Chapter 871 Rescue
Chapter 871 Rescue
Hu Daxiong saw that the two people not only did not quarrel, but even their attitudes improved a lot. The most important thing is that when he saw Su Ling, he went up to hold her hand, and began to talk about the two of them with snot and tears. The relationship between husband and wife can be summed up in one core: I hope that Su Ling will not divorce him and move back home, so that he will treat her well in the future.

"Su Ling, one day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, you can't just leave me like this. You are not at home these two days, and I feel empty. You can come home with me. I will give you the money later. Let you buy clothes for your mother to see a doctor, let you be the hostess of the house, you can do whatever you want, as long as you are willing to go home and accompany me."

"You..." Su Ling found it unbelievable to see him like this. She has been married to Hu Daxiong for ten years, but she has never seen him like this before. I haven't said it, but now I still say that I will give all the money to myself. It's incredible. Could it be that I took the wrong medicine?Still haven't taken medicine?

Su Ling turned her head to look at Xiao Su'er, not knowing how to react, Xiao Su'er pulled Su Ling and stood a little further away, looking at Hu Daxiong, whose face was full of tears, and asked, "What are you doing here again? What kind of drama is this singing? Come on, what do you want to do?"

She didn't believe that Hu Daxiong really discovered his conscience, and wanted to save this marriage. He didn't have such a conscience for ten years, and suddenly changed?how is this possible!It is definitely tricky.

"It's none of your business, I'm here to find my wife, Su Ling, can you come home with me, as long as you come home with me, I can do anything." Hu Daxiong didn't talk to Xiao Su'er at all, just kept begging Looking at Su Ling, but Xiao Su'er found the X-ray film in his hand, and the four characters of Central Hospital were clearly printed on the bag.

"Su Ling, tell him to show you what's in his hand, what is it?" Xiao Su'er lowered her voice and reminded her in Su Ling's ear.

"What are you holding in your hand? Show me. I think you are too strange today. You must have a problem. Hu Daxiong, your credit with me has gone bankrupt. You'd better not play tricks."

Su Ling immediately did as Xiao Su'er said, pointing to the thing in Hu Daxiong's hand and opening her mouth, Hu Daxiong actually took it out immediately without any hesitation.

"Su Ling, this is why I came to you, do you know? I have cancer, I have lung cancer, the doctor said that I am already in the middle and late stages, and I must find someone to take care of me. It took thousands of years to sleep together, it is a great fate for us two to be husband and wife, you can't leave me alone."

Hearing his words, Su Ling turned her head to look at Xiao Su'er in shock. She still remembered the last time Xiao Su'er said about Hu Daxiong's cancer.

Xiao Su'er reached out and took the film in Hu Daxiong's hand, and glanced at it against the light. As she guessed, it was difficult to treat lung cancer in the middle and late stages. Money can be imagined, not a little wealth can be cured, no wonder he came to beg Su Ling.

This man is really thinking of himself no matter what, on the surface it looks like he is crying bitterly to save his wife, but in fact he just wants his wife to come back to him and be a free nanny to take care of him .

"Su Ling, you have also seen that I am really at the end of the road now. People will have a disturbed conscience before they die. I think of the time when the two of us were just in love together. It was a good time! Now I know I did too much before, I want to keep you, give me a chance, okay?"

"Be with me again, I promise that I will spend the rest of my life loving you well, I have already waited for cancer, I will definitely not hit you again, don't worry, I will treat you well, I will not go to the hospital for treatment , all the saved expenses will be given to you and your mother, as long as you stay with me in the last stage of my life."

Hu Daxiong continued to speak while the iron was hot. When he spoke, his face was full of sincerity, and the tears still couldn't stop streaming down. He really looked like a middle-aged man who had awakened after suffering from cancer. It made people feel sad. Even the front desk next to him frowned.

People are always soft-hearted, no matter how many bad things this person has done in the past, as long as he sincerely repents in front of you, you will always feel that maybe his conscience has discovered it, and he will correct himself in the future.

Su Ling was no exception. She was originally a person who was extremely soft-hearted, so she was trapped by Hu Daxiong's side for so long. Now that Hu Daxiong cried and said such words, she looked at him with some discomfort, He even wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Hu Daxiong.

But Xiao Su'er pulled her over, and asked calmly, "What do you want to do? Because he said so few words, your heart softened, and you want to forgive him?"

"He's got cancer now, so he probably won't live long. It's not too difficult for me to go to him and take care of him for a few months."

Su Ling saw that Xiao Su'er was really in trouble, and even wanted to persuade her, "Doctor Xiao, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You are also a doctor. How long can he live in this situation? I'll take care of him, what do you think?"

"I think? I think you must be crazy. Do you know why you have lived your life like this for so many years? It's all because of a soft heart. You can see how sincere he said this sentence. He said he couldn't treat it. , I just want you to accompany him at the end of his life, do you think it is possible? If he didn't want to live, why would he beg you to go back and take care of him?"

"He just wants to hire a free nanny. When the time comes, he has exhausted all his property and hasn't been cured. Maybe you need to earn money to treat him and support him. You want you and your mother to live for the rest of your life. like a slave?"

Xiao Su'er was merciless when she spoke. She knew that Su Ling wouldn't listen if she was a little tactful at this time, so she had to tell him directly that things were so cruel, thinking that this person would really suddenly die after being diagnosed with lung cancer Do you regret what you did wrong in the past?It is simply impossible!
Su Ling was still hesitating when she heard Xiao Su'er's words, when she heard Hu Daxiong scolding loudly, "What the hell are you talking about? You bitch come here all day to meddle in other things, we need you in our family's affairs Do you care? I warn you to stay away, or I will beat you to death today, I think you haven't been beaten enough by netizens yesterday!"

(End of this chapter)

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