinic yesterday, what do you want to do today? Believe it or not, we will call the police and arrest you, people like you have no sense of law at all."

"What are you doing? Did I do anything? I'm here to find my wife and ask Su Ling to come out." Hu Daxiong didn't mess around this time, he just asked Su Ling when he opened his mouth.

"Why did you come to her? It's time to go to work. If you need to find her, please come back after get off work."

Although the receptionist didn't want to be nosy, he also felt that this man was a bit of a scumbag. He was worried that he would hit Su Ling again, so he still didn't dare to call someone for him.

"She's my wife. I haven't divorced her yet. I need to see her now. Otherwise, I'll just sit here and never leave. Even if you call the law enforcement officers to arrest me, it's a family matter now."

Hu Daxiong actually sat down on the threshold of the clinic, and what he said was very reasonable. The front desk couldn't refute it, and could only say angrily, "You, you rascal."

"I'm a scoundrel, anyway, you call my wife down." Hu Daxiong has always been thick-skinned.

The front desk was so angry but helpless, he could only turn around and run up to the second floor to call Su Ling.

When Su Ling heard that Hu Daxiong had come to the clinic to mess around again, she was a little scared subconsciously. Although she had plucked up the courage to divorce, but under Hu Daxiong's oppression for so many years, seeing him was as frightening as seeing a terrifying demon .

After thinking about it carefully, she still went to call Xiao Su'er to go to the first floor together. What both of them thought was that Hu Daxiong must have seen the comments on the Internet flipped, so they came to make a fuss again, but they didn't expect what he would do next The behavior was beyond the expectations of the two!
(End of this chapter)

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