Chapter 883

Chapter 883

After that day, Xiao Su'er's life in the next few days fell into an unusually peaceful state. Except Dr. Song and Su Ling, basically no one came to talk to her at get off work, and occasionally got together with Xia Xiaonan after work. Gathering, I live this kind of life every day, day after day, without any accidents, but I still feel plain and happy.

"Su'er, I've finished the medicine my mother prescribed to you last time, can you grab some more for me?" Su Ling walked to Xiao Su'er who was sitting next to the consultation table.

Xiao Su'er looked up at her and smiled, "How is it? Did your mother get better after taking the medicine for her rheumatism? I'll get her some medicine, and she should be cured after taking two more."

Su Ling followed her to the side of the medicine box, a little excited that she couldn't hide, "She has improved a lot, I think you are really good, in fact, rheumatism is also a disease that Western medicine said can never be cured. Take it easy, it hurts even in cloudy and rainy days.”

"I always wanted to cure my mother, but Hu Daxiong didn't give me any money, but many people told me that it couldn't be cured. You are really amazing!"

"Many diseases that cannot be cured by western medicine can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine, but some diseases do require equipment to detect them. The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine is the best." Xiao Su'er did not need to read the prescription, and directly used her hands in the medicine box accurately. Weighed the grams of each medicine in a pack, wrapped it up and handed it to Su Ling.

"Thank you, Dr. Xiao, then I'll pay the money." Su Ling ran to the front desk with the medicine in her arms, and was about to take the bill to pay the bill, but she saw the nymphomaniac look on the front desk's face, with a smile that couldn't be concealed from the corners of her mouth. His eyes were fixed on the door.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Ling turned her head and looked at the front desk in a strange way, and saw a tall and stalwart man standing at the door, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a thin knot on his face. A layer of ice keeps people away thousands of miles away, but the carved facial features are close to the golden ratio, and every part reveals the delicacy of the Creator.

Wearing a gray coat, she looked extremely elegant, a typical example of being unable to take her eyes away after one glance, Su Ling was also taken aback.

The front desk couldn't help but almost drooled, looked at the door and said unconsciously, "You're so handsome!"

Bo Qingang walked into the clinic stepping on high-end leather shoes. Every step he took seemed to be stepping on the apex of the clinic staff. All the nurses looked at him and wanted to scream uncontrollably, but they still held their hands. They opened their mouths and only dared to whisper to each other.

"Oh my god, he's so handsome, who is he? Is there really such a handsome person in the world? I thought it would only exist in comics."

"Yes, he is so handsome. I think he is a perfect person. Look at his height, figure and appearance. Oh, I'm about to faint. Hold me."

"Are you crazy? This is Bo Qing Ang Bo Shao! Even if you don't read magazines, you have to watch TV. How many interviews he has accepted over the years, he is no longer the same as before, just living in legends, ours There are pictures of him pasted on the head of the bed, so handsome."

"This is Young Master Bo? Damn, I'm an internet addicted girl who only knows how to read novels all day long. How did I know it was him? He's so handsome!"

Almost all the nurses in the clinic ran out to watch Bo Qing'ang, they all wished to have a second look at this rare handsome guy.

After all, Su Ling is a bit older, unlike these little girls who can't hold back like these little girls. She looked away after a few glances. Anyway, this kind of perfect man has nothing to do with her. She turned her head and said to the front desk: "Hey, don't look at it, this should be regarded as a guest, what's the use of watching him in a daze, go over and ask him if he feels uncomfortable, and register him to find a doctor!"

The front desk reacted belatedly, looked at Su Ling and said, "Ah? Oh! Yes, yes, yes!"

She held the registration book with some embarrassment, and walked in front of Bo Qing'ang, "You... hello, what's wrong with you? Go to the front desk to register, and I'll find a doctor for you."

Bo Qingang glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, then looked away, not wanting to look at her for a second, and said coldly: "I'm not feeling sick, I don't need to register, I'm here to find... Xiao Su'er Yes, let her come out to see me, just say that Bo Qingang is looking for her."

He really wanted to say that he came to find a girlfriend, but thinking of Xiao Su'er's unfeeling look when he saw him last time, he couldn't say these words, so he could only call her by his name directly.

The front desk didn't realize what he meant, but just nodded and said: "Oh, okay, I'll register for you, there are quite a lot of people who have come to Dr. Xiao these two days, and many people have come to see her for recuperation. "

Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. You don’t have to be sick or feel unwell to see it. Many people want to use Chinese medicine to recuperate their bodies and improve their physical fitness.

The front desk took it for granted that Bo Qingang was in the same situation, and lowered his head to record in the register, but Bo Qingang frowned slightly, raised his head and said: "I said I'm not sick, and I didn't come to see her for recuperation. , it is a private matter for me to find her, where is she?"

His words were obviously unhappy, and of course the front desk could hear it. Looking up at the person in front of him, he felt that he seemed to be angry, and immediately felt a little scared. When this person was angry, his whole body seemed to freeze, which made him feel angry. People standing beside him felt chills.

"I'm sorry, I'll go and call Dr. Xiao for you right away." The receptionist lowered his head and turned around, all the nympho energy just now disappeared.

Su Ling heard the voices of the two people, and turned her head to look at the medicine box, but Xiao Su'er, who was there just now, was no longer there, and she turned her head to look at the consultation desk, but there was no one there.

The front desk also searched around, and even ran to Xiao Su'er's office, but found no one. When she returned to the first floor, she said with some fear: "Hi, you can sit over there first! Doctor Xiao is not here now , I will call her immediately."

Bo Qingang was not happy when he heard her words, but he didn't take his anger out on others casually. He just walked to the first floor and waited to sit down.

The receptionist immediately took out his mobile phone to call Xiao Su'er, but the phone rang from the direction of the consultation desk, but Xiao Su'er was not sitting in front of the consultation desk, the receptionist couldn't help but feel a little strange, what's going on?Where did Doctor Xiao go?

And Xiao Su'er, who was squatting in the toilet at the moment, had no idea that Bo Qingang had arrived, she just covered her stomach in the toilet with a helpless expression, what did she eat yesterday?I made a fuss and went to the toilet countless times with my stomach in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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