Chapter 882 Not Single
Chapter 882 Not Single
"Yes, she said that she has a boyfriend now, so she doesn't need to disturb her life anymore." Bo Qingang quickly typed out this text and sent it to Ouyang Luo.

Ouyang Luo was a little shocked when he saw this text in the amusement park. Xiao Su'er has a boyfriend?But when Xia Xiaonan asked her about her love life in these years, she clearly answered that she had been alone all these years.

The two completely different answers made Ouyang Luo fall into deep thought, who is right?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can also know that Xiao Su'er will definitely not lie to Xia Xiaonan, then she must have lied to Bo Qingang, so why doesn't she want to have any contact with Bo Qingang?

"Did you still not explain clearly what happened back then? Maybe she is still angry with you, so explain it carefully! What she told Xiaonan was that she had been alone all these years, and she was single. Boyfriend." Ouyang Luo could only think of such a reason, he knew the inside story of what happened back then.

Bo Qingang frowned after seeing the text message he replied, what?Xiao Su'er said he had a boyfriend, but others said she was single?
There is definitely something wrong with this matter, he has to go to her to find out, no matter what he has to explain what happened back then, even if the two really want to separate, he has to let Xiao Su'er know that he is not the kind of person who plays with emotions, He has always been very serious about their relationship.

"Su'er, you should be working in this clinic for the time being. Will you have other arrangements? Remember to tell me not to leave suddenly again."

After playing around in the amusement park, Xia Xiaonan sat by the side drinking soda, watching Xiao Su'er seriously remind her.

"I will not leave suddenly again. I will stay here forever. I am working in this clinic now to accumulate experience and open my own Chinese medicine clinic in the future."

Xiao Su'er also twisted open the soda and took a couple of sips, leaning on the bench in the amusement park and looking at the endless blue sky.

"Then I'll help you then!" Xia Xiaonan still remembered what she said when she was in college, if Xiao Su'er opened her own Chinese medicine clinic one day, she must come to hug her thigh.

"Okay, when I really open a Chinese medicine clinic, I will be the first to hire you as a doctor." Xiao Su'er also remembered what happened in college, and agreed without hesitation.

"I still can't be a doctor. I know how much I am, so I just want to learn Chinese medicine from you." Xia Xiaonan's eyes flashed when she said this, and she looked at her and said tentatively: "Su Son, in fact, Bo Shao and you were..."

"Don't talk about what happened back then. Now he has her life, and I have my own life to live. She is just a passer-by in my life. I don't want to know about him."

Xiao Su'er didn't give her a chance to speak, Xia Xiaonan frowned, her two index fingers tangled together in embarrassment, she had always resisted Bo Qing'ang in the past five years, even if Ouyang Luo said that there was something hidden about what happened back then, she would unwilling to listen.

It wasn't until she saw Xiao Suer's figure on the hot search yesterday that she was finally willing to listen to the so-called hidden stories back then, but she never expected to hear such things that she couldn't understand.

She didn't know what blood Gu was, and felt that Gu art was a fantasy, something impossible to exist, but she also remembered that five years ago, Xiao Su'er's body would often have wounds for no reason. This explanation is true.

Since it was true, she also wanted to resolve the misunderstanding between the two, but Xiao Su'er resisted so much that she dared not say anything.

Xiao Su'er used to have a cold personality and didn't particularly trust anyone. Now her personality looks even colder. If she said these words, she would feel unhappy.

"Okay then, don't mention him!" Xia Xiaonan could only say with a smile.

"Su'er, do you still remember that you bought my company's stock a few years ago, and the value of the stock has increased a lot in these years. I want to transfer the dividends to your card every year, but I find that I don't know what should be paid at all. Where, but I still stayed, and I will transfer the money to you."

Ouyang Luo walked up to her and asked Xiao Su'er for her bank card number with her mobile phone.

"Stock?" Xiao Su'er couldn't remember when she bought it for a moment, but seeing Ouyang Luo's serious look, it didn't look like she was joking.

"Don't you remember? When we went to the auction and you sold medicine..."

"Oh! By the way, I remembered. I don't want the money. When you and Xiaonan get married in the future, give her a dowry."

In the middle of Ouyang Luo's words, Xiao Su'er instantly remembered what was going on, but she still waved her hands generously.

"You don't even want to know how much it is, so you just give it to Xiaonan as a dowry so generously?" Ouyang Luo said while turning on the phone and placing it in front of the two of them.

Xia Xiaonan almost screamed when she saw the huge number, and immediately shook her head and said, "No, no, this amount is too big, I can't ask for it! And I don't know when Ouyang Luo and I will get married."

"Didn't you just tell me this morning that it might be next year, or the year after? Two years will pass quickly."

Xiao Su'er just answered her casually, but she didn't expect Ouyang Luo next to her to hear these words, her eyes lit up immediately, and she grabbed Xia Xiaonan, "Is what Su'er said true? Next year or the year after Are you considering getting married?"

Counting the years he proposed to Xia Xiaonan, he couldn't count the number of marriage proposals. Since Xia Xiaonan turned 20 and reached the legal age of marriage, he wished he could propose once a month, and wanted to marry Xia Xiaonan into his family as soon as possible.

Xia Xiaonan blushed when she heard his urgent words, and patted his hand lightly, "What are you doing?"

"I'm excited and happy! How many times have I proposed marriage over the years, and you haven't agreed to it once? So it hasn't come to the time in your mind? Is it next year or the year after? Or next year? , The next year is really too long, I have to wait for more than 600 days, is next year okay?"

"What do you think of May next year? At that time, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, which is your favorite season. And at that time, you don't have to worry about whether you will be frozen when you wear a wedding dress. What do you think?"

Ouyang Luo had a happy expression on his face, and began to plan their wedding, completely ignoring the presence of an "outsider" Xiao Su'er.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Su'er couldn't help lowering her head and laughing, it turns out that when a couple is together, it really makes people feel that the air around them is sweet!

(End of this chapter)

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