Chapter 876
Chapter 876
Dr. Song looked down at the medicine written on the prescription while talking, but the serious expression on his face slowly melted away, and finally turned into shock. He looked up at Xiao Su'er in disbelief, and then looked down at the prescription After going back and forth a few times, the look in Xiao Su'er's eyes changed, and he walked in front of her with the prescription.

"Doctor Song, is there something wrong with this prescription? The patient will not have any problems after taking it, right?" Seeing his unpredictable expression, the receptionist became a little worried. Could it be that there is something wrong with the prescription written by Xiao Su'er?

"It's not that there's something wrong with the prescription. I just want to ask where you got it? This prescription looks really powerful. I never thought of putting these medicines together. I always think it's too strong, but you Using this medicine has reduced their violent medicinal properties, this medicine can really treat gout, and the effect must be very good, who is your master?"

Doctor Song walked up to Xiao Su'er with the prescription, his face was full of admiration, he felt that it was absolutely impossible for Xiao Su'er to research such a powerful prescription at such a young age, then Xiao Su'er must have a master, and that master is definitely A worldly expert.

"Dr. Song's prescription was developed by myself, but I do have a very powerful master, but he is too far away from where I live, and he is far away overseas, and it is impossible for him to come to China. Judging from your tone, you think I can’t make such a prescription? In fact, what I have always wanted to tell you is that you really can’t judge a person’s ability by his age.”

Xiao Su'er spoke these words to Dr. Song in a calm tone, and the expression on Dr. Song's face slowly changed, and at the end he shook his head helplessly, "'s been said that people should not be judged by appearances, I live at such an old age Oh, I still don’t understand this truth, I always thought that few of you young people have real talents, and I was wrong for a long time.”

"Everyone thinks so, and I can't blame you. It's true that Chinese medicine has not been established in China for too long. Many powerful prescriptions have been lost. It's just that my master happened to have many powerful ones. The unique knowledge has not been lost, and all of them have been passed on to me, and you can discuss it with Dr. Song in the future."

"Okay, okay! Let's have a good discussion in the future. It seems that I will learn more knowledge like you, a junior. I hope you will not hesitate to teach me more." Dr. Song's view of Xiao Su'er was completely changed because of this prescription. He was still moaning and sighing on the second floor a few hours ago, but now he took the initiative to ask Xiao Su'er for advice.

"What did Doctor Song say, we both learn from each other." Xiao Su'er was very happy from the bottom of her heart. It can be said that her luck has changed today. Not only has the previous black information been clarified, but so many patients have come to name and accuse her. Helping with medical treatment, even the most senior doctor in this clinic has recognized her, and I think she will live happily here in the future.

But she was very happy, and some people felt unhappy. Liu Yan watched from the second floor, and even Dr. Song, who was talking bad about Xiao Su'er a few hours ago, changed her view of her, and felt unhappy for a while.

"I don't believe that you really don't have any shortcomings so perfect!" Liu Yan said these words viciously on the second floor. Even being so good at medicine is really unscientific. She doesn't believe that such a perfect person exists.

Xiao Su'er went to the parking lot to pick up the car as usual after get off work, but what she didn't know was that Liu Yan followed her quietly, watching Xiao Su'er drive out of the parking lot, she also drove out of the parking lot, and then went all the way Follow her to kindergarten.

"Mom." Xiao Wang ran out of the kindergarten with a smile, and Xiao Su'er opened her arms to hug him.

"How is Mengbao? Did you listen to the class well at school today? Did you stop playing computer games?" Xiao Su'er hugged him, rubbing her head against Xiao Wang's. The mother and child were very close.

"Eh..." Xiao Wang laughed a little embarrassedly, "I still played for a while, I put the video of that bad uncle going to your clinic to beg your aunt today on the Internet, but the response was pretty good, so mom, you You can’t scold me, I just did a good deed to clear up the rumors for you, and now no one scolds you online anymore.”

Xiao Wang smiled and said this sentence, the reason was perfect, Xiao Su'er could only scratch her nose and say, "Yes, mom can't scold you, but thank you, it's really nice to have a child like you. Mom is lucky, she was able to help her clear up the rumors at a young age."

"This is what it should be! I want to protect my mother from being bullied by anyone, Xiao Wang patted his chest like a man."

"Yes, you are the best, let's go! Mom will take you to an interest class. I will enroll you in a piano class. It will be great if you can play the piano as well as you can on the keyboard. I really hope my son will become a pianist."

While talking, Xiao Su'er hugged Xiao Wang and got into the car. She didn't notice Liu Yan who stopped the car not far away to observe the two of them from the beginning to the end.

Liu Yan looked at Xiao Su'er's puzzled face through the car window, "It's strange, she registered as unmarried when she came to the clinic, so why did she have such a big child? It looks like she is four or five years old, so Counting, she gave birth to a child at the age of 20? This woman is not simple, I finally found your black material."

"Even if you can't let others scold you for affecting our clinic's business, it can still let other people in the clinic see clearly what kind of person you are!"

Liu Yan, who felt that she had dug up a big black material, was contented to hold the photo she had just secretly taken, and turned the direction of the car.

Xiao Suer took Xiao Wang to the interest class, and the melodious sound of the piano came from the classroom. Xiao Wang poked his head at the door and looked into the classroom, staring at the hand of the girl sitting in front of the piano seriously, with the teacher on the side Communicate with Xiao Su'er.

"This child is just at the right age to learn piano at the age of four. The earlier he learns, the better he will be enlightened. Don't worry, I will teach him well."

"Wanting to learn music is the child's own idea. He said he wants to learn more things. It shouldn't be strange for boys to learn piano, right? I see that most of your classes are girls."

Xiao Su'er poked her head and took a look. There were all girls in the class, only two boys sat in it abruptly.

"No, think about it. The most powerful pianists in the world are all men. Girls come to learn piano. In fact, most of them are family members who want to cultivate a quiet and noble temperament."

(End of this chapter)

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