877 Genius
877 Genius
"That's good. I heard that your place is the best place to teach piano in this city. You are also a very good pianist yourself, so that's why you want to send your child here. Then I'll go pay the money with you now." " Xiao Su'er didn't say much, and she had to pay the money straight away, which surprised the teacher a bit. Most parents have to compare many schools before deciding where to study.

"Okay, please come this way." The teacher was about to take Xiao Su'er away, but Xiao Wangwang turned his head and said, "Mom, can I try that piano first?"

"Do you want to play it?" Xiao Su'er touched his head and asked in disbelief. This kid has never touched a musical instrument, so he can only play the piano randomly.

"Yes, I want to play the piece that my sister is playing now." Xiao Wang stretched out his finger and pointed at the girl, who looked about seven or eight years old.

"Do you want to talk about the piece played by this sister? She has been practicing for two or three years. Why don't the teacher teach you a few simple notes? You can see if you are interested in the piano. If not, we still have We also teach cello and violin in other classes."

The music teacher looked at Xiao Wang, and felt that the child was indeed very cute, but it was impossible for him to play a complete piano piece for the first time.

"Let me try it." But Xiao Wangji walked into the music classroom regardless, and the teacher had no choice but to let the little girl who was playing the piano stand aside.

She stepped forward to teach Xiao Wang the simplest notes, but unexpectedly, Xiao Wang stretched out his hand and started playing in front of the piano. The sound was played well. Although the movement was slow, there was not a single sound.

Both Xiao Su'er and the teacher looked shocked, especially the teacher felt as if he had discovered a child prodigy. He looked at Xiao Wang incredulously, "Have you ever learned the piano before? The piece you played is not an entry-level piece, or A little bit difficult? Why are you able to memorize all the notes? Played it before, right?"

"He has never talked about the piano before. Our family did not learn music, and he has never touched it." Xiao Su'er explained beside him, and the teacher was even more shocked.

"I just watched this sister play at the door. I wrote down which key on the piano her hand touched, and just pressed the keys she touched in order." Xiao Wang turned his head and looked Lian said innocently, as if he didn't think it was a difficult thing.

Hearing his words, the teacher made a decision on the spot, "I must accept this student, you may really become a pianist that shocks the world in the future, and you can say such words at such a young age, your memory is too amazing Well, if you watch this young lady play it once, can you play it again?"

"Why not, there's nothing difficult!" Xiao Wang still had an innocent look on his face, but what he said made everyone present speechless, especially the girl who was playing the piano just now. , she practiced this piece for several months.

But Xiao Wang just stopped at the door and looked at it for a while before he was able to play it again. Although he couldn't play better than her, it was enough to make her feel embarrassed.

Xiao Su'er blinked her eyes, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh to her child, she won't bully herself after being so smart.

"Ms. Xiao, let's hurry up and sign up for Xiao Wang. Even if your family doesn't want to study with me, I will keep him if I don't charge money."

After the teacher heard Xiao Wang's words, he turned around and said impatiently to Xiao Su'er.

"Okay." Xiao Su'er nodded, and followed the teacher to sign up and pay the money.

On the way home, Xiao Su'er looked at her child out of the corner of her eye while driving the car
"Mom, don't look around when you're driving. If you're distracted, it's easy to cause trouble." Xiao Wang finally couldn't help reminding her when she took a third look.

"Mengbao, can you tell mom why your memory is so amazing? I have discovered that you have a photographic memory since I was a child." Xiao Su'er turned her head back, but she still couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to ask my mother, it's my mother who made me so smart!" Xiao Wang replied with a rising tone in his voice, and Xiao Suer's heart was instantly enraptured by what she said.
"You! The little mouth is so sweet, I don't know what it will become in the future." Xiao Su'er complained helplessly and happily.

At Xiao Wang's young age, he can tell that he will definitely be a handsome boy when he grows up. He has such a sweet mouth and can make girls happy. I don't know how many girls will suffer when they grow up. It seems that she has to be taught well. Xiao Wang has become a gentleman, he can't deceive girls and play with other people's feelings.

the other side.

After returning to the villa after a busy day's work, Bo Qing'ang sat down on the sofa and untied his tie and threw it aside.

Ever since he went to look for Xiao Su'er that day, he has been depressed. He doesn't know how Xiao Su'er got here these years, but when he thinks of her being with the hacker K, he feels unhappy and always feels suffocated and unwilling to leave. Going to find her, even after repairing her car and dragging her back, is to let Zhang Song arrange someone.

He wants to prove that he can live well even without Xiao Su'er. She can find other men, and he can also find other women. Missing her.

But I don't know why other women, no matter how good-looking or hot-looking they are, are not as good as Xiao Su'er, and none of them can give him that kind of heart-wrenching feeling.

Distraught, he took out his phone, but he didn't expect to see Xiao Su'er's name on the hot search list again, and this time, Lin Su'er was listed side by side with the name: Internet celebrity Lin Su'er appeared again, Changed her name to Xiao Su'er to break the rumors of her death.

Seeing this trending search, Bo Qingang's eyelashes trembled. It seems that people in the entire Chinese mainland knew that Xiao Suer had "resurrected from the dead". He reached out and clicked into the trending search, and many photos appeared in an instant. It was all secretly photographed by patients who went to the clinic to see a doctor today.

There is Xiao Su'er in every photo. Sometimes she is chatting with patients and asking about their conditions, and sometimes she is taking the pulse seriously, but without exception, she is facing the patients. Whether they are male or female, her There was a faint smile on their faces, completely different from when they were facing Bo Qingang.

"You want to smile at them, but you don't want to smile at me, do you?" Bo Qingang looked at the phone and said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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