Chapter 888 Basketball Game
Chapter 888 Basketball Game
Today's match happened to be a sparring match between Bai Qingyue's professor of their professional course and the professor of the medical school. Bai Qingyue and Rong Ling'er are studying the same major, but neither is medicine. It is reasonable to say that the students of her college It must be to cheer for the professors in her college, but Rong Linger stood in the waiting seat of Xiao Yuhan's team from the beginning to the end.

Xiao Yuhan was the focus of all the girls' eyes. Everyone was looking at him. Every time he made a goal, the girls cheered.

"Ah! The little professor is so handsome, and he scored another goal. My God, look at Professor Xiao's abs, he's so handsome."

"This is a typical way to look thin when you wear clothes, and you don't have to fight if you take off your clothes. You will definitely win. Our medical school has completely defeated them."

"Professor Xiao is sure to win. Standing there, he can instantly kill all other professors. Age is not a good stage"?People with a generation gap! "

Our Professor Xiao is a little fresh meat, and the professors in other departments are already old bacon. It is okay to engage in academics, but let the young fresh meat do the vigorous things like playing basketball. "

When Rong Ling'er heard the people around him complimenting him, as if she was complimenting herself, she even raised her chin in a haughty manner.

Bai Qingyue sat in the waiting area of ​​her academy, watched Xiao Yuhan throw countless balls one after another, finally couldn't take it anymore, and led a group of girls to dance cheerleading beside her, and her eyes fell on them in an instant .

They danced and yelled, "Come on, come on, professors, come on, beat the medical school!"

The little sisters around Bai Qingyue are all wealthy daughters, well-maintained and stylishly dressed, one stop there is a beautiful scenery of the whole college, not to mention that they are doing cheerleading now, the decline just now was given by them If you pull it back, it doesn't matter even if you lose this basketball game.

The smile that was still on Rong Linger's face just now disappeared the moment she saw Bai Qingyue, and she murmured, "It's just sensationalizing. This is a basketball game, not a dancing game. What is she doing?"

But even if she said that, she couldn't stop the eyes of the boys from the medical school being attracted by Bai Qingyue, and they started to discuss enthusiastically.

"With a pretty sister dancing, how can I have the heart to watch a basketball game? Play basketball every day! Let's watch Bai Qingyue dance. It's not easy to see a rich daughter dancing like this."

"I agree! Look at Bai Qingyue's figure. Her legs are so long and her waist is so slender. It's perfect. I don't know if she has a boyfriend."

"Bai Qingyue is the beauty of their college. She looks so good-looking. I also know that she is doing cheerleading for my college. Not bad! I like this girl."

Listening to their discussion, Rong Ling'er became a little angry, turned her head to them and said, "What are you doing? Why do you want to watch them dance? Now the focus is on the basketball game, okay? Professor Xiao worked so hard for you there In the medical school competition, you are actually watching Bai Qingyue dance, it's too much!"

"Rong Linger, let's see who dances has nothing to do with you. You are not from our medical school, so you are here to cheer for the professors of the medical school! You can like our professors, but we can't like your classmates over there. ?”

The boys next to her were dissatisfied with her in an instant. They didn't feel it at first, but girls like this who stood on the moral high ground and condemned them obviously looked like white lotuses, so they didn't bother to talk to her.

"What are you talking about? Wouldn't it be good for me to cheer for your medical school professors? Now the focus is on the basketball game. A few professors are working so hard in the game. It's wrong for you to watch other people dance."

When Rong Linger heard what they said, her face flushed instantly, and she looked at them pitifully, because counting the time, the basketball game should be over, and she wanted to come to get water for her.

"What are you doing? You came here to scold us. You're going to cry when we reply. You're too boring. You can only scold others. You're such a ridiculous woman."

Several male students didn't feel distressed at all when they saw her about to cry. Many people in this school have watched Rong Linger's movies and TV series. Although she is not very popular, at least she is also in the entertainment circle. Over the years, it is normal to be familiar with her, and many people are her fans.

On the contrary, if there are fans, there will be black fans. The few boys she provoked just don't like her.

"You guys, you guys are going too far..." Rong Linger stood up aggrievedly and looked at these boys. Out of the corner of her eyes, the game had been declared over. Xiao Yuhan won without any surprise, and was heading in her direction come over.

"What are you doing? You're about to cry after a few words, and we didn't beat you, really..."

Several boys wanted to say something after seeing her, but Rong Ling'er had already shed tears, her eye circles were red and her nose was also red, as if she had been wronged by the sky.

Xiao Yuhan walked in front of her, saw Rong Linger's appearance, and asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said you, but I really feel sorry for Professor Xiao who works so hard but no one is watching, so I yelled at you twice, don't blame me, let alone hate me, I am most worried that others will hate me I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Rong Linger didn't answer Xiao Yuhan's words, but instead bowed and apologized to the boys who scolded her, which stunned the boys. This reversal was a bit exaggerated, and just now Don't you still stand on the moral high ground and condemn them?

Hearing her words, Xiao Yuhan knew that she was crying because of him, so he turned to look at his students and asked, "What's going on, did you guys quarrel?"

"Professor Xiao, just now Bai Qingyue was doing cheerleading over there to cheer for the professors in her college. We only took a few glances, but Rong Linger said that we shouldn't watch it. Maybe we spoke a little bit harder and she said We couldn't help but start crying, but we definitely didn't do anything."

The boys had a strange feeling, as if they had been slandered, but they didn't say much, so they just explained a few words, stood up and left, ignoring him.

"They scolded you just now, didn't they? I asked them to say sorry to you." Xiao Yuhan looked at the tears on Rong Ling'er's face and felt a little distressed. After all, this girl was for herself.

"No need for Professor Xiao, in fact, what they said is quite right. I also came from our college to support you. I do this all the time. Why don't you let them watch the cheerleading? Bai Qingyue danced over there. It’s obvious that I want boys to watch it so hard, and if I don’t let them watch it, of course they will scold me.”

Rong Ling'er lowered her head and wiped her tears aggrievedly. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Xiao Yuhan's distressed eyes, and she became more and more proud.

(End of this chapter)

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