Chapter 873
Chapter 873
"Am I fat?" Rong Ling'er heard his words, her eyes widened in disbelief and she reached out to touch her face. How could she be fat?She doesn't look good when she's fat, and from Xiao Yuhan's words, it seems that he doesn't like fat girls.

"I gained a little weight, and you look much better than when you were thin. If you can now eat and gain weight, and your complexion is getting better and better, it means that the medicine I prescribed for you is effective, and you don't need acupuncture. "Xiao Yuhan answered her words casually, Rong Linger was very happy to hear that, even though she was fat, Xiao Yuhan still thought she was pretty!

"Professor Xiao, I just feel that I haven't had a good rest recently. I can't sleep at night. It may be a little swollen. How about you take a look for me?"

Rong Ling'er immediately made up another reason, and Xiao Yuhan didn't refuse again, and readily agreed, "Okay then! I'll give you a pulse, if you really need acupuncture to recuperate your body, I'll give it to you." You get acupuncture."

"Okay, thank you Professor Xiao." Rong Ling'er ran into the office with a smile, sat down at Xiao Yuhan's desk, and put her hand in front of him to let him feel his pulse.

After Xiao Yuhan felt her pulse for a few seconds, he raised his head and looked at her, "It seems that your body is really not in good shape, it's too weak, and your endocrine is a little out of balance. If a girl's endocrine is not good, it will have a great impact on her body. , How about this, from now on you will come to me three times a week and I will give acupuncture."

"Is it really okay? I won't disturb Professor Xiao's class. I don't want to affect your ability to work because of my relationship." Rong Linger withdrew her hand and stared at her big innocent eyes. For Xiao Yuhan's sake.

"It's okay, it's just acupuncture for you, it won't waste much effort, you still have to remember to take the medicine I gave you, seeing how weak you are."

When Xiao Yuhan spoke, he smiled gently at her, and Rong Linger instantly melted into his smile, feeling like a spring breeze.

"Dean Xiao, do you think it's better for girls to be fatter or thinner? Most boys like thinner girls, and if they get fatter, they won't even be able to find a boyfriend." Rong Linger was very curious about his criteria for choosing a mate , now 25 years old, he said that he is not old, and he is definitely not young, and it is time to fall in love.

If you don't hurry up, maybe after a few days Xiao Yuhan will directly bring other people to introduce her to her as his girlfriend!

"Obesity can easily lead to a series of cardiovascular diseases such as the third grade. It is definitely not good, but being too thin can also cause physical diseases, so it is better to have a healthy and well-proportioned body shape." As a professor, Xiao Yuhan can think of any problem in medicine The answer, the answer made the corners of Rong Ling'er's mouth twitch uncontrollably.

"Professor Xiao, what I mean is that if you want to find a girlfriend in the future, you prefer slim girls or slightly plump girls." Rong Linger put her hand on her forehead, feeling that Xiao Yuhan is really too straightforward sometimes A man, a straight man must make her feel a little puzzled.

"I haven't thought about it. Falling in love is too far away from me. I'd better work hard and protect my sister and my nephew."

"Professor Xiao treats your sister well!" Rong Ling'er can always hear the word "sister" from Xiao Yuhan's mouth during this time, and his kindness to his sister makes people jealous.

"She is my older sister, of course I have to treat her well, well, I'm going to go home now, today is Friday, and my nephew's kindergarten gets off early, so I have to pick him up early, you too go home."

"Is Professor Xiao going to pick him up so early? How about I go with you? I also want to see what kind of smart kid he is? I always hear you mention him." Rong Linger said eagerly, she was eager to blend in Go to every corner of Xiao Yuhan's life, so that no matter what Xiao Yuhan does, he can think of her.

"I still can't do it! I promised my nephew today that I will take him to replace it with a better computer. The two of us have to go to the electronic mall and then I can't take you." Xiao Yuhan smiled and didn't say anything, just refused That's all.

Rong Ling'er was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it. On the surface, she still had a considerate look, "It's okay. If Professor Xiao finds it inconvenient, I won't go, then I'll leave first."

As she spoke, she stood up and walked out of Xiao Yuhan's office, but she didn't expect to bump into another person who came out of the next office just as she left the office.

"Who is it?" Rong Ling'er rubbed her sore shoulder, frowning with disgust, completely different from her usual good girl.

Bai Qingyue was also hurt by the bump, and she was even more angry when she looked up and saw Rong Ling'er. She looked at her and said, "It's me! What's the problem? Do you blame others if you don't have eyes when you walk?"

"Don't go too far, you bumped into me, okay? You bumped into me as soon as I left the office." Rong Linger was outside Xiao Yuhan's office this time, completely unlike the last time she was surrounded by a group of them Seeing how miserable she was when she was being bullied, she still dared to fight Bai Qingyue.

"Hey! Now that your Professor Xiao is not here, you can't even hide your fox tail. Everyone thinks you are a pure and flawless little fairy. Why did you tear yourself apart in front of me? I want to see more Look at the way you pretend."

Bai Qingyue couldn't help being bored seeing her like this. What she hated the most in her life was this kind of white lotus, who acted pitifully in front of boys, and was too disgusting to show off in front of girls.

"I was originally a pure and flawless little fairy, but when facing a person like you, there is no need to smile at you, and you are not a good person, so bullying others depends on your family's wealth? If your family has no money, how dare you bully us like this."

Rong Ling'er glared at Bai Qingyue viciously, she was jealous of the rich, but she couldn't figure out why she had tried her best to live like a human being, but someone was born and stood at the pinnacle that she couldn't reach.

"I bullied you? Why didn't you say that you were talking nonsense in front of the professor? How many bad things did you say about me? Where did my thesis plagiarize your thesis? You pointed it out, you haven't even read my thesis, have you? ? Even if you were talking nonsense, I didn't hit you, okay?"

"I just warned you, and you pretended to be pitiful. As long as there are many people, you will always look pitiful, but now?"

The more Bai Qingyue spoke, the more excited she became, and she couldn't control the volume. Xiao Yuhan, who was in the office, heard the voice from outside, and immediately rushed out the door, only to see Bai Qingyue yelling at Rong Ling'er .

(End of this chapter)

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