Chapter 889 A Rare Praise
Chapter 889 A Rare Praise
Xiao Yuhan turned her head and looked in Bai Qingyue's direction. Now she no longer dances cheerleading, but because of her dancing, the professors of their college are no longer discouraged by failure, but give her a thumbs up to praise her Looking at her dancing posture today, she also picked up the drinks she had prepared a long time ago and handed them to several elderly professors.

Professors in universities have to read books for many years, and they can only reach the level of professors when they are evaluated slowly from lecturer to professor. There are really very few young people like Xiao Yuhan, so he fights against male professors who are over 40 years old. , It's normal for them to win.

This is something that everyone knows, but these professors refuse to admit defeat. They are only people who are very good at their professional fields to reach the level of professors. As a result, they lost a complete defeat on the basketball court. Of course, they cannot accept it in their hearts.

But Bai Qingyue danced and handed them a bottle of drink, which would make them happier. This little girl is not as arrogant and domineering as she usually looks!

"Bai Qingyue's dance is also very good. It can give these professors some psychological comfort. She is indeed very beautiful. It is normal to attract these male students. But I also thank you for speaking for me. What they said It's ugly, don't take it to heart, they are all young men, it's normal to want to see beautiful women."

"You don't have to worry about them in the future, anyway, if there is another game tomorrow, it will be over."

Xiao Yuhan took the water from Rong Linger and praised Bai Qingyue a few words, Rong Linger's complacent face disappeared instantly, and she asked worriedly, "Professor Xiao, do you also think Bai Qingyue is beautiful?" ? You like girls like her too, don't you?"

In fact, Rong Ling'er knew in her heart that if she was compared with Bai Qingyue, she was absolutely incomparable, not to mention their backgrounds, but in terms of their looks and figures.

Although she is indeed very thin, she only has the advantage of being thin, and there is no place where there should be flesh, but Bai Qingyue's figure is very good, well-proportioned, the place where there should be flesh is very plump, and there is no place where there should be flesh There are slender waists and thin legs everywhere.

"Bai Qingyue is indeed good-looking in terms of appearance, but there are many girls who are prettier than her. I don't like her wayward girls at all."

Xiao Yuhan walked towards the school gate while drinking water, Rong Linger happily followed his footsteps when she heard his words, it seems that Bai Qingyue's willful personality is really good!At least Xiao Yuhan won't be so superficial like other boys, because she just likes her because of her looks.

the other side.

On the top floor of a mid-range neighborhood in this city, in a single apartment, a woman in lace pajamas turned over and got out of bed and walked to the dressing table. Holding her legs, the two exposed hands can be seen to have loose skin, and they don't look like a young girl like the back view.

When she was walking, she could also feel that she was not as brisk as a young man, but a little staggering. She walked to the dressing table step by step, and even took a few breaths when she sat down. It was only a short distance, but she It's like walking hundreds of meters.

The mirror of the dressing table was covered with a white cloth, and she stretched out her hand to pull the white cloth away, and the mirror reflected her face, which was covered with wrinkles, and the corners of her eyes looked like an old lady in her seventies, especially the skin on her neck. It drooped down, almost reaching the chest, and the whole body seemed to lack too much water, like a dry field, and the skin was almost cracked.

Seeing herself in the mirror, she couldn't bear it at all. The violent ups and downs of her chest began to pant heavily. She took the white cloth and covered it on the mirror of the dressing table, as long as she couldn't see it!

She is deceiving herself, closing her eyes and imagining how beautiful she was when she was "young", but her youth was only five years ago, and her rapid aging in these five years is not at all like a 25-year-old girl should have. She looked so old that she doubted her life, and it felt like 50 years had passed.

After closing her eyes for a long time, she opened them slowly, and took out a photo from the drawer of the dressing table. In the photo, she stood confidently on the podium. This was when she won the medical competition award According to the photo, at that time she was the girl of heaven, all the boys thought she was a goddess, and when they looked at her, they were obsessed with eyes.

But girls look at her with envious eyes. To become someone like her, one must not only be good-looking but also have a high IQ.

Now she is hiding in this dark room like a mouse. Even if she lives in a well-lit room on the top floor, she always draws the curtains tightly. The curtains are custom-made so that no light leaks at all. The room was plunged into darkness, no different from midnight.

Since five years ago, she seemed to be in the dark, she didn't want to go out, she didn't want to go to the street, she even hid all the mirrors in the house, and she didn't even take her mobile phone often, because the shadows on the screen of the mobile phone made people feel uncomfortable. She feels scared.

I never thought that my life would become what it is today, it's ironic to think about it!

"Xiao Mengqiu, do you know that one day you will live like a mouse in the gutter? All this is thanks to Xiao Su'er!"

Xiao Mengqiu looked at her award-winning photo, tears flowed from her eyes, but they didn't drop directly to the ground, but fainted on her dry skin.

Now she is as old as an 80-year-old lady, because after she used the blood gu, Bo Qingang almost drained the blood from her whole body.

At that time she thought she was going to die, but Bo Qingang didn't care about her, cut her neck open with a knife, watched the blood flow profusely, and after the mother gu crawled out of the wound, he left with his bodyguards and took her away. A person was placed in that house.

If she hadn't learned how Xiao Su'er carried golden needles on her body at all times, and before she died, she had exhausted all her strength to take out the golden needles from her bag and prick her acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, hold the wound on her neck and escape, maybe she is now Already dead.

She thought it was over, and after escaping, she quickly found the hospital and sewed up the wound. Normally, she would be back to normal after a month. She was able to use her excellent skills to remove the scars of the wound, as if she had never It happened, just stay away from Bo Qingang, and never set foot in his life again.

But in the next two months, she finally knew why blood gu was listed as a forbidden technique, and finally knew why Xiao Shuo was unwilling to teach her!

(End of this chapter)

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