Chapter 872 Complete Reversal
Chapter 872 Complete Reversal
Hearing Hu Daxiong's nonsense words, Su Ling immediately made up her mind and nodded towards Xiao Su'er, "Yes! I can't forgive him, Hu Daxiong, go away, I think you are here to lie to me, what's wrong with you like this A little bit of conscience realizes that you still want to beat Dr. Xiao, you are completely hopeless, get out!"

Putting down these words, Su Ling took Xiao Su'er's hand and went back to the office. Hu Daxiong still wanted to go forward, but the front desk with a broom stopped him, "I warn you not to go up, the second floor is our office area, you If you dare to intrude again, I will call the police directly, don’t forget that you have cancer now, if you go too far like this again, be careful to harm your virtue and die quickly.”

When Hu Daxiong heard the front desk's words, he didn't get angry, but he didn't dare to mess around anymore. Now that he has lung cancer, he can't make a fuss anymore. If he is arrested and detained for a few days, he will have to wait. Maybe die in jail.

Thinking of this, he could only turn around and leave angrily, but the back view did not look as arrogant as usual, but added a feeling of depression. After all, he has lived arrogantly for half his life and now he has cancer. Anyone should be afraid, and really think about whether he has been punished, and no one wants to care about him who is half dead in bed.

Xiao Su'er who returned to the office was still worried that Su Ling's mind was not clear, and she might run back if she was soft-hearted, so she reminded her again and again, "Su Ling, let me tell you, if you want to go back, no one can stop you, but you think about it. Mom and all the suffering you have suffered in the past."

"I know, I won't go back." Su Ling nodded her head like a pest, thinking of those days before, she couldn't help shivering, how could she go back and suffer?

At the same time, Xiao Wang, who was bored in the kindergarten class, received a message from his overseas team brothers: Boss, we hacked into the surveillance of that clinic a few kilometers away, and today we found that Hu Daxiong came to see the doctor again I was in trouble, but it seemed unsuccessful. I used software to restore their voices, and found that he really had cancer.

Do you want to put this video on the Internet, then netizens will know how powerful this doctor is, she can really tell that someone has cancer at a glance!

The people in the team didn't know that this young Dr. Xiao was the mother of their boss, and they thought it was the woman their boss wanted to pursue. Like Bo Qingang, they thought that the boss who communicated with them on the computer was a Chinese woman. young man.

Xiao Wang clicked on the video and heard the voice that had been attached by them. After Hu Daxiong cried bitterly and said this, he immediately decided to put it on the Internet, and it was the same forced pop-up program as yesterday, and Attached is a text that attracts everyone to click on the video: a major follow-up!Just click on the video to know how professional Dr. Xiao is and what Hua Tuo is a warrior!

Such an attractive title, of course, some people want to see what kind of talent deserves to be called Hua Tuo alive. It is not unexpected to see Hu Daxiong bursting into tears, saying that after he has cancer, the Internet exploded again, even more than before. The discussion is even more intense.

"What the hell is going on? Does this person really have cancer? Does that mean that the doctor didn't deliberately bluff people, she just saw it?"

"Before, some people said that this doctor was talking nonsense and intimidating people. Now you know, people can see it with real materials."

"Didn't it mean that Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, smelling and inquiring? She only needs to look at it to know? Is Hua Tuo really alive?"

"I want to ask silently, where is this clinic? I want this doctor to help me take a look at my old problems."

"Ask the same question, I want to know too!"

When Xiao Yuhan got out of class, he took out his mobile phone and saw these crazy comments. Most of them said they wanted to see Xiao Su'er for medical treatment. It can be said that after this incident, she became a hit, and Hua Tuo was alive. The name is solid.

This Hu Daxiong can be said to have lost his wife and lost his army. Now everyone is shouting and beating like a mouse crossing the street. Yes, this time the matter has been perfectly resolved.

Xiao Yuhan got up in a good mood and walked out of the office, but when he opened the door of the office, he saw Rong Ling'er standing at the door again.

During this period of time, Rong Linger often came to him, and her complexion seemed to be getting better and better. He also asked Rong Linger if Bai Qingyue troubled her again, and Rong Linger answered with a smile. After Xiao Yuhan gave her a head start last time, Bai Qingyue never troubled her again.

Now that he didn't bother to find her anymore, Xiao Yuhan didn't care about Rong Ling'er as often as before, but he still maintained his goodwill towards her.

Rong Linger would also go to him every three days, and she would bring the things she made, just like today she was carrying a box and said to Xiao Yuhan with a smile on her face, "Professor Xiao, these are the little biscuits I made yesterday , I specially brought you something to eat today, it’s not so sweet, I reduced the sugar, it should be very suitable for your appetite.”

"You don't have to come and give me things so often, you really don't need it." Xiao Yuhan refused every time.

"Professor Xiao, I thought the two of us were already good friends, but why are you unwilling to accept every time I give you something? This is not something expensive, I just like baking, and every time I make it delicious I want to bring you something for you to taste, but you don’t want to talk to me every time, why?”

Rong Ling'er pouted like a very wronged little rabbit, her red eyes seemed to be about to cry again, Xiao Yuhan couldn't see the girl crying the most, so she took the box in her hand.

"Okay, then I'll accept it. It's not that I don't regard you as a friend. I just don't think you need to be so polite. How tired you are! I don't have class this afternoon and I have to go home first, so I can't talk to you. You Is there still class in the afternoon? Do you want to go to class?"

"How can I be tired just making pastries? I don't have classes in the afternoon, so I came to Professor Xiao just to say that maybe my health is really not good, even if I take those medicines, it doesn't help much. I heard that Professor Xiao also knows Chinese medicine. Then do you know acupuncture? They say acupuncture is very effective, can you help me with acupuncture?"

Rong Ling'er bit her lip and said shyly, she had actually checked Xiao Yuhan's class schedule a long time ago, knowing that he had no class this afternoon, she found out that Xiao Yuhan was really not very good at following When girls are chatting, even though she has made it so obvious, he still doesn't see what she means, and never takes the initiative to find her.

"Those medicines are useless, but I see that your complexion is much better, and have you gained some flesh recently? I feel that you have gained a little weight. It should be useful." Xiao Yuhan looked at her, directly Question her words.

(End of this chapter)

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