Chapter 875 Changing Mindsets
Chapter 875 Changing Mindsets
"At that time, there was a little accident. I went overseas, so many people misunderstood that I was dead. I didn't bother to explain when I was overseas, so I have been misunderstanding until now, but I am back. Thank you for loving me for so many years. .”

Xiao Su'er was also a little moved when she looked at the promotional photos in her hand. Does she have fans who love her so much?Thinking about it, the fans she felt the most sorry for all these years disappeared inexplicably.

"As long as you're fine, it's fine. I came here specially to see you today. Can you sign me?" The little girl didn't care at all, and handed the promotional photo inside her hand to Xiao Su'er with a bright smile.

For such a sincere fan, Xiao Su'er was of course embarrassed to refuse. After taking the promotional photo, she signed several names on it before going up the stairs.

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiao Su'er, thank you for trusting me, but I think there are so many of you, I'm sure I can't finish reading today, do you think this is good? Let's make an order first, I may not be able to finish reading today, I will follow I arrange a few people in my time, and the rest will come tomorrow, and it will not waste everyone's time, what do you think?"

Xiao Su'er said sincerely with a slight smile on her face, and the patients immediately nodded, "Good!"

Arranged in order, excluding the fans who came to see her, there are a total of thirty patients. Xiao Su'er has a full day's work today. She left half of the patients in the clinic, and asked them to come back tomorrow for the other half. She immediately devoted herself to it. at work.

For many simple ailments, she can see the lesions at a glance with her spiritual eyes. All the patients think she is amazing. The voice of admiration spread from the first floor to the second floor, and even attracted Dr. Song, who was on the second floor. Looking at her busy on the first floor in the corridor, she frowned strangely and muttered to herself.

"Is this little girl really so powerful? Can you tell just by looking at her?"

"How could it be possible to tell just by looking at it? The front desk has registered the information of these patients just now. They must say what their problem is, so she will read it accordingly." Liu Yan walked to Dr. Song's side, Yin and Yang said strangely.

Seeing that Xiao Su'er is so popular, she was most unhappy in her heart. Before Xiao Su'er was rushed up by netizens to smash rotten eggs, she happily laughed for two hours in the office. It was because of Xiao Su'er that she was discovered to be a Fake accounts, now she doesn't dare to embezzle anymore, and the quality of life has dropped a lot.

"Really? Then this little girl is really opportunistic, deliberately pretending that she knows everything in front of the patient, hey... why can't these children be more down-to-earth?"

Dr. Song shook his head with a heartbroken expression, "Young people nowadays really don't understand, they don't want to settle down and study hard, they always want to reach the sky in one step, without a good foundation but want to achieve the greatest results, how is this possible Woolen cloth?"

Xiao Su'er's ears are better than ordinary people's, and she can hear other people's subtle voices. She also heard these few words of Dr. Song's emotion accurately.

She immediately looked up from the consultation desk on the first floor to the second floor, and happened to meet Dr. Song's eyes, but Dr. Song's eyes were unfriendly to her. After two seconds of staring at her, He turned around and went back to the office, ignoring her at all.

Xiao Su'er knew that it would take time for him to change his prejudice against her, so she didn't think too much about it and continued to see patients.

Throughout the day, she was busy taking the patient's pulse, prescribing prescriptions, and dispensing medicines. She didn't go through all the patients until 5 minutes before leaving get off work.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. Each department of Western medicine has its own doctor. If you want to have a full-body examination, you will meet many doctors. Each doctor does not spend a long time seeing the patient, but Chinese medicine is different. Listen and ask. All come from one doctor.

If it is found that the patient needs acupuncture or massage, it has to be started on the spot, and there are not many people to see at the end of the day.

After seeing so many patients, Xiao Su'er sat slumped in front of the consultation table on the first floor, tired. The front desk brought her water and gave her a thumbs up, "Su'er, you are really good. I see you are so busy all day. And I found that you are very good, you can massage and acupuncture, and you don't need a scale to grab medicine, how many taels can you grab by yourself?"

The front desk has been watching Xiao Su'er grabbing the medicine just now, and found that she can know the weight as soon as she grabs all the medicines in the palm of her hand, and she doesn't need to weigh them at all. For trouble, I quietly opened a pack of medicine and weighed it on the scale, and found that one gram is not more than one gram, not less than just right.

This skill is simply amazing, and many old Chinese doctors can weigh it, but it is impossible to get so much and still be completely error-free.

"If you grab too many medicines, you will naturally be able to weigh them. This is normal. By the way, you can take these prescriptions and put them away. I have already written the symptoms of adaptation on them. Next time if a patient comes, you can Take the medicine directly according to the prescription."

Xiao Su'er took one side of the prescription and handed it to the front desk, who nodded immediately after receiving it, "Okay, I'll put it over there, hey! You still have a prescription for gout, and you can follow the real prescription after you say three prescriptions on it." fake?
According to Western medicine, gout cannot be completely cured. Like high blood pressure, if you get it, you need to take medicine for life. "

With a glance at the front desk, he saw the method of taking and the course of treatment noted on the prescription. He was extremely disbelieving that Lin Su'er said that three prescriptions could cure gout.

"Many diseases that cannot be treated by Western medicine can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine. If you don't believe it, you can wait until later. This is the prescription I wrote when a patient with gout came to see the doctor today. Seven days later, he I will come back to grab the medicine again, and after three to seven days, you will be able to see the effect."

Xiao Su'er has long been used to these exclamations. With the treatment methods of the Chinese mainland, many diseases cannot be cured, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, gout and cerebral infarction, etc. are all diseases that require life-long medication, but for Ghost Doctor Valley Crossing For her who came here, these are very simple diseases.

Hearing her calm words, the front desk was a little shaken. Could it be that Hua Tuo is really alive?But he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He took the prescription and prepared to put it away, but Dr. Song took the prescription from behind with a very serious expression on his face.

"You little girl is not ashamed, so don't talk nonsense and prescribe medicines for others. Gout can be cured. Why don't I believe it? I have studied Chinese medicine for decades."

(End of this chapter)

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